
The Duke of Hongshan asked in surprise, because he seemed to hear something from Nalanshan's mouth that was not allowed to be named.

Lanshan was also in shock, and he no longer even needed an explanation.

A figure slowly landed in the sky.


The strong aura was like wind and lingering clouds, dispersing a lot of the surrounding crowd.

Some people were staggered by the blow, and a man in the lead looked serious.

There was also a hint of arrogance between his eyebrows, as if no one in front of him paid attention to Zheng Zheng.

"Who among you is Chen Xuan, get out of here!"

The middle-aged man in purple and gold robes said in a deep voice. The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears, and their hearts suddenly vibrated like a drum.


Some people with relatively low cultivation levels were shocked to the point of vomiting blood.


"Bold, you actually dare to call Master Chen Xuan by his first name!"

Some of the masters of the Protector Hall also stood up and started to kill the Talisman Splitter King above the sky.

These masters of the Dharma Protector Hall are now much more honest after being bewitched by Liu Yongquan. There are not many sixth-grade alchemists in Qifeng Empire, so it is no longer easy to win over them.

What happened before made these masters of the Protector Hall feel ashamed, because when Liu Yongquan appeared, he defected. Although the duty of the Protector Hall is to protect the alchemists of the Alchemist Guild, to a certain extent, they have already defected. Liu Yongquan, on his side, never stood by Lanshan's side even when something happened.

Now that Lanshan is back in power, if he doesn't work harder, he may be kicked out of Medicine Master City, and how much profit will be lost by then.

Therefore, when the enemy appears, it is also extra hard.

The one who rushed to the front was the Northwest Wolf King. As a famous expert in the Dharma Protector Hall, the Northwest Wolf King had been ashamed of Lanshan before, but it was the general trend at that time.

"court death!"

The Splitting Talisman King was speechless, and the old man with black hair behind him had already stood up.

The long sword in his hand shook slightly.

The next moment, without seeing the old man draw his sword, there was already a sword energy slashing straight down from the sky.

boom! !

The Northwest Wolf King at the head was cut into two halves, and blood spilled into the sky. A bloody rain fell from the sky above the entire Caiban Academy, which made people extremely frightened to see it.


The Duke of Hongshan couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and shouted.

At the same time, the old man behind him also stood up angrily and pointed his hand far away in the air.


A domineering power burst out from that finger, and one could already feel the power of thunder within it from a hundred meters away.

Powerful and destructive force burst out, almost tearing the sky apart.

This time the old man with curly hair did not take action, but the Talisman Splitter King directly threw out a spell.

The spell seemed to lead the thunder to fall.


The power of thunder collided with the old man's finger power and instantly turned into countless fragments.

"Haha, it turns out that the Duke of Hongshan is here. I didn't know that the Duke of Hongshan was here. If I had known earlier, I would have just handed out a greeting card."

The Splitting Talisman King saw the Duke of Hongshan down there. At the level of the empire, the Duke of Hongshan was the Duke of Hongshan. People like the Splitting Talisman King were quite well-known, so they all knew each other.

Finally, Na Lanshan also stood up and looked inside the airship above the sky. In addition to the Fu Fu King, the Shangguan family members were also there.

"Shangguan Hong, are you going too far by doing this? This is the Qifeng Empire!"

Lanshan said in a deep voice.

Shangguan Hong led the elders of the Shangguan family to appear on the airship.

"Vice President Lanshan is serious. We are just here to see how King Split Fu deals with his enemies. As for other things, I, Shangguan Hong, have never thought about it. Duke Hongshan, since you are here, then You have to prove it to me.”

Shangguan Hong thought in a cold voice.

These people in front of me are all related to the son who hurt him, and he cannot let any of them go.

Even if the Duke of Hongshan is here, it will be of no avail. ,

All vengeance that deserves revenge must be avenged!

"King Fu Fu, you are a distinguished guest of the Ice and Snow Empire. We will naturally welcome you to our Qifeng Empire, but if you want to deal with Master Chen Xuan, then ask me first if I agree."

Duke Hongshan said solemnly.

A Duke actually said something like this, and his position was already quite clear. I have protected Master Chen Xuan. Whatever you want, you must consider the consequences.

Even the Split Talisman King's eyes flashed with light. Indeed, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Duke of Hongshan and the guardian behind him were no match for him.

After all, a Fu King-level powerhouse can easily trap an Emperor-level master.

The cultivation level of the Splitting Talisman King is unclear, but it is probably at the imperial level, not much higher.

But the Duke of Hongshan is the iconic figure of Qifeng Empire, the queen of heroes.

If such a person is killed for a chat, then the Fu Fu King may not be able to get out of the Qifeng Empire. Originally, he just wanted to kill a thief Chen Xuan, and there was no need to risk his own life.

"Duke Hongshan, that dog thief Chen Xuan ruined my apprentice's cultivation, just like destroying my destiny. If you don't kill him today as a show of discipline, how will you let me use the name of King Fu Splitter in the future!"

The Splitting Talisman King said lightly, obviously the latter is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Now that he has come here with such momentum, how can he return empty-handed like this.

"Since he is a friend of the Duke of Hongshan, how about I give the Duke some face? I won't kill him, but just cut off his hands!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone below was also shocked, and many people even stood up from the spot, guarding Chen Xuan's side, and they had to fight these people desperately.

Bai Cen, Xiang Shaoyang, Huo Liu and others all stood firmly by Chen Xuan's side.

A pair of eyes full of anger, glaring at the person above.

After hearing the words of the Talisman Splitter King, the Duke of Hongshan also burst into laughter.

"King Fu Fu, this Duke has already passed. Master Chen Xuan is my friend. If anyone wants to touch him, kill me first!"

Duke Hongshan's attitude was very resolute, which made King Fu Splitter angry.

"Oh? Sir Duke, I only give you this face because of the old Duke's reputation. Since you don't want it, you can't blame me. Today, Chen Xuan must die, and if he doesn't, he must die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man with coiled hair behind him pulled out his long sword, slashed downwards, and fell.


"Be bold!"

The guardian behind Duke Hongshan also shouted angrily, and when he was about to take action, he saw Chen Xuan raise his hand indifferently.

"Tiger, go ahead."

As soon as he finished speaking, a roaring sound came from the direction of Chen's Mansion.


A ray of light mixed with flames swept across the distance, like a fireball.

The old man with disheveled hair was shocked, but the opponent's speed was unexpectedly fast. When he saw it, the old man with disheveled hair couldn't help but exclaimed, it turned out to be a mutated mysterious beast!

"Hiss! The Antarctic True Flame Tiger!"

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