"Just what is the green dragon in the process of my alchemy? It looks like a phantom, but it is extremely powerful! Is there any record of the benevolent monster in the secret of the alchemy?"

Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, and his face lost the initial joy and returned to calm. But those eyes were like knives cutting into the book servant's heart.

The servant's heart trembled violently, the young master's power seemed to be getting more and more terrifying! What a monster-like growth. The servant secretly cursed.

"This..." The servant hesitated. Although he knew this secret, without the permission of the Presbyterian Council, how could he dare to reveal it to Chen Xuan privately?

Chen Xuan was not in a hurry, and waited in silence, with no trace of sadness or joy on his face. But the aura on his body became more and more fierce, and the book servant resisted the urge to tremble all over.

"I...subordinate...go ask the elders of the Presbyterian Council for instructions!" The servant's voice was as humble as an ant in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, and Chen Xuan's powerful aura forced him to have no place.

Chen Xuan didn't agree, but he didn't deny it either. Instead, he stood there coldly, as cold as an iron-faced examiner waiting for the scholar to hand in his answer sheet.

After about a while, Chen Xuan's face remained unchanged, which made the scholar secretly sigh that this man's mental steadiness was incomparable.

"Young Master! This subordinate can report to the young master. As for the subordinate's duty just now, I hope the young master will not blame you!" The servant's voice was extremely respectful, because he knew that the young master standing in front of him at this time , I will definitely be a dragon and a phoenix among immortals in the future.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly in response to Shu Pu's words, but his cold face didn't even seem to know how to speak. Chen Xuan knew that he could never show off his spring-breathing attitude towards the people of the Presbyterian Church.

Because those people are a group of robbers and bullies! Their preference for the weak and the strong has penetrated deep into their bones, and their indifference to others has probably become the norm.

Chen Xuan is very disgusted with such a person, even disgusting! The kinder and gentler you are to him, the more he will think that you are kind and can be bullied. It would be better to be rude from the beginning!

Anyway, these people have already touched their bottom line again and again! Moreover, Chen Xuan felt that these people definitely wanted something from him, and it might even be a conspiracy.

"Young Master, it's like this. What you saw is not the so-called monster!" The servant's face was as calm as if he was describing a very detailed matter.

But Chen Xuan felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. Isn't that a monster? what is that? Could it be a mythical beast? How could it be a mythical beast!

Chen Xuan secretly guessed, but his face didn't show the slightest strangeness. First of all, those old guys must be watching my reaction at this time. If I am not mature enough, I am afraid that my bargaining chips with them will be much less in the future.

Secondly, since he is the nominal young master, he must have the majesty of the young master. In his opinion, it is the most basic thing to be indifferent to emotions and anger.

The servant raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Xuan. He only glanced at Chen Xuan briefly, as if he was observing Chen Xuan's attitude.


Chen Xuan's aura suddenly exploded, as angry as a superior emperor. The servant's heart trembled suddenly, as if his heart was about to jump to the top of his throat.

Plop! The servant suddenly knelt down, feeling as if the blood in his body was about to stop flowing. The powerful aura was like the tentacles of an evil spirit strangled towards his neck.

Chen Xuan's face was still as cold as ice, making people unable to feel the slightest warmth. There was no ferocious look on Yinrou's face, but the aura in the cave was like a judge under the netherworld pronouncing a ghost's crime.

The book servant didn't dare to say a word, because he felt as if an invisible hand was squeezing his neck, as easily as a human hand squeezing an ant. He felt that it was very difficult for him to even breathe now and he couldn't speak at all.

He could only move his tongue slightly in his mouth, his lips were completely dry and cracked, and even his teeth were trembling. Chen Xuan looked down at the servant, like a noble emperor looking at a humble slave.

"Hmph!" Chen Xuan knew that if he didn't scold him, he would probably think that he was weak and could be bullied. Who gave him the courage to test himself like this? As the saying goes, beat the dog to see its master. This time's intimidation made the Presbyterian Council behind him know that he at least still wanted something from himself. You can be considered their young master in name only, so don’t push yourself too far!

Of course, all this has been transmitted to the main hall of the Presbyterian Church through the inspection mirror.

"This... Chen Xuan is going too far! Who does he think he is! How dare he show his power to us!" Elder Bai De said coldly and angrily. The bloodlust in his eyes seemed like he wanted to tear Chen Xuan in half.


No one dared to say a word. As soon as Bai De's voice weakened, the air in the main hall of the Presbyterian Church seemed to freeze. Bai Yan sat on the main seat with a solemn face, as if he could not see any emotion.

His eyes narrowed, and they were as dark as a bottomless black hole that would be sucked in just by looking at it. Bai Yan didn't say anything for a long time, and naturally others didn't dare to say anything.

