Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1845 The Snow Mountain Sect is shocked

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of ridicule, but he could hear a little bit of it just now. Those old guys from the Presbyterian Church are actually looking forward to their fight with the Snow Mountain Sect.

snort! As expected, these old guys are all like you foxes who only know how to watch a show, and they even treat the members of "Don't Spare Your Life" as a show. This made him secretly unhappy.

Snow Mountain Sect

An elderly man in white robes sits on the main throne made of gold and inlaid with various precious gems. He seems to be more than two hundred years old, but his spirit is still there, and sometimes there are flashes of light in his eyes.

But he casually leaned on the main seat and played with the dagger in his hand. It was as if the murderous weapon, which had tortured countless people and souls, was like a toy in his hands.

It's just that the atmosphere around him seemed to be suppressed to freezing point, and the man sitting in the lower right seat had a sinister look in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, and said nothing.

Only the man kneeling in the hall had sweat on his forehead. But the one in rough clothes looks like a servant.

"Damn it!" Suddenly, the man in charge felt a sharp shout, and his brows furrowed slightly. His eyes were full of cold murderous intent, as if the bloodthirsty air was spreading within the palace.


The person kneeling in the hall became nervous for a moment, as if it hit his heart like thunder, shaking his mind. His body trembled slightly, as if he was very afraid of the old man in the main seat.

"My lord!" The middle-aged man on the right looked very luxurious with a blue dragon pattern embroidered on his white shirt. At this time, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he cupped his hands towards the man on the throne.

"Huh?" The man above the main seat, whose white shirt was embroidered with a bright yellow dragon pattern, had his thin lips slightly raised and his eyebrows lowered as he stared at the man on the right. The man on the right felt a chill instantly, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Jiang He...what are you thinking about?" The voice of the man on top of the throne was extremely low, as if he was suppressing Ling Lie's anger.

"My lord, calm down! My subordinates believe that the incident related to the Secret Forest may be the work of the same person." Jiang He's face was full of calmness, and his pair of deep pupils seemed to be able to see through everything. the whole story.

"Yeah! Jiang He is right, but I don't care who he is! I just care about when he can turn into a corpse!" The man on the main seat was even more murderous at this time, and the anger in his eyes was like a fierce lion. It's as scary as walking out of the forest.

"Do you have a plan?" The man in charge felt a little relieved when he saw Jiang He's calm eyes. If there was no one Helan Chong trusted the most, it was the river in front of him.

Not because of anything else, but every time the Snow Mountain Sect and Helan Chong encountered big trouble, Jiang He could always think of a more appropriate way to solve it.

"My subordinate has an idea, but..."

A glimmer of light seemed to flash in Jiang He's heart, but after glancing at the people kneeling in the hall, he looked directly at Helan and said hesitantly. He Lanchong followed Jiang He's gaze and looked over. The people in the hall were still kneeling there.

"What are you kneeling for? Get out of here!" He Lanchong shouted sternly with a cold look on his face, and the aura of a powerful superior suddenly descended on this servant. He felt like he couldn't stand up with his legs, so he could only crawl out.

"Wait!" Jiang He's sharp voice was full of coldness. What's wrong? He Lanchong's eyes were full of questioning.

Jiang He once again raised his hands towards Helan and said, "This man is here in the hall, if it weren't for the sect leader who asked him to leave. He also... his subordinates think he might be..."

Helan Chong's suspicion was soon aroused by Jiang He. Indeed, even if this son is not a traitor, he is not suitable to stay in the Snow Mountain Sect. For such a person who does not know how to praise, his death will not be unjust.

boom! Suddenly, Helan Chong's eyes were filled with murderous intent, surging like a terrifying fire. The dagger was unsheathed fiercely and forced directly on Xia Rao.

puff! On the spot, blood splattered seven feet inside the Snow Mountain Sect. But Jiang He and Helan Chong didn't seem to change their expressions at all, as if they had done something insignificant.

"You continue!" He Lanchong glanced at Jiang He again and said coldly.

"It seems that this son has a big grudge against the Snow Mountain Sect. He is just here to take revenge! He is not here to seize power. What this subordinate means is..." Jiang He's eyes were full of hesitation, but although this hesitation The verisimilitude did not escape Helanchong's eyes.

"I know what you mean! Are you please..." A glimmer of light flashed in Helanchong's eyes, but the idea only paused in his heart for a second and then was rejected.

"This...that adult is really not easy to mess with. Is he willing?" He Lanchong's eyes seemed to be shining with doubts as he looked at Jiang He. Jiang He also shook his head and said, "This guy is very powerful. I'm afraid the best solution is to invite that guy to come!"

