At this time, Chen Xuan was in the cave, and his face still showed a trace of perseverance. But underneath her stoic face, she was so soft and pale, with drops of sweat still hanging on her face. But next to him were piles of ash.

snort! Chen Xuan snorted coldly. There were circles of black around his eyes, his hair looked like he had not taken care of it, and his white shirt was stained with drug dust due to failure.

Looks extremely embarrassed...

Or not! Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart. However, after these three days of not sleeping, Chen Xuan finally realized something. The so-called alchemy focuses on color, fragrance, and only when the three characteristics are found correctly can the Qingmu Dan be refined.

The so-called color is the color of the semi-condensed elixir before it is condensed. The completed Qingmu Dan is cyan, but it has not completely formed into cyan before the marrow is condensed, so the degree of cyan color is one of the criteria for judging the time it takes for the semi-condensed elixir to condense. Chen Xuan made ten equal parts according to the failure.

For Qingmudan, it is the first to tenth grade of blue. Every step is very delicate.

The second fragrance refers to the fragrance of the semi-condensed elixir, which is also a criterion for judging the time of condensation. Because the marrow has not yet been condensed, the semi-condensed pill can only show part of the aroma of the finished pill, and Chen Xuan also divided the aroma into ten equal parts based on the failure of three.

The third refers to the taste. Of course, this taste is not tasted with the semi-condensed pill... but the breath of the semi-condensed pill, which is also an important reason for the failure of the marrow condensation. After three days of refining, Chen Xuan discovered that each elixir has its own properties.

For example, the attribute of Qingmu Dan is wood, and the birth of wood is based on the five elements. There is a saying in the scriptures: "Ten thousand trees are born when water grows them!" So they are trees born from water. The process of marrow condensation is a process of water producing wood, but the so-called water does not refer to the watery nature of the medicinal materials, but the water elixir refined from the golden medicinal materials. The water elixir is called the semi-condensing elixir.

The so-called aura refers to the aura of the semi-condensed elixir, which is also the aura of the water elixir. If water elixirs are made from medicinal materials with the property of gold, whether the metallic properties are completely converted into water depends on the experience of an alchemy master.

In the Daoxin Continent for thousands of years, no alchemist has been able to condense marrow and obtain 100% alchemy. There will always be impurities, and the so-called impurities are the original medicine. For an alchemist, the amount of impurities in the marrow directly depends on his experience.

However, due to the conflict between metal and wood, if there are more impurities than the wood attribute components of the generated Qingmu Dan, it will turn into medicine ash like the one made by Chen Xuan.

Therefore, the water attribute breath of the water elixir in the semi-condensed elixir is also a reference standard. Chen Xuan also divided it into ten levels in turn, called the ten levels of semi-condensed elixir.

"Three layers of cyan, 50% of the condensation fragrance, and three layers of semi-condensation." Chen Xuan said loudly while observing the condensation condition of the semi-condensation pill. In fact, for Chen Xuan, it was more like a blind man trying to grasp an elephant. He could only explore forward bit by bit.

boom! Suddenly, a burst of blue mist surrounded Chen Xuan like a fairy spirit. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed, and he felt nervous to the extreme. His feminine face became abnormally rosy, and his lips trembled slightly.

Silence, silent silence...

A burst of fresh fragrance hit his face, making Chen Xuan feel exhausted. A gentle breeze blew through Chen Xuan's hair. At this time, he was like a beggar who had received ten taels of silver, and his face was full of spring breeze.


Chen Xuan snorted secretly, and a dark blue pill fell into his left palm. It’s finally done! In fact, this is definitely inseparable from Chen Xuan's previous efforts. About 20 of the 25 days were spent identifying medicinal materials. But it is because of this skill of sharpening the knife that he can chop firewood without missing a beat, which allows Chen Xuan to be more accurate when judging the marrow.

"What a good seedling!" Bai Yan's cold face softened a little, and the extremely low air pressure just now calmed down because of this. All the elders felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes! The chief elder is really knowledgeable!"

"The chief elder is wise!"

Those old guys were like shameless corrupt officials trying to flatter the ruler, their eyes full of flattery. Bai Yan's face did not change color because of these boasts, but he nodded lightly to express his response.

There was just a sneer on his lips that no one could detect, and no one knew what he was laughing at. No one dares to take the liberty of making a guess.

This chief elder is known to be unpredictable. If he is offended, he may become like Bai Shan. That is truly a place of no return.

Daoxin Continent, inside the Secret Forest Cave...

Chen Xuan put the Qingmu Pill to his nose and smelled it, frowning slightly. The fragrance is like the fragrance of flowers and plants in spring and is relatively elegant. The cyan pill is dull in color and looks a bit dark. As for the black color, it is almost the same as the medicine ash on the ground.


Chen Xuan sighed secretly, but then the gloomy look was hidden by Chen Xuan, as if it had never appeared before. Then his expression returned to its original calm state.

