Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly. To Mi Zhisen, he was like a passerby. "I came here in style and left in style! The world is free and easy. Even if I go to the fairy world, I can follow my heart."

Chen Xuan's expression was full of joy, but his heart was extremely calm. With one sword and one jug of wine, he soared in the wind, his white robe fluttering in the air, looking very proud of himself.

At this time, his heart was very relaxed, as if he had been soaked in a medicinal spring a long time ago. But Chen Xuan's eyes looked away from the world, and his eyes covered the entire place beneath his feet.

Not long after, he returned to the Ulan Empire. At this time, it has been more than three years since he left Tu! In just three years, Chen Xuan has transformed from a sixth-level Taoist master into a powerful fifth-level Taoist master.

However, Chengcheng County was not complacent at this time, and there was only calmness in his eyes. Underneath the calm, there was still a faint depressive look that finally returned. Snow Mountain Sect, let’s take a look! Chen Xuan muttered secretly in his heart.

I don’t know how the situation on the mainland has changed in the past three years. The Secret Forest is simply an isolated paradise, and almost no news about Daoxin Continent can be spread there.

And that is, only if there is no worldly interference, it will be so pure. It is even more beneficial to Chen Xuan’s cultivation. But if you want to know about the changes in Daoxin Continent in the past three years, you don't need to go to some high-stakes place.

You only need to go to some wine shops, where there are countless scholars generously expressing their inner ambitions and analyzing the current situation. It seems that these are the only values ​​in their minds.

The speaker is not guilty, and naturally these large sects will not condescend to argue with these people. The common people in Daoxin Continent also need some entertainment after dinner, so naturally there is a place for these people to survive.

Chen Xuan walked into a wine shop on foot, his eyes filled with the image of an endless stream of people. nice! The Ulan Empire's economic situation seems to have become much more stable in recent years, but such an economy must have left behind the situation of two tigers and one mountain. What does it mean to have two tigers and one mountain?

Previously, the Snow Mountain Sect and the Qinghu Sect were both gangs belonging to the Ulan Empire, and the private fight between the two gangs was very intense. It's almost either you die or I die. Of course, it's the common people who suffer when gods fight. Chen Xuan secretly guessed in his heart.

Has this situation been broken? Chen Xuan had an ominous premonition in his heart. If it is broken, Qinghu Gate will probably be weaker than Xiafeng. Because the strength of Qinghu Sect is a bit weaker than that of Snow Mountain Sect.

It’s just that the head of the Snow Mountain Sect was busy with internal fighting in the past few years and had no time to take care of the Qinghu Sect. But in recent years, the Snow Mountain Sect has become very stable. Helan Chong has the help of Jianghe, and the situation is much better than before.

Coupled with the previous killings of Helan Heng and Helan Yu'er of the Snow Mountain Sect, the internal enemies have basically been eliminated. Could it be that the Snow Mountain Sect has given the Qinghu Sect to... The more Chen Xuan thought about it, the more panicked he became, not because he panicked the Qinghu Sect. But purple! Could it be that the Ninth Elder's matter has caused the Qinghu Sect to be destroyed?

Even though Chen Xuan had such a calm mind, he couldn't help but panic at this moment. Chen Xuan frowned, and a cold feeling spread in the atmosphere.

The guests coming and going seemed like they had fallen into an ice cellar. Fortunately, it was summer. Otherwise, I'm afraid these guests will leave first and then hurry up.

Calm down, calm down first! Chen Xuan secretly told his heart, although at this time Chen Xuan felt as if his heart was being scratched severely by a wild cat.

But his face was still blowing like a warm spring breeze. This was Chen Xuan's outer skin. Only his skin as gentle as jade could prevent Chen Xuan from being noticed so quickly.

"Two bottles of wine."

Chen Xuan's voice sounded very cheerful, as cool as a knight-errant. Er was naturally used to seeing such knights from all over the world, so he paused and replied.

"Do you want a bartender?" Er's voice sounded very kind, like a benevolent businessman. When Chen Xuan heard this, he naturally understood the meaning. It seems that these wine shops really have those so-called bartenders. The wine accompaniment is the kind of scholar who is always asking questions, just like a cross talk actor, just chatting and drinking with the guests while they are drinking.

"Yeah!" Chen Xuan smiled, as if his feminine face were like pear blossoms in March.

"Okay... Wait a minute, sir..." Erchao nodded to Chen Xuan and took a look at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was now wearing a white robe and a blue sword, just like a young monk.

And such monks are more likely to be talents from those large sects who were sent to put down the mountain to gain experience. His heart skipped a beat, he couldn't afford to offend such a person.

He didn't dare to neglect, and soon sent a scholar to Chen Xuan with a jug of wine. Chen Xuan didn't put on any airs, but smiled lightly and told him to sit down.

