"Yeah!" Chen Xuan still had an ice-like expression on his face and nodded coldly.

"Compared to alchemy, Young Master's Talisman Technique focuses on the aura of the five elements. There is also the intention when drawing the talisman!" After finishing the book servant, he poured a lot of secrets of Talisman Techniques into Chen Xuan's mind.

A large amount of mental power poured into Chen Xuan's mind like a crazy wave. Zheng Chenxuan's face turned even pale. The powerful mental power made him almost unable to resist.

But his teeth were clenched tightly, and his face was so twisted that it was frozen.

boom! Chen Xuan felt as if his mind was being violently torn apart, causing severe pain. But his eyes remained calm. The servant had already quietly retreated, and only Chen Xuan sat down quietly like an old monk sitting cross-legged.

Slowly, the information seemed to turn into streams flowing slowly in Chen Xuan's brain. Chen Xuan felt as if he had become a soul-like existence at this time.

With my eyes closed, I seem to be able to see the attributes and elements of this world. Especially the medicinal materials around him became clear in his eyes at this time.

Moreover, the cave was like a turbid stream at this time, with auras of different attributes mixed together, but Chen Xuan seemed to be able to see them all clearly.

Is this a key to making talismans? Attributes! That is, the flavor of one’s own induction. Then Chen Xuan seemed to see a figure with a white robe and white beard. In short, except for the profile of this person, everything else looked white.

This person sat down cross-legged on the right side of Chen Xuan, and then became as calm as a rock. boom! This person's left palm is filled with green mist! Who is this? Why do you have the same power of earth fire as yourself?

This person didn't seem to have any worries because of Chen Xuan's gaze, and he seemed to be extremely familiar with his techniques! He grabbed the Bianhuahua and Forgetwort next to Chen Xuan and threw them into the left palm of his hand.

Boom! When the two medicinal materials were mixed together, bright yellow flames burst out, and Chen Xuan's eyes widened. He didn't analyze too much, but instead used his memory to write it all down in his mind.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with sharpness, as if he could see through everything. But this move was so fast that Chen Xuan would miss something as long as he was distracted.

Chen Xuan's eyes and heart could only focus completely on this action, and even his heart was on it at this time. Crazy! If anyone saw Chen Xuan's expression at this time, they would definitely comment on him like this!

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of heat. Fortunately, this person looked very old and did not look like a woman, otherwise the scene would have been a bit embarrassing. Every move, even a very subtle one, would be remembered by Chen Xuan.

Boom! About half an hour later, the bright yellow flame actually condensed into a long silk-like cloth. But the old man seemed to be used to this scene and remained orderly.

But Chen Xuan was secretly frightened! Then the bright yellow silk cloth dried quickly as if dehydrated, and at the same time, the sky outside the cave also turned dark yellow...


Suddenly there was flying sand and rocks, and even the birds and animals took cover. It seemed as if some huge disaster was about to come. Chen Xuan felt a little uncontrollably nervous. Such an aura was probably nothing special!

But he soon adjusted, and his heart once again became like a puddle of autumn water, without sadness or joy. boom! Suddenly, Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and his face turned even paler.

The old man rose into the air, a blue sword appeared in his hand, and then he began to draw the talisman with the sword. But the technique was almost done in one go. Chen Xuan didn't even dare to move his eyelids, and he firmly engraved all these scenes into his heart.

boom! The talisman seemed to be hanging in the void, and Chen Xuan could only look up from a distance. But just by looking up, Chen Xuan felt that the power of Taoist heart in his body was boiling as if it was once again out of his control.

Impacting his own blood, Chen Xuan's face was full of embarrassment, and his expression was full of pain. not good! Chen Xuan secretly shouted in his heart, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on for long before his body exploded and died.

But Chen Xuan clenched his teeth tightly and used his own body to resist the impact inside his body. The white-haired old man seemed to be a wild goose flying by. After the talisman was completed, Chen Xuan didn't even let Chen Xuan see his face and disappeared from Chen Xuan's eyes.

But that talisman was like a divine object descended from here, announcing the arrival of the old man just now. boom! After another strong collision, Chen Xuan felt as if his blood was about to burst.

no! The power of earth fire must be used to resist this impact!

Hiss... The next moment, Chen Xuan took a breath of cold air, as if the earthly fire in his body was tightly suppressed. It's like being bound by a powerful force, unable to be released at all.