"It seems that the quality of the Green Wood Pill this time is only of the lowest quality. That is, the ninth-level quality! Although it was barely practiced, there is a huge difference between this kind of Green Wood Pill and the first-level quality."

Although there was some frustration hidden in his tone, it was more calm than expected. If you want to reach the alchemy level of a ninth-grade alchemy master in the secret art of alchemy, you must do your best.

It is to surpass the first-class quality and become a unique existence on the Daoxin Continent. There was a trace of desire and expectation in Chen Xuan's eyes, like a raging fire burning in his whole heart.

But his expression was still calm, making people wonder why.

"Come again!"

Chen Xuan wiped the sweat off his face without even taking a break, and his eyes showed a determined look again. He didn't practice swordsmanship in the past five days, and he concentrated on alchemy.

But his sword heart has improved a bit compared to before, and that perseverance and unrestrained heart have taken root deep in his soul. Every failure tempers his will and his sword heart.

Boom boom boom...

After about a few hours, the ninth-grade Qingmu Pills were piled up behind Chen Xuan. But he seemed to be completely unaware, still as cold as a general sitting in command, studying and smelting, working tirelessly...

Finally, at the second dawn, the green wood pill was born with the dawn. But Chen Xuan's delicate and pale face didn't even frown, but threw the red Qingmu Pill into the sea of ​​pills behind him.

Just like garbage being thrown away by its owner. That is a golden elixir! But Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

Chen Xuan's eyes were still full of frighteningly crazy persistence and perseverance, and he didn't even have time to notice the sweat on his forehead. The whole person seemed to have grown deep into the soil, not caring about anything outside the cave.

In his eyes, he only sees the small area in front of him and the impurity-free elixir in his heart. At this time, his heart was like a slowly flowing stream, flowing quietly.

The earth fire driven by Taoist power on his left palm is sometimes fierce and sometimes dark. The Taoist power accompanying his blood in his blood is like an endless breeze that drives the earthly fire. born.


The white shirt on Chen Xuan's body was accidentally affected by the power of earth fire when Chen Xuan was refining it for the umpteenth time. The entire gray-black white shirt exploded open, like pieces of torn cloth hanging on Chen Xuan's flushed body.

Chen Xuan's determined and persistent eyes were full of scarlet, as terrifying as an angry orangutan. But his face was like an ice cube on the Beiming Continent, dead silent and emotionless.

In the main hall of the Presbyterian Church...

"Well! This kid's character is indeed good!" Bai He muttered softly. If Chen Xuan saw Bai He again, he would definitely recognize him, but he would also be surprised. The unruly ice cube who used to have a sullen face was actually praising him with a smile that was uglier than crying?

Um...this shouldn't be a dream, right? Or is the immortal sick?

When Bai He said these words, he began to regret it! The chief elder would like to like an immortal with a calm mind. If an immortal with an unstable mind shows up in front of the chief elder, he will inevitably be scolded.

And if it's more serious, I'm afraid it will be like Baishan...

As for Baishan, Baihe could only think that he was unlucky enough, but while secretly sighing that Baishan was unlucky enough...

Bai He still sighed with emotion about the enemies Chen Xuan would encounter in the future. The chief elder was really generous! That was the existence of an immortal body, and he was actually willing to use an immortal body to test Chen Xuan!

"Yes!" Bai Yan, the chief elder, nodded slightly in approval, without any hint of dissatisfaction with Bai He on his face. This makes Bai He want to do something crazy...

He wants to rub his eyes or even slap himself! Is this really not a dream? This is more nonsense than a dream!

The chief elder showed no dissatisfaction at all, and his eyes as cold as daggers did not crush him, but nodded in approval!


Bai He took a deep breath secretly, and even the other elders took a deep breath secretly. It was so uncertain! It will be really satisfying in the future. Several elders slandered in unison.

As for Chen Xuan, in the surveillance mirror, he still looks like a madman sinking into Li Shu for several days.

The quality is seventh grade... Chen Xuan just glanced at it and threw it behind him. In the cave, there were only the sounds of pills falling into the pill sea and the crackle of the earth fire burning. Chen Xuan can hardly hear his own breathing...

The absolute silence made Chen Xuan sink into the secret technique even better!

Sixth grade quality... Chen Xuan reached out and threw it behind him without even raising his eyes.

Fifth class, fourth class, third class...

No matter how high the quality level of Chen Xuan's Green Wood Pill is, in his eyes it is still like medicine ashes. It's just the third one. The Qingmu Danhai behind Chen Xuan has become an existence whose value cannot be measured.

If it were any other alchemy master, he would definitely be scared out of his body! Why is this son's Taoist power so strong? You must know that the alchemy masters in Daoxin Continent have to rest for a long time every time they refine elixirs. They wait until the Daoxin power is restored before practicing.

People like Chen Xuan may only exist in legends!

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