The atmosphere of the Secret Forest at this time always makes people feel comfortable, especially for some monks. The earth energy they could feel was more sensitive than ordinary people. After Chen Xuan had eaten and drank enough, he closed his eyes and concentrated for a while, then fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Xuan woke up naturally before the dawn of the morning was even half over. Only this time, he didn't rush to practice his sword. Instead, he first prepared all the medicinal materials for the elixir and talisman.

About two hours later, Chen Xuan walked with his sword and the medicinal materials in his bag were already full. After putting down the medicinal materials, Chen Xuan began to practice his sword as he did yesterday. Every move was exactly the same as yesterday, but the sword intention was a bit deeper than yesterday.

He was so self-satisfied and intoxicated that he didn't put away his sword and take a bath as if he had just woken up from a dream until the middle of the day. He also took a lunch by the way. As for this afternoon, I will study the art of alchemy alone.

Practice makes perfect! Chen Xuan cursed secretly. He walked into the cave and slowly sat down in the cave, and then slowly took out all the medicinal materials from the package.


He took a deep breath. But he didn't start refining in a hurry. Instead, he memorized all the alchemy and talisman-making materials needed by a ninth-grade alchemy master. Just like a child in a private school learning words, he memorizes them one by one.

The chief elder of the Presbyterian Church saw Chen Xuan like this through the treasure mirror used by the supervisory elders, and secretly praised him in his heart. This child is truly extraordinary! The Taoist power and fire control ability reach the fourth level of Dao Master and the eighth level Dan Talisman Master, but he is not impatient or impatient.

He is as calm as an old man, and his temperament is rare! The character of mind is rare! The chief elder muttered secretly. Bai Zhe obviously heard these mutterings, and his face looked complacent, as if he had raised a top student.

"Resurrection Grass. Blue-purple, one centimeter long, with thick rhizome and round base. It tastes sweet and cold in nature. It is used for Qingshen Pill, Awakening Pill, Fire Healing Pill..." Chen Xuan was like one of those who want to take the exam. He read it aloud like a distinguished bachelor, and his voice echoed powerfully among the mountains.

"The flower of the other side is dark black..."

Chen Xuan's voice kept chattering, and after every sentence, his eyes widened and he carefully observed the pictures of the medicine in the secret technique of the alchemy. Then I copied it until I had that picture in my mind as soon as I closed my eyes.

However, he was considered a talent. He could memorize the appearance of the medicine after just a few glances. After copying it several times, the medicine was ingrained in his mind.

The appearance, properties, temperament, and even usage of each drug were learned by him so well that he knew them like dirt. However, there are really many elixirs and talismans that a ninth-level alchemy master needs to learn. Even if Chen Xuan can remember hundreds of them in one day, the time is very tight.

About thirty days later, during this month, Chen Xuan practiced swordplay in the morning and memorized pill prescriptions and talisman prescriptions in the afternoon. He had never refined it himself, but at this time, Chen Xuan was already very familiar with swordsmanship.

The Shu Ling of the Fire Sword Jue told him that his swordsmanship had reached the fifth level of the Ming Zi Jue. At this time, his Taoist power has reached the fifth level of a Taoist master.

And he has memorized all the elixirs and talismans. Finally, it’s time to refine! Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a moment! Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.

boom! The green mist suddenly appeared on Chen Xuan's left palm, like an uncertain blue dragon. After about a moment, the resurrecting grass on Chen Xuan's right hand was put into it, and then the green mist became darker and added the other shore flower, green wood leaf...

boom! Then Qingwu burned violently according to Chen Xuan's will again.

Boom! Dozens of medicinal materials collided with each other under Chen Xuan's green mist, and then suddenly exploded. Chen Xuan did not get the Qingmu Pill, but instead his face was covered with black charcoal dust.

"That's wrong! This time Qing Muye added it too quickly, and the previous medicinal materials haven't condensed their marrow yet!" The so-called marrow condensation refers to the medicinal materials with the same temperament when refining the elixir, but their auras haven't condensed yet. If you add medicinal materials with opposite properties at this time, you will be in a state of embarrassment like a furnace explosion.

But the mastery of marrow condensation time is the embodiment of the experience of an alchemy master.

"Come again!"

Chen Xuan's face was full of perseverance, and there was no discouragement of failure in his eyes, only a calmness and calmness.

"Not bad! Not bad!" The presiding elder of the Presbyterian Church did not praise secretly in his heart this time, but spat out two words of praise without hesitation. In fact, what an alchemy master achieves is a character of mind. Chen Xuan's performance from beginning to end satisfied these old guys from the Presbyterian Church.

Even those who had previously thought they were not good enough to be this young master showed admiration. "This boy will become a great person in the future!" The chief elder said these words slowly, which made the atmosphere of the Presbyterian Church freeze instantly.

The chief elder usually doesn't even talk much, but just one look can make people fear from the bottom of their hearts. But he actually praised Chen Xuan? This was something even Bai Zhe had not thought of.

I don't know how many days and nights, I failed again and again, until failure became like a normal thing, and a haze that could not be dissipated enveloped Chen Xuan. Because the time in Daoxin Continent is different from the time in the plane where the Presbyterian Church is located, one year in Daoxin Continent is only one month in the plane of the Presbyterian Church. So it had been twenty years since Chen Xuan arrived, but it had just been an hour since he arrived at the Presbyterian Church.

