Was he going to die like this? Chen Xuan asked secretly. But wave after wave of pain was like a crazy wave hitting Chen Xuan's internal organs again and again.

At this time, the power of earth fire in his body seemed to be restricted by some powerful force. No matter how Chen Xuan mobilized it, it was like a pool of stagnant water.


Another mouthful of blood surged to Chen Xuan's throat like a bright red dragon. Chen Xuan's face was ashen, but his heart was calm and unruffled.

Sure enough, he still couldn't resist the one on top of his head. Now I don't even have the freedom to move. I can only watch the time and the vitality in my body passing by quietly, but I don't even have the power to save him.

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of determination. He looked up and saw that only half of the talisman in the void was left. But this half is enough to take away all my life...

"Hahaha..." Chen Xuan laughed wildly, almost using up all his strength. But only he could hear this laughter, and every sound was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart.

snort! Chen Xuan snorted heavily.

"I, Chen Xuansheng, cannot make the decision by myself, and even if I die now, I cannot make the decision by myself! If there is an afterlife, I, Chen Xuan, will be a strong man who can overcome all odds! Let fate surrender at my feet, and let the three realms surrender under my throne!"

Chen Xuan's voice was extremely weak, as weak as the sound of a mosquito. But the momentum in his tone was like that of an emperor, exuding incomparable domineering power, but more importantly, it was tragic and regretful that great ambitions are hard to achieve.

"That's it! If we enter reincarnation in this life, there will really be a palace of hell. Even if I, Chen Xuan, am a lonely ghost, I will cultivate to the point where the ghost emperor will tremble. I just don't know whether I will be like dust after death or..."

Chen Xuan's eyes were cold and scarlet, and a few drops of jade tears were shed like ice cubes. boom! Another wave of pain expanded towards Chen Xuan's bloodline, and he felt as if there was a ferocious lion hiding in his body that was pounding around.

Boom! Chen Xuan felt that his body was in severe pain like being shattered to pieces. All the blood in his body burst in this world, and the blood flowed back to Chen Xuan's mind. Zheng Chenxuan felt that his mind seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds at this time. The limbs are swollen like pillars of Mount Tai.

finally coming? Chen Xuan's lips trembled and he couldn't make any sound. He could only neigh and cry out in extreme grief...

boom! Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt as if his figure had left his body like a light soul. He felt that the pain in his body completely disappeared at this moment. At this time, he had no sadness, no joy, and no feeling at all.

Are you dead? When Chen Xuan thought about this, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. It's not that he is extremely afraid of death, but that he is not willing to die like this.

He is not willing to give in!

boom! Powerful black energy swirled around Chen Xuan, swimming around Chen Xuan like a black dragon.

"Aren't you willing to give in?" A thunderous voice hit Chen Xuan's heart like a stone weighing ten thousand pounds. And the power brought by this voice seemed to force Chen Xuan to surrender.

who is he? Is it the Ghost King? then what?

Chen Xuan secretly guessed in his heart, and he looked at himself and his surroundings. He saw a corpse that was already broken into pieces and body parts scattered around him. And now he was floating next to this tragic corpse.

That should be my body, and I am really dead.

"Yes!" Chen Xuan's cold voice was as cold and stern as Ling Shuang Aoxue on March 9th. Chen Xuan may have died, so his aura became fierce at this time.

"But you are already a ghost!"

The voice suddenly raised its voice as if it was teaching a humble slave to know his identity. That sound seemed to be able to penetrate deep into Chen Xuan's soul and tear his soul apart.

Chen Xuan's face suddenly turned pale, and he felt panicked. But his face was still very calm. Now that I am dead, isn't my Taoist power my own soul?

When I was originally practicing, the power of the Concentrated Spirit Dao Heart that I cultivated was so powerful that it was like a wild horse that escaped the control of my bloodline. It should be easier to mobilize and activate it by myself.

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of determination, let's give it a try! Chen Xuan cursed secretly.

boom! Suddenly, Chen Xuan's thoughts moved, and all the Taoist power in his body burst out like a sword from a string. Chen Xuan's surroundings were quickly covered by a blue mist.

And the black energy actually dissipated somewhat under the power of the earth fire. A glint flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes! It turns out that the power of Tao Heart without blood can be so powerful!

"Huh? Lei Wu Fang Earth Fire?"

The majestic and cold voice seemed to descend and became hesitant at this moment.

"Humph! It turns out he's from the Xian family!" That cold and stern voice was as majestic as an emperor just now, but now it seems that all the majestic aura has faded.

