When Xia Yanran was about to meet Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan jumped out a few meters away in an instant, looked at Xia Yanran and said coldly: "I don't like others touching me."

He doesn't like others touching him, but why can Lu Ying touch him, and still hold Chen Xuan's hand? The look in Xia Yanran's eyes changed. This is her dignified sister who is not as rough as her. How is your maid?

I feel a little angry when I think about it. After all, how could such an uncomfortable thing happen? But why did this incident start: "Do you know who I am?"

Xia Yanran was thinking like this. If this person knew who she was, then she would definitely not be deceived by that girl Lu Ying. This girl was prettier than herself. She had not discovered this woman at first. , but just today she went to the servants' room to look at the newly washed clothes, but she didn't expect to see this dead girl.

How could she endure someone who was more beautiful than herself? Even if there was someone, she would ruin that face.

"Not interested." Chen Xuan replied with the same attitude as before, and was about to leave, but Lu Ying followed Chen Xuan closely, but Chen Xuan didn't have anything to do with it.

"Stop! Stop!" Xia Yanran was about to chase after her, but she found that she couldn't move. She stood there for a long time, angrily shouting to the guard next to her, and said angrily: "Come here and untie me!" A guard came over. If Xia Yanran couldn't stand it, she just slapped the next guard on the face. The guard was not moved at all by Xia Yanran's behavior. Xia Yanran came out of the formation nearby and stood on one side.

I really admire his unmoved behavior. If it were Chen Xuan and someone dared to do this to him, then he would definitely ask the whole family to apologize for his behavior, or else he would be buried with the entire family.

Although this is a bit cruel, in Chen Xuan's world, there is no right or wrong at all, only the allusion that the winner is king.

Chen Xuan had already found an inn. After seeing Chen Xuan, Er said politely: "Sir, do you want to eat or have a meal?"

"Stay in the hotel."

"One or two?" Er looked at the two people standing here. Although they were a man and a woman, looking at Midoriya following the man, she looked like a maid.

"One, two rooms." I originally thought that one room would be enough, but the girl next to him stood beside him and looked at Chen Xuan with fear and panic. He couldn't bear it, and he had offended him before. Although the woman in front of me didn't know who she was, the woman in front of me felt that this girl must be extremely scared when she saw the woman's panic.

"Okay! Sir, do you want to order any more drinks or food?" Er asked again.

"Here are some of the best ones. They will be sent to my room later." Then he turned around and left. After taking a step, he turned around and said to Er again: "Give her a piece too."

"Okay!" Er Gaoxin wrote a few words on the paper, and then took them directly to the adjacent second room.

"My benefactor! I..." Luying followed Chen Xuan here. When she heard that her benefactor also gave her a room and food, she was so moved that she wanted to cry, but Chen Xuan's serious face made Luying a little She didn't dare to get close, but she still wanted to say thank you.

"Needless to say, I'm tired, you should go and rest." Chen Xuan's mind was a little tired after what happened with his inner demon, so he closed the door and fell on the bed to sleep.

The green cherry outside the room didn't say anything. She looked at Chen Xuan who seemed really tired. He took out the incense in his arms and used his spiritual power to float in the air through the crack in the door. He heard the calm breath in the room. Then Lu Ying turned around and left the door of Chen Xuan's room.

After waking up again, Chen Xuan saw that it was already late at night. He was not very happy when he saw that the person who was doing the job, No. 2, had not brought the food. As he opened the door, he saw Lu Ying bringing the food. After bringing it over, she showed a smile, watched Chen Xuan step forward and said: "I saw you were sleeping soundly, so I asked them to take the food away. I think the master should be awake at this time. I went to the kitchen just now... …”

"Master?" Chen Xuan glanced at Lu Ying, and looked at Lu Ying with some confusion. He didn't seem to accept Lu Ying as his subordinate, so why did he call him in?

"My benefactor saved me, Lu Ying is willing to work as a cow and horse for my benefactor." Lu Ying helped Chen Xuan put the food on the table. Chen Xuan pretended that the food was still steaming, and sat on the stool to eat. When I got up, I didn't say a few words to Lu Ying.

After the meal, Lu Ying consciously put away her things. Chen Xuan, concerned about his inner demons, returned to bed to meditate, adjust his breathing, and use his spiritual power to test whether there was anything wrong with his whole body.

