Chen Xuan walked up to Lu Ying and looked at the jade pendant beside her, and then turned to look at Lu Ying. Chen Xuan was a little dissatisfied with Lu Ying who was so reckless, but Chen Xuan didn't have much to say. He turned to Master Liu and asked, "How much does this jade pendant cost? I bought it."

When Master Six heard that Chen Xuan was going to buy this thing, he who had been sullen just now smiled and said with a charming look on his face: "This thing of mine is not cheap! Are you sure, Master?" That look seemed to mean The price of this jade pendant was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Chen Xuan felt a little uncomfortable after Liu Ye's words. Did Liu Ye still think that he was short of money?

Liu Ye didn't do any ink and pointed directly with one finger. Lu Ying trembled: "One hundred taels?" Because there are never too few things that can be sold here, Lu Ying tried his best to look up the number. He added, but Master Liu shook his head.

"One thousand taels? This, this is too expensive, Chen Xuan, let's not take it anymore." Lu Ying thought and pulled Chen Xuan tremblingly.

"No? You've already signed a contract, why don't you want it?" Chen Xuan's pressure was very solemn, as if they were in an ice cellar now, but Lu Ying's guilty heart instantly dropped after what Chen Xuan did.

"How much is it directly? I don't have that much time to waste here." Chen Xuan's domineering words made Liu Ye stop showing off. Instead, he turned a serious face and said thoughtfully: "Ten thousand taels of gold, , I’ll remove the loose ends for you.”

"What! Ten thousand taels!!! Gold???" Lu Ying's surprised expression made her whole mouth appear round. Chen Xuan turned around and stared at Lu Ying, who covered her mouth and said nothing.

Chen Xuan directly took out a ninth-level restoration pill and appeared in front of Master Six, and said directly: "I don't have that much cash here. I wonder if Master Six can get all the items I want?"

Since Chen Xuan had lost all the objects, the Sixth Master was also a practical person. He was surprised when he saw the elixir in Chen Xuan's hand. He excitedly grabbed it and held it in his hand like a treasure, muttering in his mouth. He murmured to himself: "Is this the seventh-grade restoration pill?"

"Ignorant guy, this is the ninth grade." Chen Xuan snorted and pulled Lu Ying away to take a look at the wooden house. After walking out, the two of them seemed to be able to hear Liu Ye's wild laughter, and Lu Ying turned her head. I went back and looked at the wooden house.

"Chen, Chen Xuan, have I caused trouble for you? Yes, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time." Luying lowered her head even further, as if she was a child who had done something wrong, but Chen Xuan did not blame her, but looked at Lu Ying with her head buried and directly hung the jade pendant on Lu Ying's neck. Lu Ying raised her head in shock, and Chen Xuan said coldly: "Don't move! "

"I can't blame you for this, but I think you seem to be quite destined for this. In that case, just take it if you like it. I don't lack the money." Chen Xuan brought it to Lu Ying, and stood beside him. People are still talking about Chen Xuan and the two of them, what is the deep love between husband and wife?

The man is talented and the woman is beautiful. After listening to it, Midoriya only felt her ears were a little red. Although Chen Xuan also heard it, he didn't feel much about it.

After the jade pendant was hung on Lu Ying's neck, Lu Ying knelt directly in front of Chen Xuan and said: "Lv Ying, I will be the son of the master in this life and eternity. I will do whatever the master tells me to do. There is no second intention, Lu Ying is willing to accompany the young master forever."

"There is a saying that a great favor cannot be expressed in words. If you really want to be grateful, why not express your gratitude with your own body?" Chen Xuan looked at Lu Ying's face and said with a smile, and felt amused when he saw Lu Ying's frightened expression. , but before Lu Ying could answer for a while, Chen Xuan said: "I was just joking like that. I have someone I like, but I just regret that I didn't have the ability to protect her at the time. Let's go and go for a walk. I've spent the rest of my life with you. Not very familiar yet.”

Originally Lu Ying was willing to want her, but after hearing what Chen Xuan said, she couldn't keep silent. Looking at people like Chen Xuan, there must be many women who like her. Now she doesn't know anything or understands anything. Chen Xuan also How could he fall in love with himself?

Just when Midoriya was feeling annoyed, a female voice appeared in Midoriya's consciousness. Her clear voice sounded in Midoriya's ears, saying: "Are you the human who woke me up?"

I? Humanity?

What's this?

"You, who are you?" Midoriya shouted in surprise. A woman in red clothes appeared in Midori's consciousness. The moment she opened her eyes, the whole time seemed to be still. Midoriya Looking at this woman's extremely beautiful appearance, she is absolutely incomparable to him, and she feels a little inferior to her.

"What are you?" Chen Xuan next to him looked at where Lu Ying was talking to himself and didn't know what he was talking about. He looked at Lu Ying in confusion and asked. Lu Ying shook his head, like a frightened bird, making Chen Xuan feel protective in his heart. desire,

"Human, you don't have to say it directly, just say it silently in your heart." The woman in red looked at Green Ying and said directly. She was a strange woman to think about. The woman in red looked at her parasite, Green Ying, and Some people were afraid of Chen Xuan, so they tried to find out about Chen Xuan. Who knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was so powerful, and there was also a feeling that made her feel uncomfortable.

