Chen Xuan's sweat was pouring down like raindrops, and his eyes seemed to be shining with endless light. The hot flames seemed to be able to burn everything into ashes.

Soon! I am close to finding a balance point without impurities. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, and bursts of cold light suddenly appeared, like countless sharp daggers jumping on the ground fire.


Suddenly the green ground fire started to jump for joy like a dancer, and Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with light. The crackling sound was like two highly righteous generals fighting single-handedly. Cold light appeared everywhere, and the slightly cold arrogance lowered the atmosphere in the cave to freezing point.

snort! Chen Xuan snorted coldly, a sharp light suddenly burst out between his eyes, and the unyielding and perseverance in his eyes was unyielding. Chen Xuan's feminine face began to twist, and his white shirt had been burned to ashes by the fire on his palm.

Boom! Chen Xuan felt as if there was a sudden surge of power in his left palm, and he couldn't help but feel joy in his eyes. Not even close! Not even close!

boom! "Condensate your marrow!" Chen Xuan roared, and the pressure that had been suppressed in his heart for the past three months was like a potential bomb that suddenly exploded at this moment.

Um! Chen Xuan snorted coldly and saw the cyan light and white water vapor suddenly overlap on his palm. It's like white waves are surging under the boat at this time.

"The Green Wood Pill is of the highest quality!" Chen Xuan's tone still contained some disappointment. He thought that this time he would be able to produce impurity-free Qingmu Dan. However, the brief loss was quickly hidden by him, and the calmness revealed in his eyes was like a puddle of autumn water.

In the main hall of the Presbyterian Church...

"Chen Xuan is amazing!" Bai Yan, the chief elder, was also very happy. Chen Xuan's move was like a surprise to the chief elder. This kid seems to have a special talent in alchemy, it's really scary!

This time, the other elders in the main hall were not even more surprised by Bai Yan's words, because Chen Xuan had already surprised them! This man is really an alchemy wizard who is rare to see in tens of millions of years!

Because generally speaking, it is very difficult for an alchemist to transform from a third-rate elixir into a one that can refine a second-rate elixir. For alchemists, it becomes more difficult to improve the further you go. But it is almost impossible for someone like Chen Xuan to break through this level.

Bai He began to recall in his heart that tens of millions of years ago, although he was also a rare alchemy wizard in the mainland at that time. However, when he was a ninth-grade alchemist, it took a full two years to refine the Green Wood Pill from a third-grade Green Wood Pill to a second-grade fine one. And it took another three times to refine the second-grade Qingmu Pill to the first-grade Qingmu Pill...

And this was already a very impressive achievement for the evildoer in Daoxin Continent at that time! But compared with Chen Xuan...

Bai He shook his head secretly, saying that he was still not as good as him! He raised his eyes and saw that except for the chief elder Bai Yan, all the elders had changed from their initial admiration to a frown, as if they were thinking about something...

Then they all looked at each other in unison and shook their heads slightly, as if they were laughing at themselves. In fact, Bai He had doubts about Chen Xuan's method of practicing alchemy at the beginning.

How could a person need to spend so much time getting familiar with medicine? Isn't this pedantic? Read the book on how to make alchemy well! But now it seems that without his skill in sharpening the knife at that time, how could it be effective in chopping wood?

Chen Xuan's face in the surveillance mirror seemed to be very calm, like an old man who had seen the vicissitudes of life, neither sad nor happy.

Chen Xuan actually felt a little frustrated. He originally thought that the elixir that came out this time would be the Aoki elixir without impurities. But he was still a top-notch Qingmu Dan, but he didn't get immersed in his emotions for too long.

Instead, he calmed down his emotions completely, and carefully analyzed the alchemy with the coldness in his eyes like a knife. He felt as if he was born for this!

Another day! At this time, Chen Xuan was exhausted, but the heat in his heart had still not subsided. His pale face seemed to be soaked with sweat, and his white shirt had long been blown away from his body by the breeze outside the cave. Chen Xuan's eyes were not paying attention to these. All he could see was his left palm and his Qingmu Dan.

Chen Xuan has been awake for four days without eating or drinking, which is basically impossible for ordinary people. Refining alchemy consumes a lot of energy, and if Chen Xuan hadn't concentrated at this moment, he probably wouldn't have been able to hold on for that long.

snort! I, Chen Xuan, must refine the impurity-free Qingmu Dan! Chen Xuan secretly promised in his heart. If the people of the Presbyterian Church saw that Chen Xuan still had such high demands on himself, they would be even more surprised.

