"Hahaha... Brother should know that I didn't kill him!" Guangyan's tone at this time seemed as relaxed as if I hadn't eaten today.

Chen Xuan stared blankly at Guangyan for a long time without saying anything, but Guangyan didn't care...

"Haha..." His smile was even worse than the roar of a wild beast, making Chen Xuan want to cut off both of his ears.

At this time, Bai He's face was also full of gloom, and his eyes were full of coldness and sternness as he stared straight into his eyes. His aura was as terrifying as that of a general who had killed tens of millions.

"Hmph! Just Ghost King, you must know that Chen Xuan is the person our Presbyterian Council wants to protect! The human and ghost realm of the Presbyterian Council should not be touched. Didn't the chief elder inform the two realms of immortals and ghosts about this matter?"

Bai He didn't let the Ghost King go just because he gave in. His voice was more like a sharp knife and he pushed towards the Ghost King. And the tone is as if it comes from calling for punishment...

The light eyes transformed by the Ghost King remained calm, and Chen Xuan secretly admired this son's character. Too! Monsters who are about the same strength as those perverts from the Presbyterian Church, but their nature is naturally even more monster-like!

Fortunately, no one wanted to take his life, otherwise he would definitely lose his life! Chen Xuan was secretly happy.

"Hmph! The fairy words on the White River are serious!" The Ghost King's bright voice emphasized the word "heavy", and the whole sentence sounded like a joke, but it directly brought the atmosphere of the Secret Forest to freezing point.

Chen Xuan's heart beat uncontrollably again, and the ghost king's voice was as powerful as the souls harvested by the death scythe... The black energy burst out again, as if it had turned into a huge dragon in the void. Shuttle through it.

Chen Xuan's eyes were staring straight at the black dragon swallowing mountains and rivers. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, restraining his expression and maintaining calm... But his heart seemed to jump out of his throat at this time.

Bai He also felt the coldness and aura, but his expression remained unchanged, as cold as a thousand-year-old iceberg. The black dragon flew towards him as fiercely as if it were coming out of the abyss.

"I'm offended by the Immortal Bai He! It's just that I stayed in the ghost world for too long and my hands are itchy! I want to ask the Immortal for some advice!" The voice of the black light eye still sounded so cynical, but the voice was so strong. There is a shocking murderous intention underneath.

The killing intent was like falling snowflakes, approaching Baihe. Ever since Bai He appeared, Ghost King Guangyan had never looked at Chen Xuan again. At this time, Chen Xuan was just an ant-like existence in their eyes...

"Hmph! How dare you challenge the authority of the Immortal Family!" Bai He's voice was as cold and stern as a judge coldly reading out the criminal's charges. As soon as the voice fell, a long sword appeared in Bai He's right hand.

The silver sword flew wildly in the air, and the air it pierced seemed to be boiling. Bai He's white robe was fluttering, as elegant as a Taoist immortal, and the white robe was blown by the strong wind in the void.

The black dragon rushed toward Bai He like a black torrent. Bai He didn't even raise his eyes and casually slashed his sword through the air. Then it penetrated deeply into the head of the black dragon, which was as huge as the five mountains.

Then the black dragon seemed to be shackled and could no longer approach Baihe.

"Hmph!" Bai He snorted coldly, and pushed the long sword in slightly, and the cold sword intention immediately became active. Chen Xuan felt as if he had fallen into a huge ice cellar and was frozen into ice.

Bai He's eyes flashed with a sharp look, his face was still as cold as ice, and his white robe was so clean that there was not a trace of dust on it. Immortal style, extremely chic...

Boom! Suddenly, the black dragon exploded like a pill furnace explosion. Even Chen Xuan, who was in such a calm state of mind, was so surprised that his face turned pale...

"Hahaha..." The ghost king's free and easy laughter was as cold and ruthless as a ghost coming from the netherworld. Although it was a smile, it was more chilling than a howl.

Bai He still had an indifferent expression, as if he was not the one who had just struck through the Ghost King's light eye with his sword.

"That's right! Baihe Shangxian is still powerful and extraordinary! The people of the Immortal family are indeed not comparable to those of us in the ghost world! They are really amazing!" Although it was a compliment, it was meant to be congratulatory. But the Ghost King's voice was full of coldness and murderous intent, as if he was making the sound through gritted teeth. Chen Xuan shuddered when he heard this.

What a fight between gods! Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart.

"Thank you, Ghost King, for congratulating me!" Bai He's voice was still so cold, and his eyes were as calm as a bowl of cold water.

"In this case, I, the Ghost King, will issue a battle invitation. Can Lord Bai He dare to fight?" After the Ghost King was silent for a moment, his tone became more teasing.

