Murong Yu directly brought Chen Xuan to the Mu family. After Chen Xuan came to Lin Fang, he realized that he had been plotted by Murong Yu, but it didn't matter. He would not help anyone. He was nothing now. Everyone will see it.

A middle-aged man at home was a little surprised when he saw Murong Yu bringing a young man. However, there was a hint of displeasure on Chen Xuan's serious face. However, Murong Yu was very happy. As soon as he entered the house, he He quickly told me that if there is a place with good food, it must be the chef of my Murong family. "

"You didn't bring me to your house, but this is the Murong house that everyone is talking about. It sounds like this house was built in the past few years, but it doesn't look like it." Chen Xuan stood up and walked around. Looking at the furnishings and layout, it is quite unique.

"As for the affairs of your families, I will not be involved. Even if you ask me to come to you, do you still think you can trap me?" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, as if everyone present was not ready yet. As for being able to trap him, he still had some understanding of Murong Yu's thoughts. After staying at his house for a few times, everyone would naturally think that he was from the Murong Yu family. After this, other families also targeted him, so he naturally I will stay at Murong's house.

"But when you set foot on this road, the outcome was already determined. What about you?" Murong Yu looked at Chen Xuan with a smile, as if the Xia family didn't invite him at the beginning. He did not leave. However, he left when Murong Yu called Chen Xuan. Doesn't this mean that Chen Xuan is willing to follow the Mu family.

"That's your business. As for me, whoever comes unsatisfied will be the one who doesn't like it. I, Chen Xuan, have never been afraid." Chen Xuan snorted lightly, as if he didn't take anyone in Bansheng City seriously. That kind of domineering attitude was not Not everyone didn't come out, but Chen Xuan's eyes didn't look like he was joking anymore.

"Hahaha, brother, you are so courageous, but the Xia family has Taoist cultivation. This young master may have to think carefully. Although I already know that Brother Chen is definitely a good person, but he still needs to be cautious in everything." As a good brother who supported Murong Yu all the way, Youmu couldn't help but be stunned when Chen Xuan said such a sentence, and then started laughing loudly.

This person is the person that Liu Mu of the Xia family is afraid of. Although this nomadic cultivation level has not reached the cultivation level of the Tao Emperor, he is a very powerful formation master. Once someone enters his formation, he will make people... He will live, and if he lets others die, he will die. Maybe this is also something Liu Mu has considered. After all, there is not a single formation master in Bansheng City. Everyone is keen on cultivating spiritual power. Who would focus on doing this in his life? Because of this, Nomad is loved but not able to , hate but remain unmoved.

At this time, the food was already prepared. Murong Yu saw that Chen Xuan and Youmu were chatting happily, so he naturally didn't talk about those things anymore. After seeing the servants announcing the meal, he directly invited Chen Xuan to the dining room.

After Xu Shi, Chen Xuan wanted to leave. Murong Yu also knew that he could not keep him, so he directly asked Nomad to give Chen Xuan a ride. After all, he was quite impressive at the auction today, whether it was because of the Xuan Jingyi or the The eighth-grade elixir and Chen Xuan himself were wanted by several families. Returning to the inn this time might lead to disaster.

"No, thank you, Master Mu, for your kindness. I would like to thank Chen Xuan for this hospitality." Chen Xuan bowed his hands to Murong Yu, and used a gesture to ask them to stay behind the door and stop. Following him, Murong Yu was still a little worried after watching Chen Xuan leave, but Nomad's face did not show the above look.

"Why don't you follow me and have a look?" Murong Yu said.

"No, I don't think that brother is a kind person. He seems to be in a good mood tonight. But it's getting late, so you should go to bed earlier. We'll know what happens tonight." Nomad was about to close the door and looked at it. Murong Yu was still a little worried, so he said again with a serious face: "Except for Zichen, this is the first time I have seen you showing such an expression. Do you really plan to do this? What about the Bai family's affairs? Has it been taken care of? Or do you think my existence did not meet your initial expectations?"

"How could it happen? Your existence makes me feel surprised, but Nomad, I am still very grateful for your company over the years. If it weren't for you, maybe the two of us brothers would have fallen into the belly of the blood wolf. How can we repay this kind of life-saving grace? I have been lucky enough for you to follow me to Mu's house. But I feel sorry for not leaving Mu's house all day long. Why do I still have such thoughts? "Murong Yu. He turned around and looked at Youmu, and saw that there seemed to be a trace of the same look in Youmu's deep eyes, so he couldn't help but explain.

When Murong Yu and his brothers were hunted down by the Xia family, it was Nomad who saved them and kept them. He took care of and taught their brothers how to practice for many years. How could he, Murong Yu, have such thoughts about Nomad.

"Okay, I was overthinking it. You also know that I have no friends when I come to this place. I don't have anyone except you." You Mu replied lightly.

