"Two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Three hundred thousand!"

The people of the Xia family saw that the people of the Mu family had actually shouted out the price to 300,000 yuan. They looked at the head of the Xia family with some displeasure. The man who was shouting the price came to Xia Luo and got close to him. He whispered in his ear: "Master, what should we do?"

Charlotte looked at the people over there, frowned at the person bidding, and replied: "Since he wants it so much, why should we argue with them, but you know how to get it for this price. "

"I understand!" The man who was calling out the price returned to the same place. Hearing the people from the Mu family over there, he thought that the people from the Xia family would not call out the price anymore, but this person who was calling out the price was What did the head of the Xia family do? The person who raised the price raised the price too high. The people of the Mu family fell silent after hearing the price.

"Four hundred thousand!" This price is really too high, but only the Xia family, who is so generous, would pay such a high price for a piece of Xuanjing Yi. Another thing is that the Bai family seems to have deliberately interacted with Xia. If everything is right, even if it doesn't make him get what he wants, the price will be increased.

"Didn't the Bai family never join the fight between the Xia family and the Mu family? Is the Bai family preparing to join forces with the Mu family this time?" Looking at this situation, a young master from the Zhang family seemed to have secretly smelled the flames of war. of black smoke.

"I think so too, but let me listen! The Bai family is planning to marry their eldest sister to Murong Yu. If they really want to marry Bai Nian to Murong Yu, the Bai family is also a member of the Mu family, so this Isn't it true that the in-laws and the in-laws are standing side by side?" Zhuo's face turned dark when he looked at the head of the Xia family.

However, the Xia family is not the only one that can move the Xia family directly to the Bai family and the Mu family. The Xia family also has another fairy family to help them, so they are confident.

"But it would be great if the Mu family could defeat the Xia family, otherwise the people would be in dire straits. Look at how many people the eldest sister of the Xia family has bullied, and she won't give any money wherever she goes. Man! If you didn't rely on family strength and influence, what would you do?" The other person was a little angry. The person who said this was a jewelry seller. He still remembered this Xia Yanran last time. He fell in love with a piece of jewelry that he bought. If he liked it, he didn't give him any money. Although he went to Xia's house to calculate the money directly, everyone knew that there was a boss who died because of going to Xia's house, and he still dares to go there now. The Xia family took the money directly.

So now many people see Xia Yanran and just take whatever she likes and leave. This is much better than losing her life. There are also many people who support the Mu family for this reason. The first reason is because The Mu family was considered the city lord of Bansheng City before. Since the Xia family came here, everyone's life has changed a lot.

However, the Xia family has Liu Mu, and this Liu Mu can be regarded as a right-hand man in the Xia family. After all, Liu Mu’s cultivation level can be regarded as that of a Taoist emperor. How could anyone in this Bansheng city dare to treat Xia Mu with such a great cultivation level? Do it at home?

As for the Mu family's blood feud, Liu Mu didn't know why he wanted to kill Murong Yu several times, but Liu Mu had a rare person guarding Murong Yu's family, even if it was him I also ended up in a tie with him, so that was a little tricky.

"Half a million at a time!"

"Two times five hundred thousand!"

"Five million..."

When the person on the stage was about to confirm that Xuan Jingyi was the son of the Xia family, Chen Xuan spoke again: "Eight hundred thousand!"

"What? Eight hundred thousand?" The person on the stage couldn't believe it when he heard that the voice came from Chen Xuan. This was a young man wearing white clothes. Looking at this outfit, he really looked white. People from the Bai family, but people from the Bai family really didn’t recognize this person after looking at him again and again.

"Brother, do you want to pay 800,000 yuan? The price we offer is gold. You have to think clearly." It was obvious that the person who said this was Liu Mu from the Xia family. He looked at Chen Xuan to see if he had some too much. He was a little too frivolous, and when he was about to speak again, he was directly attacked by Chen Xuan.

"Aren't the people who come here just for the auction? Do your people judge people by their appearance? That's really tacky."

Chen Xuan jumped directly to the stage. Many people were looking at how this young man was going to come up with 800,000 gold. After all, this was not an amount. The people in the Xia family looked at Xia Luo, as if they were wondering if he wanted it. Continue to follow, but the head of the family has never expressed his position. Doesn't this mean that Charlotte doesn't want it at all?

Finally, the Xuan Jingyi was auctioned for 800,000 gold. Everyone present stood up and watched what this young man was going to do. You must know that the only auction venue in Bansheng City is not something that ordinary people can afford to ignore. of.

"Sir, are you going to take a mortgage or pay cash directly?"


After looking at Chen Xuan from the Bai family, a glint instantly appeared in his eyes. The steward from the young master of the Bai family looked at his own master and said directly: "Master, this boy is extraordinary!"