But Chen Xuan's eyes were calm and calm, which made the scholar secretly frightened. He is truly a young and promising monk, he must be extraordinary. "What do you want to ask sir?"

When the bartender was talking in vain, he stood up and calmly said something to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan smiled and returned a salute to him. Every move reflects everyone’s style.

"Do you know about the Qinghu Sect and the Snow Mountain Sect?" Chen Xuan was not too polite after returning the gift, but asked the wine companion to take his seat again. After pouring a glass of fine wine for him and myself, we began to feel normal.

"This... sir!" The bartender seemed to suddenly panic, and his face turned extremely pale. His lips were twitching slightly. Chen Xuan's eyes were still calm as usual.

"Don't be nervous! I went down to practice in seclusion for a while, so I don't know anything about the world!" Chen Xuan smiled and continued. The waiter's expression softened slightly, and he nodded as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Young master, you don't know. The Snow Mountain Sect doesn't allow us to discuss these things!" The wine companion lowered his voice and spoke to Chen Xuan slowly, as if he was extremely conflicted in his heart.

Chen Xuan's heart suddenly tightened! Snow Mountain Sect! It seems that what was supposed to happen has already happened! The Qinghu Sect was actually destroyed by the Snow Mountain Sect! I just don’t know what happened to Ziyi...

Chen Xuan felt a little uncomfortable, and a feeling of disappointment and nervousness spread from Chen Xuan's mind to the soles of his feet. Chen Xuan felt like he was getting cold all over. But the only straw in his heart told him that something might have happened to Ziyi!

She knows! She knew that there was something wrong with the Ninth Elder, and she even knew that the Ninth Elder wanted to kill her. What if she was prepared in advance? Chen Xuan thought to himself. But just because of this, he became more and more nervous.

"Then...what happened?"

Chen Xuan asked in more detail, his eyes full of calmness. It was as if this calmness could help him suppress his fear and nervousness.

"Alas..." The drinker's eyes were filled with unbearable expressions, and Chen Xuan's heart became even more depressed. He felt as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest at this moment.

Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes. The bartender's words were so unflattering. It seems there is some reason. He touched his waist bag and understood something in his heart. It seems that he has been away from Qingxin Continent for three years and has even forgotten some of the rules for getting along with others.

He took off his belt bag, took out fifty taels of silver, and placed it in front of the guest. There was a glint in the eyes of the bartender, as if he was very satisfied. However, he still refused to accept it.

"Huh? Is it too little?" Chen Xuan frowned and asked lightly. At this time, the wine companion felt a chill surrounding him. The terrifying momentum seemed to be able to bring the wine companion into the ice cellar.

"This... is actually... the Snow Mountain Sect does not allow discussion." A trace of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of the drinker.

"You don't want this money, do you want my long sword to discuss with you?" Chen Xuan's voice became even colder, and his face turned from the initial warmness to coldness.

The cold glint in his eyes made the drinker feel deeply frightened.


The bartender took a deep breath, feeling that the thing in front of him was not simple. It seemed that he was a monk who he could not afford to offend.

"Then...okay..." The bartender hesitantly put away the fifty taels of silver. Chen Xuan laughed secretly in his heart. snort! These scholars, who usually comment on current affairs in restaurants, are so philistine at this moment...

"Young Master, you and I from the Qinghu Sect have either surrendered to the Snow Mountain Sect or are dead!" Chen Xuan felt a burst of anger in his heart, and then a burst of pain.

What's dead?

What about his purple clothes? Is he also dead?

"Who died? Do you know the sect master and the girl in purple?" Chen Xuan asked coldly. At this time, the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower. It seemed like the cold air under the Nine Netherworld.

"I... I don't know who died! But the sect master must be dead. He put his head on top of the city gate and refused to move for ten days. As for the girl in purple, it seems that she became a toy of the Snow Mountain Sect and could not bear the humiliation. , also committed suicide!”

Chen Xuan's heart ached, and the wine glass in his hand was bearing Chen Xuan's endless anger and the power of earth fire. But Chen Xuan suppressed it with all his strength, and the liquid in the wine glass was shaken from side to side.

But the wine glass was still as steady as a rock in Chen Xuan's hand. Chen Xuan's heart felt as if it had been torn into pieces, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

But just for a moment, Chen Xuan's face returned to calmness again. The bartenders and the like would certainly not be able to detect the deep sadness beneath the calm. "Okay! I understand!" Chen Xuan's voice was very depressed, as if there was endless anger hidden inside. He took off his belt bag and threw it on the table.

He yelled at Erhe and his accompanying guests, "Today, all of this will be counted as my drink money and your book expenses. You all can leave, no outsiders can come in this private room!"

Chen Xuan's voice still suppressed the last trace of calmness...

Then, he and the wine were the only ones left in the private room. He was like a sad visitor, drinking strong wine and recalling every moment between him and Zi Yi...

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