Bai De's heart was pounding. Could it be that he had violated a taboo this time? Does the chief elder Bai Yan really value Chen Xuan so much that he wants to pass his chief position to him?

If this is really the case, then I can only figure out the main position slowly! Ah! Why is it that Chen Xuan is only a fifth-level Taoist master? So what if he can refine the Green Wood Pill?

What kind of storm can such a boy who has not even reached the Dao Emperor make in twenty years? Even if he reaches the Liang Emperor, such strength is not enough to sit firmly on the main seat of the Elders' Council.

Which elder in the main hall is not tens of thousands of times stronger than the Dao Emperor? Who will obey this boy if he takes the main seat? If Elder Bai Yan supports him, and Elders Bai Zhe and Bai He are added, hum! I'm afraid the rest will stand on his side to oppose!

I don't know if Bai Yan is old and confused or what! It's ridiculous to support such a boy to take the position!

"Hahaha... This boy is indeed a little arrogant, and he should be beaten again! You don't have to care, and Elder Bai De doesn't have to be too radical!"

About a moment later, Bai Yan laughed instead of being angry, and the hearty laughter spread throughout the main hall of the Elders' Council. And the relaxed and comforting tone is like a businessman who makes money with harmony.

After hearing this, everyone could only agree. Bai De was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. He wanted to take this opportunity to attack and make Chen Xuan lose all his support. Even if he was charged with the crime of making a noise in the main hall of the Elders' Council, he would only be punished to practice meditation and confinement for a few months. But compared to the loss of Chen Xuan's support, it was still a very cost-effective deal. It was just that Bai Yan actually used such a soft knife to deal with it this time, which made him feel like punching cotton and unable to move. "What do you think, Elder Bai De?" Bai Yan gradually stopped smiling and looked at Bai De with his deep eyes. Hiss... What a heavy mind. If he dared to refute after the main elder spoke, it would be an offense to the main elder. The crime could be serious and the punishment could be light or heavy. I am afraid that Bai Yan would use this opportunity to eliminate me and not deal with me! That's it, the opportunity is lost, and it is useless to struggle in vain! "Please forgive me, elder! I am guilty of making a noise in the main hall, and I am here to apologize!" Bai De showed a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, and then he left his seat and knelt on one knee, with a respectful look.

"Hahaha... Brother Bai De, there is no need to be polite, get up and take a seat! What crime have you committed!" Bai Yan stood up as if nothing had happened, helped Bai De up, and then sent him to the table, and then returned to the main seat and sat down slowly.

But the more humble Bai Yan was to him, the more panicked Bai De became. If you want to take it first, you must give it first. How could Bai De not understand this truth? But now it really shouldn't be a big deal. The more humble Bai Yan was to Bai De, the more respectful Bai De returned to his seat.

The book servant on the monitoring mirror was signaled to stand up by Chen Xuan, which made the elders feel better. This kid hasn't gone too far, and he still knows the limit!

"You continue..." Chen Xuan said coldly, hitting the book servant's heart like flying snow.

"That is the king of the beasts! Azure Dragon King, but that is the shadow of Azure Dragon King. As for the real body... the elders will not let me reveal a single detail!" This time, the book servant did not dare to look up again, but lowered his head and reported respectfully.

"Oh! The elders of the elders, please ask me to bring a message to the young master. The young master will see the real body of Azure Dragon King. It just requires the young master to have enough strength. When the time is right, the young master will know everything!"

Well! Chen Xuan said coldly as a reply. He did not ask too many questions, because it was useless to ask. He had seen the strength of the elders, and his most sensible choice at present was to make himself stronger and retain his bargaining chips with them.

"If the young master has no other questions, he should take a short break and then comprehend the talisman while the iron is hot! The talisman is actually derived from the alchemy. The young master's alchemy has already reached the ninth level, and the ninth level of the talisman is also within reach!"

The book servant reported respectfully.

This was a pleasant surprise for Chen Xuan. Perhaps it was because of this that this secret technique could cultivate such a monster as the Dan Fu Master! The method of talisman derived from Dan Fu only exists in the legend! However, Chen Xuan felt that this secret technique was more concerned with the spirit rather than the skills! Just like the comprehension of Dan Fu, this secret technique did not even have a picture of the finished pill. However, on the Daoxin Continent, from the precious Dan books to the tattered fragments, there are pictures of the finished pills of each quality, but the characteristics of the medicine are very brief. Many alchemists only stay at the name of the medicine and make pills by copying the same way! There is also a standard for the level of Dan color, but the method of condensing the marrow is very concise or very mysterious... Unlike the secret technique, the properties of the medicine are so detailed, but the rest depends entirely on Chen Xuan's practice and comprehension.

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