"I know, but I have seen a lot of young and frivolous people. Let's take a look first." Bai Mu looked at Chen Xuandao and was a little happy about Chen Xuan's temperament. If the Mu family disagreed, this man should be able to do it. of.

"Baide, after the meeting is over, take a look here and see if you want to keep this young man." Bai Mu glanced at Chen Xuan and said to his housekeeper.


Chen Xuan took out an eighth-grade elixir from his body and gave it directly to the auction manager. Many people saw that Chen Xuan could actually take out an eighth-grade elixir, and this eighth-grade elixir was also Restoration Pill, if you put it here, it might cost more than that. "I don't know if this pill can be mortgaged." Chen Xuan was very calm when he said this, as if this eighth-grade pill was worth more than Chen Xuan's. How normal

"Eighth-grade Restoration Pill, young master, is this pill yours?" The man said this because he was afraid that Chen Xuan would steal this pill. You must know that no one has been able to refine the eighth-grade pill yet. , who is this Chen Xuan? He can produce eighth-grade elixirs as soon as he takes them.

"Can you just change it? There's so much nonsense." Chen Xuan didn't like this person's talk. He had enough information here that he wanted to know. Now that the thing was confirmed to be his, Then he just took the things and left. This person was discussing here half-knowingly what he was doing.

"Yes, of course it is possible. We don't want to know more about Young Master. We can also sell elixirs here. If Young Master has extra elixirs, we can naturally help sell them." Although they also know this There will definitely still be eighth-grade elixirs in the world, but now they usually sell fifth-grade elixirs and sixth-grade elixirs here. Now that an eighth-grade elixir has appeared, this is not a falling out. .

"No need." Chen Xuan took the Xuanjing Yi and put it directly into the storage ring. When he was about to turn around and leave, the Xia family stopped Chen Xuan. Liu Mu looked at Chen Xuan and showed a smile. He said, "Master, I wonder if I could lend you a word?"

Chen Xuan said that it was not like talking to him, and that this person was the most powerful person in the Xia family. Chen Xuan felt that this person had very powerful spiritual power, but Chen Xuan did not have a good impression of Liu Mu. , refused directly.

"Sir, you know that our Xia family is the largest family in Bansheng City. If you can cooperate with our Xia family, then our Xia family can give you any resources you want." Liu Mu began to tell Chen Xuan All kinds of resource temptations were carried out, hoping that this Chen Xuan could go to their Xia family. After all, he could produce eighth-grade elixirs. Such a person could not be obtained by other families, not to mention that their eldest sister still liked this man.

"Hey! As long as this young master wants to get it, can you give it to him? If he wants your head, I don't know if Elder Liu can answer it so happily." Murong Yuka looked at Liu Mu like this There is a hint of disdain in his eyes. Although his words are lighter, how many people are required to be able to do this.

However, the Xia family just wants to grab what they want. This means they can directly give what they want. This can be regarded as directly giving Chen Xuan some banditry.

Murong Yu is also somewhat interested in this Chen Xuan. It seems that their family really lacks an alchemist. If he has the help of an alchemist, it will be just around the corner for him to get rid of the Xia family. But looking at this Chen Xuan His personality doesn't seem to be that kind of person. It seems that he still needs to find out the details of this person first.

"You! Murong Yu, are you going to go to the training ground?" Liu Mu looked at what he was doing. The head of the Murong Yu family actually came too. It seems that people from other families want a share of the pie. .

"Haha! Do you think everyone is like you, going to the training ground if they don't agree with each other? Even if you go, you have to make an appointment. I'm very busy." Murong Yu didn't give Liu Mu any face at all. Even if he knew that this person was Liu Mu, he just The man who once dominated.

"You!" Liu Mu saw that Chen Xuan was not having trouble getting angry here, but in the end he said a word to Chen Xuan and left directly.

Murong Yu looked at Chen Xuan standing nearby, watching him argue with Liu Mu, and smiled at Chen Xuan: "This brother is just kidding."

"No problem!" Chen Xuan replied coldly, but Chen Xuan had no plans to have anything to do with Murong Yu.

Chen Xuan didn't have much to do with the people in this city, so Chen Xuan didn't want to have too much contact with the people here. Murong Yu didn't seem to like Chen Xuan very much when he saw it, so he ignored Murong Yu and slept. Knowing this, Murong Yu stopped Chen Xuan with one hand and said, "Master, can you give me a meal? This is a gift from me to express my gratitude to you."

With this, Chen Xuan agreed directly to the matter. The Xia family members standing not far away saw Murong Yu actually calling Chen Xuan away, and they felt even more dissatisfied with Murong Yu. However, Liu Mu was thinking about what happened to Murong Yu and that Chen Xuan would agree to go with him.

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