Then Chen Xuan poured himself glass after glass of wine. Originally, a monk didn't have to worry about getting drunk no matter how much he drank. Because for monks, they can use Taoist power to force out the alcohol.

But at this time, Chen Xuan didn't use his mental strength. He drank until his mind became blurred. Then all his skin faded away, and he no longer had to pretend to be the calm young man.

He was dancing in the inn like a madman, and Jialanjian seemed to know that his master was very heartbroken at this time. Therefore, his sword intention actually added a sense of sadness to his Zheng Zheng.

Every time Chen Xuan struck, every stab he felt Ziyi looking at him in front of his eyes. And the years he and Ziyi were together were as beautiful as yesterday. Suddenly Chen Xuan's sword intention changed, and the momentum suddenly rose.

Boom! Chen Xuan's momentum was at full strength, and the turbulent winds on the earth were dancing like ghosts in the dark night. But the murderous aura in Chen Xuan's eyes burst out without any concealment.

boom! The tables and chairs in the inn were completely shattered. Chen Xuan didn't even look at them. He only had the sword in his hand and the sword's intention in his heart. When they heard such a loud noise in the inn, they all wanted to ask why, but Chen Xuan had already given instructions not to allow outsiders to come in and disturb him.

No matter how curious they were, they would not dare to offend a monk. Chen Xuan just let out a fit in the wine shop unscrupulously. Snow Mountain Sect, very good! You destroyed my family and killed my savior. Killing Yu'er and Ziyi is really a waste of life and death! Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed and darkened, and then the Jialan Sword rose up like a wave towards the surroundings.

The tides one after another are like waves sweeping across the surroundings. Suddenly, Chen Xuan flew out of the window. He was riding the wind, as if he had reached the top of the clouds.

He overlooked the Daoxin Continent at this time, the land washed by blood, hahaha... he started laughing wildly! Are there immortals in this world? Are those people in the Presbyterian Church immortals?

Chen Xuan danced his sword and thought, if they were really immortals. Why didn't they use their strength to save the land when it was stained with blood? What can you feel about this land under the rule of the five major sects?

There is only endless blood and killing, the weak and the strong! Is this how the world should be? If that was the case, it would be easier to destroy him. Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with coldness, and the hostility in his heart spread towards the surroundings with bloodlust.

At this time, Chen Xuan was even closer to the scorching sun. But just because he was closer, Chen Xuan could feel the rays and dazzling heat of the scorching sun above his head.

Can this scorching sun really shine on this land? Chen Xuan stared at his feet, like an emperor looking at his people. cannot! Chen Xuan patted his head and said as if he had an epiphany.

"If you can't, what should you do?" Chen Xuan muttered. Then he glanced at the long sword in his hand, and the long sword once again stabbed towards the clouds like a giant dragon.

"Since you can't, then take care of it yourself!" Chen Xuan's eyes were full of coldness, and every sword he struck was murderous. It seems that it can swallow up the sky, the sun and the moon and turn them into ashes.

"Since you allow this place to kill innocent people indiscriminately, I, Chen Xuan, will no longer respect you. I will use my own laws to turn this place into the so-called righteous way. Earth, if you let this mountain and river become ashes, I will no longer respect you. I worship you, the earth. I will hold my long sword, cross the mountains and rivers, and unite the five sects!" Chen Xuan roared to the whole land while he was drunk.

Every roar seemed to have exhausted all the strength in the body, and the power of the Taoist heart had transformed into a blue fairy mist that was lingering around Chen Xuan. But for the people in Daoxin Continent, these are just a few muffled thunders.

Because Chen Xuan's strength was too strong, and his voice resounded through the sky, there was only a buzzing sound in their heads. After shouting, Chen Xuan rose up against the wind and went to the top of the highest mountain he could see.

He sat with his sword in his arms, his eyes full of silence. He slowly closed his eyes and recalled one thing after another when he came to Chu. He was so unpopular in the Chen Mansion, but after all, it was that kid who saved him.

Otherwise, his soul would probably be wandering somewhere long ago. So even though people from the Chen family made things difficult for him many times, he still chose to tolerate it. But Yu'er is his only concern in the Chen family.

But even Yu'er is dead, and Ziyi... all of this is the Snow Mountain Sect, he is angry, he has endless anger in his heart. He wants to kill.

So what if those outer disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect were there for no reason? Aren't Chen Fu and Yu'er innocent? Do they deserve to die? Chen Xuan decided in his heart that the Snow Mountain Sect would be organized from top to bottom, from Helan Heng and Jiang He to the outer disciples.

He, Chen Xuan, decided not to let anyone go! Chen Xuan returned to the inn and rested for the night. Then, they inquired about the residence of the outer sect of the Snow Mountain Sect. In fact, this Ulan Empire is a country controlled by sects.

