Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1853 I am from the Snow Mountain Sect

When Chen Xuan saw Lu Ying in the past few days, he saw that Lu Ying's cultivation level had greatly improved. The most important thing was that this cultivation level improved too fast.

"It seems that your physique is also good, come on!" Chen Xuan glanced at Lu Ying who was cheering for her and said.

Lu Ying nodded. Now that Lu Ying has Feng Huang's help, he can greatly improve his cultivation. For the tempering of his body, Lu Ying spent a whole night in his consciousness for this matter. Although now this It seems that this matter has a very high cultivation level, but Lu Ying was not able to cultivate it at the beginning. I believe that Chen Xuan, who can see this matter at a glance, should also know it, so Chen Xuan had it this morning. Such a big reaction.

However, Chen Xuan would go out very early every day and come back very late. Luying was still a little curious about what Chen Xuan was up to. Luying, who was sensitive to the smell of blood, also knew that Chen Xuan Xuan must have done something, otherwise he wouldn't have such a strong smell.

One day, Chen Xuandao had not returned from Xu Shi, so he wondered whether Chen Xuanjin had something important to do. Green Ying directly asked Fenghuang, a woman with great magical powers, and Fenghuang replied unhurriedly, "If you were that man, you would be beaten to death by now, but according to his perverted cultivation, it should be fine, don't Be anxious."

Green Ying heard this and asked anxiously: "Where is he? Take me there quickly."

With Fenghuang's guidance, Green Ying walked all the way to the south of the city. Dao Linfang saw this deserted place. There should be mass graves nearby. How could Chen Xuan come here so late? Place, I still feel a little chilly just thinking about it.

"I didn't expect that we followed you for so long, but since you chose to come to this place, don't blame us for taking you to your burial for so long."

A disciple wearing the clothes of the Snow Mountain Sect looked at Chen Xuan's trembling words, and his anger was a little colder at this time, but Chen Xuan had the power of earth fire, so naturally he would not be afraid.

For the man to say such a threatening word, it was of no consequence to Chen Xuan. The people on the opposite side looked at Chen Xuan. They seemed to have thought about the rumor at the beginning, showing a trace of surprise, and then asked : "Could it be that you are the person who is rumored to be the enemy of the Snow Mountain Sect?"

"In this world, there is always a kind of person who dies and talks too much." Chen Xuan glanced at the man who just asked him with a sneer, took out the Jialan Sword and waved it in front of the man's face. The man's head was at his feet. He rolled back and forth, and the others screamed in shock. Midoriya, who was hiding behind the tree and watching all this, covered his mouth in fear, trying not to make a sound, as if he was afraid of the person who was going to kill him next moment. Just like her.

How could this Chen Xuan be... so cruel.

No wonder Chen Xuan has been seen coming back very late in the past few days. Although there is no blood on his body, Lu Ying can still feel the smell of blood on Chen Xuan's body.

"You! You actually dare to be the enemy of the Snow Mountain Sect. Let me tell you, our Lord Jiang He has given an order to hunt you down. Even if you kill us, you will not escape the Lord Jiang He invited." The person who said this His name was Wang Long, and he was promoted to an inner disciple not long after he helped the Snow Mountain Sect. Who knew that he would finally come down the mountain to see the nearby Bansheng City and meet Chen Xuan.

However, because of what Chen Xuan did before, the people of the Snow Mountain Sect still hate and fear Chen Xuan. After all, Chen Xuan massacred several branches in one sentence, and he is still the kind of person who is a member of the Snow Mountain Sect regardless of male, female, old or young. Just kill him directly.

After so many years, no one has been so open and bold about the Snow Mountain Sect. Everyone still remembers the lessons of the Qinghu Sect. It used to be one of the five major sects. What has become now, this makes people feel What is regrettable is that now the people of the Snow Mountain Sect have given direct orders. If anyone talks about the Qinghu Sect again, the outcome will be the same.

After hearing such things, who would care about the Qinghu Sect? The Qinghu Sect, which was originally one of the three sects in the world, was actually harmed by the Snow Mountain Sect. The appearance of the Qinghu Sect is comparable to that of the Snow Mountain Sect. It is much bigger, and no one can guess at all of this. Even if they know that this must be another traitor, they will not pursue this matter. None of them dare to confront the people of Snow Mountain Sect, unless they don’t want to A fatal person.

"Haha, you are just a group of ants. What qualifications do you have to talk about me? Since you have joined the Snow Mountain Sect, there is only one death for you, and that is death!" As for how much hatred the Snow Mountain Sect has, I believe they are all I know, because after this incident, the people of Snow Mountain Sect all understood that one person would massacre the people of Snow Mountain Sect again, but they haven’t found that person yet. This time, they released the news first, and I believe that the headquarters will catch up. Came here.

Lu Ying took a step back after hearing these words. Does Chen Xuan hate the Snow Mountain Sect?