"Who are you? Why can't I see you?" Lu Ying said again. At this time, Chen Xuan had already taken her back to the inn. Chen Xuan still had things to deal with, so he called Lu Ying himself Take it with you at home and don't run around. If something happens, he won't care. Green Ying nodded obediently.

After Chen Xuan left, Lu Ying was taken into the sea of ​​​​the gods by the woman in red. The woman in red was called Phoenix because she was sealed on this jade pendant during a battle. Her cultivation has not recovered yet. If Lu Ying If she is willing to help her restore her cultivation, then the Phoenix Society will help her become the master of this world. Luying agreed after being tempted by Fenghuang.

Green Ying thought that a person as powerful as Chen Xuan must need a strong person to accompany him. Now that her cultivation level is so low, Chen Xuan must be implicated. Maybe she will get tired of her in the future and won't want her. Staying by Chen Xuan's side, or there are other women around Chen Xuan, other women who are better than Lu Ying.

"I took a look and found that your original system was very special, but now her physique needs to be tempered so that you can be reborn, which will be more conducive to your cultivation. But you probably don't understand anything yet. In the early stage, I I will teach you." Phoenix looked at Lu Ying very patiently. Even what she was thinking about in the New Year was clear. Although she didn't come out, she also knew that Lu Ying would definitely be obedient. After all, she is not here now. There is nothing to choose from.

"Okay." Luying was very obedient, and Phoenix was very satisfied.

Lu Ying stayed in the room for the whole afternoon and did not come out. Phoenix brought Lu Ying into the sea of ​​​​the gods, and she spent the entire afternoon tempering her body. Although Lu Ying had been reminded by Feng Huang, the process was still quite painful. But Midoriya gritted her teeth and persisted.

"Yes, since you can persist in tempering, then the following things will be relatively simple, but you have to remember all the mental methods and moves I gave you, and take some time to come in every time. I Check regularly." Fenghuang looked at Lu Ying and said calmly, feeling that this time the master seemed to be more obedient than the previous master, but he also knew nothing than the previous master, so he had to start teaching from the beginning.

"Okay." Midoriya nodded.

After leaving the room, I saw that there was no one in Chen Xuan's room, and I knew that he was still working and hadn't come back yet. It was already late at this point, and the fragrance of the food in the entire inn filled the whole room. Chen Xuan's room was It was quite messy, so Luying went straight in to tidy it up, but after tidying it up, she sat on the stool and waited for Chen Xuan to come back.

At night, after Chen Xuan took care of things, he came back and saw Lu Ying sleeping on the table in his room. He was a little surprised. Looking at Lu Ying's appearance, the moonlight outside the window happened to shine on Lu Ying's face. From this side view, Chen Xuan actually thought this woman was quite pretty.

Perhaps because of Feng Huang's reminder, Lu Ying slowly opened her eyes, only to see Chen Xuan looking at her. She quickly stood up and stood aside in shock, saying: "I, I just came to see if you were back. "No, I cleaned the room when I saw it was messy. I definitely didn't touch anything of yours."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but laugh when he saw Lu Ying trying his best to explain himself, and replied: "You are really interesting."

"Eat, have you eaten? I'll ask Er to make some food." Midoriya had some nervous questions.

"Yeah." Chen Xuan nodded. Lu Ying turned around and went out after seeing Chen Xuan agree. Chen Xuan looked at Lu Ying's leaving figure. He didn't know why this woman was so cute and cute. This thought made Chen Xuan Xuan couldn't help but be stunned when he came back to his senses. What was he doing?

The food came directly after a short time. Seeing Lu Ying bring it to Chen Xuan's room and get a set of bowls and chopsticks, Chen Xuan did not sit down. Instead, he sat on the bed and watched Lu Ying busy around. When Lu Ying asked Chen Xuan to come down to eat, Chen Xuan said: "I have already eaten outside. You can eat by yourself. After eating, put away the food and close the door. Remember, don't disturb me." ." Then he took off his clothes directly in front of Midori and went to sleep with his back to Midori.

At this moment, Luying was absolutely convinced that Chen Xuan was a really nice person. Even if he didn't say much, he was still quite heartwarming in the new year. Luying glanced at the person on the bed, ate the food gently, and It was as if he was really afraid that he would make a sound that would disturb Chen Xuan and take a rest.

However, when Chen Xuan turned around, he was thinking about what happened today. It seems that he should go to the Xia family to take a look if necessary. Maybe this Xia family is also a member of the Snow Mountain Sect. If it is true, then don't blame him for being ruthless. .

He has passed, as long as they are people from the Snow Mountain Sect, he will kill them all with one hand, for the sake of his family and the people he loves.

This night, the stars moved like this, all the way to Lin Er.

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