"This son..." The supervisory elder seemed to want something, but remembering that the chief elder had just praised Chen Xuan an hour ago, he couldn't speak, so he hesitated to speak.

"Hmph!" The chief elder snorted coldly, and then he rolled towards the supervisory elder like an emperor. His face was filled with chills, and then he uttered four words in a cold voice.

"Short-sighted!" The supervisor's heart suddenly jumped into his throat as if he was about to spit it out. He secretly blamed himself for being so reckless.

It seems that my state of mind is not as good as that of Chen Xuan, a man who has lived for more than 20 years. Seeing that his eyes are full of calm at this time, there is no wave of excitement, and his face is full of perseverance, as if he is not affected by his failure. Question yourself.

For the first time, the supervisor elder felt a burning pain on his face, as if he had been slapped by someone.

"The Immortal on Baishan Mountain is reckless!"


"The Immortal on Baishan Mountain has become impatient!"

Although the faces of the elders were full of calm, how could it be that the chief elder couldn't see the joking expression beneath the calm? Supervisory elder Bai Shan felt as if he was in a state of confusion, and these grandsons actually made trouble one after another at the critical moment.

snort! He is usually called a brother to himself.

A hint of evil flashed in Bai Shan's eyes, and his heart was full of bloodthirsty, cold light.

The chief elder, Bai Yan, naturally caught this look. Danfeng's eyes were fixed on Baishan, just like a lion's prey. About half a moment later, Bai Yan's faint mouth opened like a ghost without the slightest emotion.

"Inspector Elder Bai Shan has an impure heart, is not a good deity, and has not yet reached his state of mind!"

After finishing, I waited coldly like a judge in a ghost palace. At this time, the temperature in the Presbyterian Church dropped directly to freezing point. Everyone felt like they were covered in chills.

But even so, some elders still had the attitude of watching a good show in their hearts.

At this moment, Baishan felt as if his soul was about to leave his body. His face was pale, and large beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. what to do? what to do?

Now his heart only revolves around these three words.


Baishan's knees softened and he knelt down straight. Although he knew that no one could ever change Bai Yan's decision, and if Bai Yan had done so much this time, he would definitely use the name of the chief elder to hold him accountable.

I'm afraid there's no way to escape this time! But how could he, Baishan, be willing to do so? It was just a sentence that had not yet been spoken. Why did Bai Yan punish himself like this? It would be a great shame for the Mengxian family to kneel down again. He can no longer be unyielding because of this matter!

"I am specially demoted to the Daoxin Continent. I regret my mistakes and become autistic in Qingguan. I am prohibited from leaving Qingguan for three years. After three years, I will experience the mortal world and come back until my mind has become an immortal heart! If you fail to cultivate, never come back!"

Bai Yan continued to announce coldly without even looking at Bai Shan's kneeling. Qingguan is a Taoist temple, that is, a Taoist temple that Baishan cannot leave the Daoxin Continent within three years. Although he could leave the Taoist temple after three years, he could not return to the Presbyterian Church.

As for cultivating the immortal mind through experience in the mortal world, there is no test on this one and no supervision on the other... Who knows if he has cultivated the immortal mind? From this point of view, I am afraid that Baishan will never return to the Presbyterian Church. The elders who had added insult to injury secretly rejoiced in their hearts. It seems that I am not afraid that this guy will come back for revenge!

boom! Bai Shan felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured all over his body, and he was shivering with cold. Demoted to Daoxin Continent? That means stripping him of his immortal status in the Presbyterian Church? Moreover, if you go to Daoxin Continent, your strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

Because the strongest person in Daoxin Continent is the Dao Emperor, otherwise he would not be tolerated by that plane and would be directly obliterated by the Dao. Therefore, he was sent to Daoxin Continent, which meant that his cultivation level was reduced to Emperor Qiang!

Thirty million years of cultivation! Since he left Daoxin Continent and came to the plane of the Presbyterian Church, he has been practicing for 30 million years! And it is still calculated based on the time of the Presbyterian Church.

no! It's better to kill yourself! I just said something that I didn't say, so why should I be punished so severely?

"This... Baiyan! Even though you are the chief elder, you still have to deal with it according to the rules! I just offended you, and the words haven't been spoken yet! How can you..."

At this time, Bai Shan was almost non-stop and roared directly at Bai Yan. The elders were also frightened by Bai Shan's madness, but they regained their composure in just a moment. They looked at Baishan coldly, as if he was dancing like an idiot.

"The look in your eyes just now...isn't it enough for you to sin? Do you still want me to continue?"

Boom... At this moment, the white smoke was full of momentum, and every elder felt as if a huge boulder was weighing on his heart, and he was breathless.

Hiss... Baishan took a breath of cold air, feeling cold in his heart.

There is a rule that says, "Anyone who wants to fight with each other or hurt each other will be immediately obliterated!"

Baishan didn't say anything, but let the guard be thrown to the mainland. But the moment he walked out of the Presbyterian Council Hall, his eyes were filled with cold light, and his heart was filled with murderous intent caused by hatred.

"Chen Xuan, I want you to die!"

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