Um? Chen Xuan was even more confused. Is the power of the Presbyterian Church really immortal? Are there really immortals in this world? Chen Xuan's mood was even more complicated at this time, but his face was soft and white to the extreme, but there was still no change in color at all.

Like a thousand-year-old monster who has been used to life and death, it looks like there is still something to be done this time! Chen Xuan suppressed the excitement in his heart and secretly said to himself.

"Hmph! Since you are from the Xian family, how can you be so ignorant of the rules?"

The voice became sharp again, crushing Chen Xuan's soul like a blade. That fierceness seems to have been accumulated from years of decisive killing and killing countless people.

rule? Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, what's the rule? If strictly speaking, I'm not from there...

"Yeah! But it is said that the Xian family recently found a son from the Daoxin Continent plane and recognized him as the young master! Humph! Could it be possible..." The voice was like a thousand-year-old cunning old fox testing Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's heart seemed to skip a beat. He did not answer in a hurry, but remained noncommittal with a calm look on his face.

The black energy surrounded Chen Xuan's green mist, and Chen Xuan once again felt the pressure coming from all directions. Chen Xuan's heart was like a panicked deer, beating wildly and uncontrollably.

Chen Xuan felt that his mind seemed to be wrapped in this black energy, and his mind was as if it had been charmed by a charming fairy, making him feel dizzy.

My brain and soul are like a stopped clock, unable to think or resist.

Doesn’t this guy even need to worry about the strength of the Presbyterian Church? Or is he just testing himself?

For about a moment, Chen Xuan lost the ability to think. His eyes were filled with darkness, and his green mist was quickly swallowed up by the darkness in front of him. And the layers of black mist were like tornadoes that swept Chen Xuan up to the sky.

Chen Xuan felt as if he was being stared at by a black snake, and endless danger and murderous intent were approaching him. Chen Xuan saw that the entire world had turned black at this time, and how could he still see the scenery in the cave clearly at this time? There is only endless blackness like a black hole...

But the endless black energy did not let go of Chen Xuan. It was like a rope tightly strangling his throat, forcing him to suffocate. The strong feeling of suffocation allowed him to regain a sense of clarity!

What on earth is this?

Is it a monster?

No! Even the most powerful monster in Daoxin Continent cannot have this aura! Otherwise, where would the five major sects be standing? It seems that I have to be in trouble today? But this thing hasn't killed me yet, it's still a test!

Chen Xuan's face was still expressionless, and the coldness in his eyes was as cold as the snow on a cold night.

"Bold Ghost King!"

boom! Another pressure hit Chen Xuan's black mist. Chen Xuan felt relaxed all over, and the black energy surrounding him dissipated a lot. My mind was also shaken by the sound that was like the roar of a lion. It became much clearer.

"Dare to challenge the authority of the Presbyterian Church!"

There was another murderous roar, and a scene of mountains of corpses and seas of fire appeared before Chen Xuan's eyes. At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes returned to the previous clarity.

"It turns out that he is really from the Immortal Family! How disrespectful!" A hoarse and majestic voice sounded again, although this time it was meant to apologize. But there was no trace of sincerity in his words.

"Hmph!" The person from the Presbyterian Council snorted coldly, and the surrounding black mist completely retreated. A black object like a light eye appeared in front of Chen Xuan in the void.

"Huh? Is it Elder Bai He? Elder Bai He, how come you have the nerve to avoid seeing me with my light eyes?"

The voice of the black light-eyed man was full of ridicule, as if he was reminiscing between old friends. But the power beneath the voice made Chen Xuan's soul feel like it was falling into an endless abyss.

The chill that sounded like a magic sound was like the breath of death. Just hearing a tone seemed to make the whole body tremble, twitch and die.

Boom! A false sound exploded in the void, and then a flurry of snowflakes fell gracefully from the sky. This scene is as poignant and beautiful as a snow scene admired by a rich man.

A figure seemed to condense into one with the snowflakes in the wind, and then seemed to be a feather on the white clouds.

This face looked so familiar to Chen Xuan, but it also deserved a beating! It's the cold-faced swordsman Shirakawa with a face as smooth as ice! But at this time, Bai He looked so unruly, his face lost a trace of indifference, but had a trace of scornful hostility.

Hiss... Chen Xuan took a breath, who is this black light eye? To be able to make even the frosty Bai He become his enemy, he must be very powerful.

"Ghost King! Don't push yourself too far!" Bai He's eyes were full of bloodthirsty murderous intent, staring straight into the black light eyes...

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