At this time, the Snow Mountain Sect became the national sect of the Ulan Empire, so naturally all local officials in the Ulan Empire were replaced by outer disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect. In other words, the officials of the Ulan Empire were the outer disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect.

Ah, so good, Chen Xuan may not be able to kill them all. He wanted to kill all the way from Tu to Snow Mountain Sect. The killing was so bloody that it made the snow-capped mountains tremble.

Chen Xuan's face turned cold, he raised the sword in his hand and walked out. About a quarter of an hour later, Chen Xuan arrived at Sizhou's mansion in Qingzhou quietly. Is this the top leader in Qingzhou?

Chen Xuan sneered secretly. All right! Then it starts with you! The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth turned up in a very strange arc, as if he was smiling, but he also seemed to have a ferocious expression.

Chen Xuan walked forward from the main entrance in a swaggering manner.

"Who are you? Did you just break into Sizhou's mansion in Qingzhou?" The two doormen are usually very aggressive. Now when they saw a foreigner like Chen Xuan, they felt that they were easy to bully...

"Remember! These are the last words you will ever say in your life!" Chen Xuan looked at them with pity, a cold look on his face.

"You stinky..." Before the fairy tale on the left was finished, a cold light appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes, and the murderous intention in his heart suddenly surged like the water of the Yangtze River.

Then a sword pierced his head, and he didn't even have the qualifications to resist... The doorman on the right started to get scared when he saw that Chen Xuan was like the hand of the god of death, killing people without any hesitation.

Chen Xuan seemed to enjoy this feeling very much, and there was a hint of praise in his eyes.

"You should die too!" Then Chen Xuan stabbed him with his backhand, piercing his heart and lungs.

The two doormen didn't even have a chance to resist before they were killed by Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword. Chen Xuan's long sword was now covered with blood, and the blood was flowing down the sword.

Chen Xuan's forehead was also stained with the blood of the two doormen, but Chen Xuan did not wipe it off. He seemed to really enjoy the feeling of the enemy's blood flowing freely on his face.

"Who are you?"

A servant stared at Chen Xuan and asked after Chen Xuan walked into the house. Chen Xuan's face was as cold as ice, and the murderous intent in his eyes did not diminish at all. He smiled coldly, like a ghost.

"Kill your man!" Chen Xuan seemed to spit out these words word for word, and the coldness in his eyes made the servant feel as if he had entered a prison.

"You..." The servant wanted something to strengthen his momentum. But I found that under Chen Xuan's momentum, everything seemed to be blocked in his throat and unable to spit out.

At this time, the servant had even forgotten to beg for mercy. Chen Xuan held the blue sword in his hand, injected the power of earth fire, and stabbed wantonly. The servant lost his life.

"How dare you come! How dare you break into Master Sizhou's mansion in Qingzhou without permission? Do you want to die?" A team of armored soldiers surrounded Chen Xuan, and the person who spoke spoke in a loud voice, completely unfazed by this bloody wave. Terrified.

It seems that this person has also seen blood, but so what? He's just a fifth-level Taoist master. And these armored troops are just the existence of the third level of Taoist masters.

As long as I move my fingers, I'm afraid I can kill them.

"Oh? Do you think you are qualified to talk to me like that?" Chen Xuan sneered and looked at the leader of the Iron Armored Army without making a move first. Just staring at them coldly, the leader of the armored army felt as if his neck was being pinched tightly, making him unable to breathe.

Chen Xuan's heart was full of hatred, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

"Who are you?" The leader of the Iron Armored Army said these words in a deep voice while suppressing his terrifying aura.

"Do you deserve to know?" Chen Xuan smiled. The leader of the Iron Armored Army's heart suddenly pounded, as if it was about to burst out of his chest. This guy is really powerful!

I am afraid that my own strength is far superior. The leader of the Iron Armored Army didn't know what to do, and then a glimmer of light seemed to flash in his eyes. He reached out to the pendant in the middle of his neck and crushed it.

Then there seemed to be an aura left on the pendant. Was he looking for reinforcements? That's fine, it saves you the trouble of going over and killing him! Chen Xuan said to himself.

"Thieves like Ci Ni really deserve to die. Our mission is to protect the rule of Snow Mountain Sect on the battlefield. We will not hesitate to lose our lives! At this time, my general has crushed the jade slip, and reinforcements will arrive soon. Are you willing to fight with us?" Shall I kill the enemy together?”

The words of the leader of the Iron Armored Army were like thunder, Chen Xuan said coldly. "Are you sure that the reinforcements you invited will not come back until you are all dead?" Chen Xuan's tone was full of narrow-mindedness.

In fact, this is also the rule of the Snow Mountain Sect. Even if reinforcements are sent to the battlefield, they will wait until all the original soldiers are dead before taking action against the enemy. The purpose is to make your opponent pay the maximum price.

But such disgusting sect rules still have so many fools working their lives off, which is really pitiful and ridiculous...

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