Finally, as the sun set, Chen Xuan's eyes were full of expectation. He knew that this time he could control the time above the marrow more accurately than before. If nothing else, it should be this time...

boom! Suddenly a flash of green light appeared like a green dragon flying down from the sky. It poured into the cave crazily, like a sword unsheathed! Silver light suddenly appeared, and Chen Xuan felt as if all his breath was suppressed by this green light. I couldn't feel the slightest breath of the half-condensed pill.

How is this going? The properties of this semi-condensed elixir water seem to not exist. Chen Xuan's eyes exuded a fierce aura, and he must calm down! Chen Xuan said to himself.

The blue dragon suddenly raised its head and roared! boom……

There was a dragon roar, and Chen Xuan felt that his heart seemed to be trembling at this moment. Hiss... Such a powerful power of earth! Chen Xuan cursed secretly. But his expression was still very peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

Boom! The roar of the dragon caused the earth and rocks outside the cave to collapse, as if there was an inexplicable force driving all this. Chen Xuan's eyes were full of cold light, no matter what kind of monster you are! there is always a solution to a problem! Chen Xuan roared at himself in his heart.

Rumble... At this time, the sky outside became pitch black, and a wave of earth energy lingered around Chen Xuan. The air pressure in the cave dropped to freezing point. Chen Xuan felt Qinglong's powerful killing intent at this time!

how so! What kind of evil beast is this...

boom! The figure of Qinglong moved, as flexible as a dragon swimming in the sea, and rushed towards the wall of the cave... Countless earth and rocks collapsed again, and Chen Xuan's heart suddenly stopped.

What a terrifying power! If this dragon wants to kill him, he will definitely not be able to escape! If I were at full strength, I might still be able to get a glimmer of life from him, but now I am afraid that I will only die...

Boom! Qinglong took off again and bumped around in the cave like a headless fly, as if he had no intention of attacking Chen Xuan. But this powerful aura made Chen Xuan's heart feel like it was being suppressed by a huge boulder, unable to escape!

What's happening here! Chen Xuan didn't know why, but he was only distracted for a moment, and his mind was once again devoted to alchemy Zheng Huh! It’s now, Condensing Marrow! Chen Xuan shouted in his heart.

At the moment when the marrow was condensing, Chen Xuan felt that the green dragon seemed to be under control. The figure began to shrink slowly, but he slowly forced towards Chen Xuan's palm as if by some strange mistake.

This Qinglong should be related to his impurity-free Qingmu Dan! Chen Xuan secretly guessed in his heart. Thinking of this, he was not worried but happy. It seemed that the vision was helping him!

Until the green dragon approached Chen Xuan's palm and began to swim around his left palm. Chen Xuan discovered that it turned out to be the shadow of Qinglong and not its true form! What kind of monster is this! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

Just for a moment, the green dragon suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan's Earth Fire and Half-Condensed Pill like a stone thrown into the river! boom! Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with light. What a powerful aura!

A burst of green mist swirled along Chen Xuan's left palm, as if there was some kind of material treasure in his palm. Chen Xuan's eyes couldn't help but light up with joy, it was finally going to happen!

I have been suppressed for five times, right now! Chen Xuan couldn't help shouting in his heart. The pale face was rosy due to joy and satisfaction, which seemed a bit abrupt on Chen Xuan's face.

Wave after wave of fresh fragrance poured into Chen Xuan's mouth and nose like a steady stream of immortal energy. Hiss... Chen Xuan took a breath of cold air and his eyes sparkled.

What a treasure! What a precious treasure! Chen Xuan's heart beat violently, and he was definitely not as calm as his face seemed. After the countless green fairy mist dissipated, Chen Xuan took a closer look...

The green elixir has no dark impurities, and the elixir looks elegant and refined like something from the gods. Chen Xuan felt the endless power lingering in front of the Qingmu Dan. Such ninth-grade elixirs were definitely more precious than those refined by seventh-grade alchemists.

It is already very rare to find something of first-class quality in Daoxin Continent. What is this? Is this good? This is the legendary imperial elixir!

"Congratulations, young master, for refining the imperial Qingmu Dan and reaching the qualifications of a ninth-grade alchemy master! The elders of the Presbyterian Council are very satisfied with you!"

A respectful voice came out of Chen Xuan's mind again, and the figure of an ugly guy wearing a black robe and a black mask with only black hole-like eyes appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes again.

cut! Who wants them to be satisfied! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

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