Chen Xuan walked and killed all the way, as if he didn't care at all how much blood his hands were stained. The hatred towards the Snow Mountain Sect in his eyes gradually turned into pleasure under his own killing.

But for the Snow Mountain Sect, every time they received a secret report, there would be a commotion within the sect. What kind of person is he who hates the Snow Mountain Sect so much? And Helan Chong and Jiang He did not stop looking for traces of the senior.

It seems that that is the only straw that can save the Snow Mountain Sect, but he seems to have gone out to travel. It seems to have disappeared from this world and cannot be found no matter how hard you look for it.

One morning, inside the Snow Mountain Sect, Jiang He and Helan Chong looked at Chen Xuan, who was approaching the sect, and were preparing for a battle. One person and one sword could actually disrupt such a powerful sect.

This made Jiang He and Helanchong very unhappy, and made the other three major sects laugh. Helan Chong and Jiang He's expressions have become increasingly serious these days. If looks could kill, the Snow Mountain Sect would have been extinct by now.

"Sir, Sect Master, there is an old man outside who wants to talk to Sect Master. This is the old man's token. Sect Master, take a look." A disciple who was doing chores handed an exquisite jade pendant to He Lanchong.

He Lanchong just glanced at the jade pendant, his expression full of shock. This boy...this boy actually...came to the door by himself? The Snow Mountain Sect and himself had been looking for him for more than three months, and they almost turned over Daoxin Continent.

"Please! Go quickly!" Helan Chong almost drove the handyman disciple out of the hall.

"Jiang He... look at this..." He Lanchong's lips twitched slightly, as if he was in disbelief. Is he really going to help us deal with Chen Xuan?

"Could it be that Sect Master Helan doesn't believe me?" A thunderous voice rushed towards Helan. "I've met the senior before!" Even with He Lanchong's status, they all saluted the old man together with Jiang He.

The old man in white had a sinister look on his face, and his eyes revealed a murderous and ruthless aura. The sharp eyebrows and the flashing light are like an old fox-like figure.

Seeing such a character made Jianghe and Helan Chong feel very uneasy and nervous.

"Hmph! It's not impossible to ask me to help!" Bai Shan said coldly, but the twinkling light in his eyes reminded Helan Chong and Jiang He that things were not so simple at this time.


Jiang He took a deep breath, and the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger. Jiang He also stood beside Helan Chong, calm and composed. Such a person must not want mundane things!

Is it a right? Want Snow Mountain Sect?

"Senior, please!" He Lanchong's eyes were filled with hesitation, but he still let Bai Shan speak first. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Bai Shan's eyes. It seems that your Presbyterian Council has failed me.

Then don't blame me for not thinking about old feelings, that's good! Bai Yan, one day I will let you kneel down and beg me.

"Okay! Come here then!" Baishan took out a ring from between his sleeves, and then turned it gently. Two pills and two techniques appeared.

"The thing is very simple. These two pills can improve your cultivation. Practicing according to these two techniques will definitely make your strength reach the realm of Tao Emperor very quickly."


Helan Chong and Jiang He's eyes were filled with joy, but they calmed down immediately! How is it possible that there will be good deeds of kindness in the world? If this kid wants nothing, I won't believe it even if I kill myself.

"Hmph! Not only that, you can also reach above the Tao Emperor. You have the supreme immortal power above the Tao Emperor. Of course, the premise is that you are absolutely obedient. There is another wonderful thing about this technique. If you have the desire to rebel against the Divine Lord, My heart will surely suffer the heart-gnawing pain of scorching ants, which is thousands of times more painful than hell.”

"Of course, I have surrendered to His Majesty the Divine Lord. At this time, even Chen Xuan with the Purple Mansion Order cannot escape from my power! What do you think?"

After Baishan finished, his eyes were extremely calm, and he had no strong intention of wanting them to surrender. Just stared at them lightly.

"Supreme immortal power? Above the Dao Emperor? Can you roam freely on the Daoxin Continent?" Jiang He and Helan Chong thought about it for a long time and asked Bai Shanda. Baishan seemed to have known that they would ask this question, so he just smiled lightly.

"Yes! This world is far more complicated than you think. Those people in the Presbyterian Church who think they are immortals have long deceived your eyes and ears." Baishan said calmly, not in a hurry to give out any other information.

"You... okay! Senior, I will agree!" The ambition in Helan Chong and Jiang He's eyes turned into a flame, burning more and more under Bai Shan's words.

Within the Presbyterian Church...

"Elder Bai Yan, something has changed in the Snow Mountain Sect!" Bai Yan's heart suddenly tightened, and he immediately became fierce. It seems that is indeed the case... I still didn't think carefully enough.


This Baishan is actually helping the evildoers! Bai Yan and Bai Zhe's expressions became cold and stern. "It's my mistake! The Lord God's hand actually reached out to Daoxin Continent and I'm still completely intact!"