Just after Chen Xuan thought about what happened, something seemed to smell in the room. He smelled it and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

Over at the Presbyterian Church, Bai Zhe was walking around in his room with worry in his eyes and kept mumbling: "What to do! How to do it! It's not easy to accept a disciple, this What should I do if I am entangled by the inner demon? Is it true that I have not escaped that guy from Baishan and will die in the hands of the inner demon? "

Bai Yan, who was sitting on another chair, calmly picked up the teacup and drank tea. Looking at Bai Zhe walking around, she calmly replied: "Bai Zhe, don't sway around in front of me anymore. It hurts my eyes. Didn't someone save your apprentice? What are you afraid of? But your apprentice is lucky. He actually woke up." The people who heard the report felt that this matter was a little strange. They never knew who knew the twists and turns in the middle, which made them feel a little surprised. "This guy! It's just worrying. Will you..." Bai Zhe didn't finish Bai Yan's words and replied "No" "You! You are just too worried. Since he can escape from such a big demon, it means that his mind is very strong." "He is not your apprentice, of course you are like this." Bai Zhe rolled his eyes at Bai Yan, as if he was not a member of his family, how could he know how worried he, the master, was. Bai Yan didn't say anything, but Bai Zhe thought Bai Yan was angry when he saw her like this, and he started to explain, but Bai Yan said it was okay and left. They were all elders, Bai Yan was okay, Bai Zhe was just a little bit unstable, but after this matter, he felt that it shouldn't be that simple.

On the street in Bansheng City, Lu Ying followed Chen Xuan and walked on the street, and kept muttering something in her mouth. Chen Xuan looked at Lu Ying and chattered non-stop. At the beginning, he would say a few words, but later there was nothing.

"Master, look here, this is for auctions, collections and other antiques, but there are some things that require a door to enter, we..." Lu Ying was thinking that they couldn't get in, and saw Chen Xuan walked in directly. Lu Ying was stunned. Who is this Chen Xuan? How can he have everything?

After Lu Ying walked in, she followed Chen Xuan closely, looking around with a curious look on her face, pulling the corner of Chen Xuan's clothes. Chen Xuan stopped and looked at her without saying anything, but Lu Ying bumped into him because of Chen Xuan's stop.

"Just call me Chen Xuan." Chen Xuan's voice said again. Lu Ying wanted to argue, but when she saw Chen Xuan's cold eyes, she didn't say anything more, just nodded obediently.

"Chen, Chen Xuan, where are we going now?" Lu Ying looked at Chen Xuan as if he was looking for something, but he didn't find what he wanted after walking for a long time. Lu Ying was very curious. There were so many things for sale, what would Chen Xuan be looking for?

"We're here." Chen Xuan said indifferently.

Luying watched Chen Xuan walk into the dilapidated wooden house. In this dark underground passage, the wooden house showed its differences. Luying walked around in the house like a curious baby. Luying saw a beautiful jade pendant and wanted to reach out to touch it, but at this moment a white light flew towards Luying, and Chen Xuan instantly stood in front of Luying. The white light instantly disappeared in front of Chen Xuan.

"I have heard that the Sixth Master has a strange temper. I have seen it today." Chen Xuan glanced at a half-white middle-aged man who came from the side. He was wearing a shabby cloth, but his temperament did not match his clothes.

"It's impolite to touch other people's things casually. It's still necessary to teach him a lesson before he knows how to be obedient." The old voice of the Sixth Master looked at Chen Xuan's expression with a hint of smile, as if two adults were discussing how to teach their own children.

However, Chen Xuan also stared at Liu Ye and snorted, then slowly snorted, "You have to look at the owner when you beat the dog, right? Liu Ye."

The two smiled, but Lu Ying still didn't understand what they said, but now she felt like she had done something wrong. Why did Chen Xuan and the man called Liu Ye feel a little bit hurtful?

"You go stand at the door." Chen Xuan looked at Lu Ying and said, then he went directly with Liu Ye into the door that Liu Ye had just come out of, but Lu Ying pouted to show whether Chen Xuan was angry!

But how could she just go out like this? She looked at the things in the store, and there was a jade pendant standing in the cabinet. She could feel that the jade pendant was calling her. She reached out to touch the jade pendant, but as soon as she touched the jade pendant, her hand seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, and a drop of blood fell on the jade pendant. At this time, the whole house heard the sound of Feng Huang's cry, which naturally alarmed Liu Ye and Chen Xuan in the house.

"You are such a troublesome girl. How come you signed the contract?" Sixth Master's helplessness made Chen Xuan frown. Why did Luying follow him? Chen Xuan regretted it at this moment. Luying was suddenly a little scared when she saw this scene. She ran behind Chen Xuan and hid. Chen Xuan was a little helpless. Sixth Master looked at Chen Xuan and had nothing to say, fearing that his place could not accommodate these two people. Sixth Master's eyes were a little helpless but he didn't dare to say much.

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