Helan nodded and said, "It seems that the three-year mark has arrived. I'm afraid that lord has also left seclusion, but I don't know where he will be after he comes out of seclusion?"

Every time Chen Xuan encountered a state or town along the way, he started to exterminate the Snow Mountain Sect's power there, without any hesitation at all. His hands were already stained with the blood of the Snow Mountain Sect, and he felt that this blood might have sacrificed hundreds of lives of Yu'er, Ziyi, and the Chen family.

Within the Presbyterian Church...

"Bai Zhe! With so many lives on your hands, will you lose your character by then?" Bai Yan looked at Bai Zhe with a worried look in his eyes.

"This is different! Sword hearts are different from each other, just like Elder Baihe's sword heart. His sword is as indifferent as clear water, so his sword intention is as cold as his heart."

Bai Yan nodded when he heard this. His sworn brother Bai Zhe was really a swordsman. Being able to study under Bai Zhe for a period of time, even if he is not learning the sword, will help him understand the heart and intention of the sword.

"But Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword is different!" Bai Zhe smiled faintly. He admired the sword's heart of the Jialan Sword very much. Although the Jialan Sword God only existed in the legend at that time, as the previous Jialan Sword Master, he had been searching for him for half his life.

"The Jialan Sword emphasizes gratification and grudges, and every love and hatred must be cut off and not disturbed in the heart. Therefore, the more Chen Xuan kills people to eliminate hatred, the more amazing the understanding of the sword's heart becomes."

Bai Zhe's tone was light, but the excitement in it was almost overwhelming. My apprentice is really good! The understanding of the Jialan Sword was unexpectedly so fast, and it was able to merge with the sword's heart so quickly.

"Hahaha... you! You are just a swordsman!" Bai Yan also had a touch of joy in his tone. In fact, he was not completely reassured about Bai Zhe.

It can be regarded as repeated testing, although Bai Zhe is now the only one on his side who wants to support Chen Xuan as the next head of the Presbyterian Church. But Bai Zhe is also Chen Xuan's master. If in the future...

However, Bai Zhe is obsessed with swordsmanship and is not too greedy for power and position. This is very satisfactory for white smoke.

"Brother, I'm just worried..."

Bai Zhe's tone paused a bit. He remembered what happened in Baishan before, and he was still in Daoxin Continent. If Baishan and Snow Mountain Sect united to deal with Chen Xuan, wouldn't this boy be dead?

"Hmph! Do you think I just knew that you left the Purple Mansion Order to Chen Xuan? I just caused it and didn't say anything! As for the Baishan matter, that was my intention. Chen Xuan cannot avoid the disaster he deserves."

Bai Yan sighed and said slowly, closing his eyes slightly as if he was falling asleep. Bai Zhe's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that he thought he was helping Chen Xuan. In fact, he pushed him into the fire pit.

Although Zifu Ling is an immortal, Baishan only has the Taoist cultivation level at this time. However, even if a Taoist-level monk uses the Purple Mansion Order in front of the Tao Emperor, the chance of escaping is extremely low.

Is Bai Yan trying to make Chen Xuan die?

"Hmph! You don't need to worry too much. But do you know that the position of Young Master is one of thousands. If he can't even pass this level, then what ability does he have to be the Young Master? job?"

Bai Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a fierce momentum burst out. Bai Zhe was secretly frightened. It seemed that he had indeed taken matters into his own hands.

If Chen Xuan fails this level, even the Presbyterian Council will not be able to tolerate him!

"Do you think I am the only elder who knows about this? Humph! I'm afraid most of the elders have already received the news from those spies. Otherwise, do you think Bai He would dare to disobey me so easily?"

Bai Yan's eyes were cold, without the usual warmth, and he was now staring at Bai Zhe. Bai Zhe felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that things were more complicated than he thought. This time he really acted rashly.

"Hmph! That's all! It's good to know! I just don't want it to happen a second time." The white smoke was faint, as if nothing had happened at this time.

But Bai Zhe knew that Bai Yan already had a grudge against him, but he was afraid that it would be difficult to redeem him.

"Don't worry too much. I'm just reminding you that although we are brothers, you must think twice about some things." Bai Yan knew when Bai Zhe's eyes were so solemn that he probably felt that he felt sorry for him in his heart. Got other ideas.

In fact, Bai Yan could only rely on Bai Zhe at this time, and Bai Zhe was the only one who knew the most.

"You also know that, and I am not hiding any selfish motives. If something unexpected happens, let alone the Daoxin Continent, I am afraid that the Presbyterian Church will also be destroyed!"

Bai Yan's eyes were full of fierceness as he stared at Bai Zhe. Bai Zhe's heart suddenly tightened, indeed! Only Chen Xuan can handle that matter, so there must be no mistakes!

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