In the next time, Chen Xuan asked two people to refine the second-grade elixir. This time, the time was seven. They needed to refine a thousand second-grade elixirs within seven days, and the raw materials were still 10,000. , although it seems that there is a full five extra hours, it is what you need to know.

The refining difficulty of these second-grade elixirs is ten times or even higher than that of the first-grade elixirs.

This is also the reason why there are so many fewer second-grade alchemists than first-grade alchemists.

Facing such an arduous task, the two of them did not complain at all. Chen Xuan had also said that in the future, the empire-level alchemy conference would require two people to participate. Then their opponents would not be these frogs in the well in Medicine Master City.

There are more masters.

There are many experts in the Yunteng Empire and the Ice and Snow Empire, but if we take them lightly, we will only end up being eliminated.

Therefore, from the beginning, this goal must be more long-term, and any suffering will be worth it.

Huo Liu and others were also sent back by Chen Xuan.

In addition, Shen Qiang and Shen Xue have already arrived at Beishui City. I believe that with their help, Beishui City will be safer and more consolidated.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger kept in the backyard also got along with Wei Ruoxue, and occasionally went out to buy groceries with Wei Ruoxue. I had never seen such an active mysterious beast.

Chen Xuan also gave the Antarctic True Flame Tiger a ninth-grade elixir. These Antarctic True Flame Tigers were also refining the elixir in their bodies, and their aura was gradually increasing.

In the blink of an eye, two more hours passed.

Today is an extraordinary day.

Because Master Chen Xuan will be going to Cai Ban to give lectures today, everyone is looking forward to it and even occupied a seat in Na Cai Ban's school early.

Originally, the class of this class was only open to the disciples of that class. However, in order to increase the reputation of the Alchemist Guild, Lanshan actually implemented an open strategy. In this way, more people would Come here for the legendary Master Chen Xuan.

Many people hope to pay homage to Master Chen Xuan again.

As for the Liu family, there is no trace of the Liu family in Yaoshi City now. It is said that they have been ordered to be expelled to some remote cities.

Although the Duke of Hongshan was generous and did not kill all these people, these people were all invisibly labeled as slaves, and the future of the entire Liu family was bleak.

One light.

Chen Xuan just had breakfast at home and went out. Wei Ruoxue did a good job in these daily living aspects, and Chen Xuan was also very satisfied.

After saying thank you for your hard work, you went out.

Xiang Shaoyang, Bai Cen and others were already waiting in the school.

Before Chen Xuan found the school of Nacai Ban based on his previous memories, it was originally a classroom, but it was later improved and became an independent courtyard. In this independent courtyard, there were complete training auxiliary equipment, and even several The powerful spiritual cauldron can be used to refine medicine.

"Hey, why are there so many people?"

Chen Xuan saw that outside the walls of the school, someone had moved some benches, and he stood directly on the benches and looked into the courtyard, and there was no space in this courtyard to fit anyone.

Even Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang, who arrived early, could only squeeze into the middle position.

"What's going on? Isn't it just a class in the academy? Why does it seem like it's an open class?"

Chen Xuan was also slightly surprised.

In his previous life, Chen Xuan had a great reputation and did everything by himself. No one even dared to ask Chen Xuan to do something.

Therefore, Chen Xuan never gave any public classes in his previous life.

But this time, just a name was spread and attracted so many people to stop and watch. This shows that Chen Xuan's fame and charm are great. Now Chen Xuan himself doesn't know. In fact, Chen Xuan's name is already in the Qi Dynasty. There was a quiet sound in the Wind Empire.

Medicine City is not the beginning. The legendary story of this name has already begun when we were in Beishui City.

"Master Chen Xuan is here!"

"Hello, Master Chen Xuan!"

"Master Chen Xuan, can you give me an autograph?"

"Master Chen Xuan, I love you!"

Various sounds came and were mixed together, and Chen Xuan couldn't hear them clearly at all. Seeing that these people were about to rush over, Chen Xuan immediately released his breath, forming a wall of air around his body.


Everyone was blocked out, and Chen Xuan disappeared from the place with a whoosh, landing on the podium in an instant.

"Okay, everyone please pay attention to maintaining order."

Lanshan finally stood up and said, and at the same time motioned to the staff present to maintain order at the scene.

As the vice-president of the Alchemist Guild, Lanshan is also a sixth-grade alchemist. In addition to the elder Liu Clan who was just eliminated, his status in the Alchemist Guild has also been rising in recent days, and there is no one at all. The voice came out.

Even Qin Yuanshan came to apologize, and the bet was not included.

Lanshan will also be persuaded by Qin Yuanshan to retire and return to his hometown in advance. Anyone who offends Chen Xuan will not end well. If it were not for the fact that Qin Yuanshan is an old hero of the Alchemist Guild, Lanshan would He won't let the latter leave easily.

The Duke of Hongshan and others were also sitting in the first row, followed by the disciples of the Cai class. They were all sitting in that position, quite excited. Han Ya's eyes had been on Chen Xuan since he appeared. The latter's body seemed to be full of tenderness.

However, Chen Xuan did not notice this.

Instead, he reached out and pressed lightly.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Chen Xuan's class would be so popular."

Chen Xuan said, but there was an unusual meaning in his laughter.

Lanshan, who was familiar with Chen Xuan, suddenly became confused, because Chen Xuan's words seemed to be referring to something.


The old man who had been guarding the Duke of Hongshan also frowned slightly and looked thoughtfully at the crowd behind him. It seemed that there was something terrifying hidden in the crowd.

"What's wrong?"

"Something's not right."

Even Huang Mengjing smelled a hint of murderous aura in the air. ,

"Now that you're here, come out and kill you so that I can continue my class."

Chen Xuan said calmly and sat down on the ground. After these inexplicable words, there was a slight fluctuation in the originally calm sky, and the people below started to exclaim in surprise.

This method of covering up the sun and hiding it from the sea is really surprising to people who see it!

"This is...the invisibility charm!"


Lanshan was suddenly startled, and then he thought of someone, and his expression suddenly changed.

"No, the Talisman Breaking King is here!"

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