"Of course I understand this. I've done it in the beginning. If you are willing to help me, I will definitely not..." Murong Yu looked at Nomad and replied seriously.

Chen Xuan's side was really not as satisfactory as Murong Yu thought. However, Chen Xuan looked at the corpse on the ground and smiled and said: "You want to kill me just because of your cultivation. I didn't know it was your sect." If you are too confident, my presence makes you feel weak."

The rest of the people who had not been killed by Chen Xuan looked at Chen Xuan in fear. They held the swords in their hands with vigilant faces and were ready to strike at any time. They all felt that Chen Xuan was so young at Chen Xuan's words. Qing is so powerful. If you practice for a few more years, you can imagine the result.

"Who sent you to kill me?" Chen Xuan's deep voice reached their ears, as if a sharp blade pierced their skin. Some men in black were unable to withstand Chen Xuan's suppression and directly Died violently.

"No, but I also know that there should be people from the Snow Mountain Sect among you, but I will only attack the people from the Snow Mountain Sect. There are ten of you, and I can leave one of you to go back and report the news. I, Chen Xuanding, will After you guys from the Snow Mountain Sect have been killed, I will wait for them in Bansheng City." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, nine of them had already vomited blood and looked at Chen Xuan with horrified expressions, without even saying a last word. He fell to the ground motionless.

The last person kept backing up and looked at Chen Xuan as if he had seen a devil. However, Chen Xuan was not ready to kill him. He took back the Jialan Sword and said to the man: "What I just said, you can't kill him." Remember? If not, I don’t mind portraying it on you so that you can remember it for a long time.”

As soon as Chen Xuan said this, the man in black nodded wildly, and after getting Chen Xuan's permission, he ran away. Chen Xuan looked at the man in black escaping, and showed an evil smile, but in less than half a second, Chen Xuan again Once he said coldly: "Are you coming out on your own, or should I invite you to come out?" Chen Xuan said nothing more, but a man in blue appeared in the darkness behind him. If you look closely, you will know that this man is Murong Yu The man next to him is also Murong Yu's younger brother Mu Zichen.

"Cruel, really cruel, but your method reminds me of some sect killings in other towns. Could it be that you did it too? I just heard that you hate the people of the Snow Mountain Sect. Those sects are all branches of the Snow Mountain Sect. What are you doing?" Mu Zichen was speechless, because the sword in Chen Xuan's hand was already placed on Mu Zichen's neck, and Mu Zichen immediately shut up and said no more.

"You don't want to be involved in my affairs, but I advise you to stay away from me, otherwise I will kill you." Chen Xuan looked at Mu Zichen and didn't seem to be afraid of him. Chen Xuan looked at it coldly and took it back. Jian turned around and left.

But how could Mu Zichen's temperament be such an obedient person? Mu Zichen did not disturb Chen Xuan's murder along the way, but no one discovered that there was Mu Zichen behind Chen Xuan. After arriving at the inn, Chen Xuan Xuan stopped and did not walk in. Instead, he turned around and looked at Mu Zichen who was not far away: "You came with me, do you want to be like them?"

"I want to follow you and become your teacher." Mu Zichen treated the generosity of these words as if it was a normal thing. However, Chen Xuanling was stunned for a moment and replied: "You still Not qualified."

When Chen Xuan returned to the door of the inn, he saw Lu Ying coming over. She pulled Chen Xuan's sleeve and said happily: "Chen Xuan, you are back. I have been waiting for you. Where have you been? Do you have any friends?" Lu Ying looked at Mu Zichen behind Chen Xuan in shock. After all, Lu Ying was from here, so she naturally knew who Mu Zichen was.

"No Ying" Chen Xuan left this sentence and went back to the room directly. Lu Ying looked at Chen Xuan and Mu Zichen, and said to Mu Zichen with some embarrassment: "Second Young Master Mu, what do you want to do with Chen Xuan?" ?”

Mu Zichen was also a little surprised when he saw Lu Ying. A few days ago, he saw Xia Yanran punching and kicking this woman. Why did he see her next to Chen Xuan now? Could it be that Chen Xuan came here because of her?

After all, Chen Xuan hates people touching him. When he was embarrassed, some men in black accidentally touched his sleeves and cut off his hands. However, when he saw Lu Ying, she directly pulled Chen Xuan's sleeves. , Chen Xuan didn't have much, nor was he angry.

"No, I'll come back another day." Mu Zichen said and left directly, but Lu Ying stood there for a while without moving, until Er's voice reached Lu Ying's ears, she pulled Lu Ying back. of consciousness.

Are the Mu family planning to win over Chen Xuan?

She had heard a lot about Chen Xuan in the inn today. In such a short period of time, Chen Xuan had instantly transformed from an unknown person to a man that everyone wanted. She was faced with this matter. How unexpected the danger was, she could completely imagine it.

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