"Oh? Here comes the Ghost King! It's just that Bai He has a low position in the Presbyterian Council and has no right to make too big a decision! If the Ghost King gambles with too much chips, I'm afraid Bai He still won't be able to make the decision!"

Baihe's voice was still as clear and clear as mountain spring water in summer, but there was a hint of hesitation in the clearness. But he was quickly hidden by Bai He, as if he had never appeared before.

A trace of heat flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, but it was only fleeting. Then he returned to incomparable calm, and his face was as cold as ice.

He also wants to become stronger, and one day he will be like the Ghost King, Shirakawa and the others, overlooking all living beings. Naturally, this emotion could not escape the eyes of Ghost King and Bai He.

The corners of Bai He's mouth were slightly raised as if he had achieved some purpose. The Ghost King remained silent, as if nothing had happened.

"Hahaha... Immortal Bai He is overly worried. The Ghost King's request is not particularly tricky. How about just betting on the kid in front of you?" The Ghost King's voice was full of joking, but his tone was still cold. Like snowflakes on the ground.

But there was a hint of temptation in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up by his cynical tone.

"Bai He has no right to do this!" Bai He's voice was still calm, as if he blurted out without any thought. snort! The Ghost King is indeed cunning and wants to use the bet to test me!


The Ghost King's voice was filled with hesitation and curiosity.

"The young master is the candidate for the master of the Presbyterian Council, and he is far above Bai He! Bai He has no right to do this!" Bai He said this without blushing, which made Chen Xuan himself find it very funny.

Haha... I am his elder? Why didn't I see it? Chen Xuan felt like Bai He's grandson. But in such a scene, you really shouldn’t laugh out loud to ruin the atmosphere! That’s all…

Chen Xuan suppressed the helplessness in his heart and continued to stare at the Ghost King.

"Baihe Shangxian is right, but Wang Mang is rude! I just want to ask Baihe Shangxian, the chief elder, if you can make this bet?"

The Ghost King's voice sounded more solemn this time. But Chen Xuan felt that he was still testing the waters, just like a horse crossing a river, just testing the water.

"Okay!" Bai He's cold eyes spoke a cold word from his mouth. Then the figure disappeared in an instant like a white horse passing by.

Now Chen Xuan and the Ghost King were the only ones left in the dense forest, and Chen Xuan felt a little confused. How can we just leave Baihe? Just abandoned yourself like that?

Aren't you afraid that the Ghost King will kill you directly? Chen Xuan cursed secretly in his heart. But slander is all that matters, and Chen Xuan feels that the Ghost King is not that stupid. If he killed himself, it would be considered as provoking the authority of the Presbyterian Church.

He couldn't even defeat Bai He, let alone the chief elder of the Presbyterian Church. Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Chen Xuan is like an old monk sitting down, no! The old monk floated like a soul under the ghost king's light eyes. The Ghost King even pitied his own eyes and was unwilling to raise his eyes to look at Chen Xuan.

Indeed, in the eyes of the Ghost King, he is like a pile of pork next to a wolf... indeed he does not pose any threat. If the Ghost King wanted to kill Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan probably wouldn't even have the ability to support him.

About a moment later, Bai He's figure appeared in front of Chen Xuan's Ghost King Guangyan again.

"The Ghost King takes the order!"

Bai He was like a messenger, a shadow appeared in the sky. The Ghost King was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about something.

"The king takes the order from the Immortal Family!" In fact, Bai He and the Ghost King have the same level in the immortal world. Because although the ghost king Guangyan is the king in the ghost world, the chief elder in the fairy world is the only person in charge of the three realms of immortals and mortals.

But the ghost world has a vague intention of judging the fairy world, otherwise how could the ghost king Guangyan dare to test it repeatedly.

"This time the Ghost King ignored the orders of the elders and secretly detained the soul of the young master, disturbing the human world! According to the law, the immortal should be cut off! However, considering his hard work and merits in taking charge of the ghost world, he is hereby pardoned!"

Bai He's voice was very cold, like a machine without any emotion. Chen Xuan was forced to tremble by this majesty.

"As for the Ghost King who dares to do the following and offend the young master! He should have been put to death, but in view of his merits, he is hereby pardoned! I hope he will do what he wants!" Bai He said these words coldly, without any emotion.

Chen Xuan felt unprecedented oppression, attacking him from all sides. The suppressed fear in his eyes was like an angry lion trying to burst out of his eyes.

"Yes! I obey!" The Ghost King's voice was like that of an extremely respectful minister, surrendering to Bai He's will. Chen Xuan's soul was floating like this, as calm as a bowl of water, without any more unnecessary movements.

"Well! I hope that the ghost king's light-eyed clone can take charge of the ghost world and retreat quickly, leaving no more space in the human world!" Bai He's voice was like that of a lofty emperor, with fierce domineering eyes.

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