This power is more than ten thousand times stronger than my own! Chen Xuan's eyes were full of cold light, but his heart was calm. Blood pulses struck again and again, and pain after pain was inflicted on Chen Xuan's body like a catastrophe.

boom! At this time, Chen Xuan felt as if the blood in his body was directly blasting his tyrannical body red, as if he was being roasted by ten suns.

Ahhhhh... Chen Xuan couldn't hold back the powerful pain and cried out softly. The cold sound was like thunder, echoing in the cave of the dense forest. Chen Xuan's eyes were now filled with scarlet color, as terrifying as a demon with red eyes.

Boom! It was another impact, and Chen Xuan's own internal organs were now scarred. Because of the powerful force in the body, all the internal organs were shaken out of place.

Some of them have even begun to break and bleed. The bursts of blood in Chen Xuan's throat are like streams of death guiding Chen Xuan to hell.


A stream of rich blood spurted out from his mouth, and Chen Xuan's face didn't look like a human face at this time, it was extremely white. Even if you move at this time, you will get endless twitching and pain!

But at this moment, he was rolling on the ground in pain. If he didn't let out diarrhea, he would be unable to resist the collapse of the blood vessels in his body and die from his own mind.


The impact of the blood vessels seemed to have stopped, but at this time, Chen Xuan was seriously injured and the residual pain was still very strong. Moreover, the feeling of scorching power that would erupt with blood pulse pulses did not seem to dissipate, but was instead accumulating.

Chen Xuan struggled to raise his eyes and looked into the void. Half of the talisman was burned off because of his pain. What frightened Chen Xuan even more was that the talisman was no longer burning, but there was still half of it, and the flames were getting more and more crazy!

what to do?

My earth fire still hasn’t improved at all! Am I going to die today? But I don’t even know why I died! But waves of powerlessness accompanied by tearing pain forced Chen Xuan again and again.

If only this were just a dream! Chen Xuan actually began to have such ridiculous thoughts in his heart. But what followed was a fierce revenge!


The talisman seemed to be from whose hand it started to burn crazily again. The pain this time was far worse than the previous wave, and his blood surged like a demon in a daze.

And the Taoist power flowing in his blood now became the accomplice of the power in his body, frantically colliding with his blood arm under that force.

Boom! Chen Xuan's bloodline was like a branch that was knocked away by a swarm of ants like Dao Xinli. As soon as a hole was opened, the blood began to flow back crazily. Chen Xuan's whole body began to swell, and his whole body began to turn from red to dark purple.

not good! Chen Xuan screamed in his heart! If such a situation occurs, and I don’t have the mental strength, I’m afraid I won’t be able to recover! But he is not willing to give in! He was not willing to die so mysteriously!

What about those bastards from the Presbyterian Church? Are they all dead? He is about to die from this now, what are those people waiting for? Chen Xuan's eyes were full of murderous rage...

But then I felt relieved! It seems that without strength, no one can save himself. I am so good at it, even if I am rescued by some magical elixir, I will lose all my strength and strength, right?

What are those people from the Presbyterian Church doing to save a loser? I'm afraid they can't remember that they are looking for a new young master now!

snort! Chen Xuan snorted like a self-mockery, and the unwillingness in his eyes turned into a trace of despair and strong unyielding!

Why! You arranged for me, Chen Xuan, to come to this world, but what? But gave me such an ending as Chen Xuan? He seemed to be struggling to get up with all his strength.

Even if every step is painful to the bone, even if every movement feels as useless as a mantis trying to use a cart.

But he just wants to struggle, but he won't stop resisting! God gave him such a fate and told him to lie down and die, but he refused to let God Ruyi! He wants to rebel! Even an ant has the dignity of death. How could Chen Xuan, a monk, let himself be manipulated?

Boom! The impact of the bloodline was like the wrath of thunder, retaliating even more crazily for Chen Xuan's actions.

"Hahaha..." The weak laughter was so free and easy, and it seemed that only he could hear it at this time. All fear disappeared from Chen Xuan's eyes, and there was only joy and the struggle and resistance under the joy.

"Grudges and grudges are unwilling to escape, right and wrong are picked with the sword!" This poem seems to be the movement of lips without a trace of sound, but it resounds through the sky...

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