Bai Yan's expression turned livid at this time, while Bai Zhe's expression was also very stiff and ugly. "As for Chen Xuan's matter, if the Lord God is involved, I'm afraid..."

Bai Zhe's voice was faint, and his face was full of helplessness.

"Chen Xuan's Purple Mansion Order can't even hope for a chance of survival at a level above the Tao Emperor!" Bai Yan's tone also became disappointed, as if there had been nothing for him to speak in this tone for a long time.

"However, it won't be certain if someone blocks the blow for him!" Bai Zhe's eyes flashed and he looked at Bai Yan with a half-smile. The corners of Bai Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and the look on his face softened.

"Hmph! It seems that you are trying to take advantage of Chen Xuanzi's order!" Bai Yan sneered, but his words were full of ridicule.

"Only my eldest brother can do this. With my Purple Mansion Order, he can only help the host move instantly... As for the end point of the movement..." Bai Zhe smiled, as if he was a thousand-year-old fox.

"Is it Beiming Continent?" Bai Yan replied with a smile.

"That's all..." Bai Yan smiled helplessly. He felt like he was being secretly dragged into the water by this old fox Bai Zhe. It’s really hard to guard against.

"It's just the two people from the Snow Mountain Sect..." Bai Yan looked at Bai Zhe worriedly.

"Don't be too panicked. I left quite a few good things in Beiming Continent, but don't forget that Lin became an immortal through cultivation in Beiming Continent!" Bai Yan's eyes flashed with light.

It seems that Bai Zhe still has terrifying strength in Beiming Continent. What is left to Chen Xuan depends on Chen Xuan's understanding.

But Chen Xuan has been the most carefree these days and is about to come to Snow Mountain Sect. At this time, the joy in his heart seems to be completely aroused. Gratitudes and grudges are unwilling to escape, right and wrong are picked with the sword.

Chen Xuan quietly recited this sentence of sword intention, and started to dance wantonly with a pot of wine and a sword. Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt the sword intention in his left hand tighten, as if it was going crazy into his blood.

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with joy, was he about to break through again? Chen Xuan knew this familiar feeling. This feeling of being drunk but not drunk was as unrestrained as walking in the wind. Chen Xuan's eyes were full of joy, and a long sword was swaying by the spring like a dragon and a phoenix.

boom! Suddenly, Chen Xuan dived into the water like a dragon entering a river. The cold air and air pressure in the water made him feel as if his heart and lungs were undergoing a great test.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly and gritted his teeth. It seems that every move and every move is as flexible as a swimming fish. He seemed to merge with the soft water in the water, and every movement he made was as soft as water but steely.

Chen Xuan was very shocked. The power of this sword seemed to be gentle one after another. In fact, it will bring death to the enemy! Although Chen Xuan was shocked, he soon became calm.

For the sword, only enough calm can make the swordsman feel free and unrestrained... and Jialan Sword's requirement for the mind is calm, because calm can make you feel free and unrestrained.

cut! cut! cut!

Every time Chen Xuan swung his sword, it seemed as if he was gestating infinite power of Taoist heart, and the power of Taoist heart continued to flow with his blood. It was as if his heart and lungs were also infected, and the blood in his veins seemed to be integrated with the power of the Tao Heart under the water.


Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to become ferocious, and a powerful hatred penetrated into his mind. It seems that all of this is like fragments of scenes. What is in Chen Xuan's mind

The bloody aura of Yu'er's color seemed to be surging in Chen Xuan's heart at this time. Chen Xuan's eyes were full of coldness. He looked at this hand like a stranger.

Hate! Like a terrifying giant python surging in Chen Xuan's blood, Chen Xuan's sword intent suddenly surged up like a layer of fire.

Uncontrollable killing intent invaded the lake, and Chen Xuan's heart was filled with ice coldness. boom! Suddenly, the blood in Chen Xuan's bloodline seemed to start flowing backwards, like the water from the Yangtze River flowing backwards.


Chen Xuan took a breath of cold air and screamed in his heart! If you cannot suppress this predatory hatred, you may be eroded by the hatred.

calm! Chen Xuan wanted to find some peace in his heart!

But the calmer it gets, the hotter the fire burns.

"Hahaha! This guy is interesting! Inner demon! I haven't seen such a powerful inner demon for a long time. I'm afraid he will turn into ashes in less than half an hour!"

An old man in blue was holding a wine bottle, shaking it as if he was drunk. Pointing at Chen Xuan's dangerous situation, he joked with a smile...

To save or not to save is my decision...

Um? This guy is actually holding a blue sword? That’s interesting! There was a glint in the eyes of the old man in blue, but then there was a drunken look in his eyes.

That’s it! That’s it!

Since I am the master of Jialan Sword of this generation, I cannot sit idly by.


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