Could it be that he is the person we all love?

"How dare you!" Before Wang Long could finish his words, Chen Xuan killed them all with one strike of his sword. For those who could be killed instantly with one move, Chen Xuan looked at the corpses on the ground with disdain. Chen Xuan touched the token on his body and looked at it. Chen Xuan thought that now that he has released the news, it has been three years, so why haven't people come to him yet?

This reaction is still a bit strange.

When Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave, he noticed something moving in the bushes not far behind him. Chen Xuan looked at it and stopped directly. He said to Luying: "Should I come out by myself or use my sword?" , please come out?”

This is still useful, if Chen Xuan uses the sword, then there will be no way to survive. Green Ying walked out timidly, watching Chen Xuan stay one meter away from Chen Xuan with some fear.

"Chen Xuan." Lu Ying's weak voice sounded, and she looked up at Chen Xuan.

"It's you! What are you doing here?" It was obvious that Chen Xuan was surprised that Lu Ying was here again, but when he saw Chen Xuan's appearance, he was not angry. He just looked at Lu Ying and walked directly to the inn. .

"Me." Lu Ying wanted to explain something, but Chen Xuan didn't give Lu Ying a chance to explain at all. When he looked at Chen Xuan again, he had already walked far away. Lu Ying looked around and saw a gust of cold wind blowing. Green Ying, who was too cold, trembled and ran towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan ran all the way towards the bold Green Ying, and stayed close to Chen Xuan. He grabbed Chen Xuan's clothes and looked around without knowing what he was looking at, as if the dead man would jump out at a moment's notice.

"You came here even though you knew you were scared. Didn't you bring it upon yourself?" Chen Xuan just frowned slightly when Lu Ying grabbed his clothes, but it was nothing. Seeing Lu Ying being scared like this, he sighed and lectured. .

Knowing that Lu Ying burst into tears, she sobbed and said: "Because I asked Phoenix why you haven't come back yet, she said you were going to be beaten to death, so I was very worried and wanted to come over and have a look. Who knows I will see, see... "Chen Xuan cut off that man's head with one sword.

"Phoenix?" Chen Xuan frowned slightly when he heard the name. Who is this person?

At this time, a woman with a red figure appeared between the two of them. The close-fitting gauze dress fully reflected the woman's beautiful figure. The eyes that appeared instantly stayed on the woman's body, looking from bottom to top. Finally, it stopped at the protruding object.

"Scoundrel!" Fenghuang looked at Chen Xuan's look and slapped Chen Xuan directly. But who was Chen Xuan? The slap failed in the end.

"This girl is so violent when we first meet. It seems that this temperament still needs a lot of tempering, but I don't think you look like a human being." Chen Xuan said this with a smile on his lips, staring at Feng Huang's exquisite and beautiful face.

"You are just a prodigal." When Fenghuang just came out, she saw that Chen Xuan had been staring at her from the beginning. Chen Xuan's slightly narrowed eyes made Fenghuang feel very uncomfortable.

"Green Ying?" Chen Xuan turned around and glanced at Green Ying, and wanted to ask this Phoenix what was going on. You must know that this Phoenix was really hot-tempered, and he hadn't waited for Green Ying to speak. At that time, Fenghuang was on his own: "My name is Fenghuang, an ancient divine beast. This Green Cherry is naturally my host, but I am able to wake up thanks to you." Fenghuang said this with some pride, as if he was in Chen Xuan's final state. It's better not to have those dirty thoughts. If there is a fight, I don't know if I can beat her.

Chen Xuan is not a fool, and he also knows that the phoenix is ​​warning him from the side, but it just so happens that Chen Xuan is not in a good mood tonight, and he just likes to watch the phoenix's hair explode, as if it is a cat, and Lu Ying's embarrassing situation The look on his face made him feel very good.

After returning to the inn, Lu Ying also followed Chen Xuan to his room. Chen Xuan sat on the stool and poured himself a cup of tea. Looking at Lu Ying's hesitant expression, he said: "I saw you when I was in the south of the city. If you want to talk to me about anything, just do it directly.”

"Chen Xuan, I...I am..." Luying didn't dare after saying this. She was afraid that Chen Xuan would not treat her like he did before after knowing her identity. She was nervous and scared. She doesn't dare to speak, what should she do?

"Huh? What is it?" Chen Xuan also noticed something was wrong with Lu Ying, and his face returned to a cold and serious look. He stared at Lu Ying as if his child had made some mistake, which made him have some doubts. .

"I am also a member of the Snow Mountain Sect, but I have just joined, and I am also very scared..." After Luying said her first sentence, she heard the teacup in Chen Xuan's hand falling towards her, and Fenghuang was also beside her. If it weren't for Phoenix Zai, the tea cup would definitely have fallen on Midoriya's head.

"Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan, I didn't know that you had a grudge against the Snow Mountain Sect. I didn't know anything. I..." Green Ying knelt on the ground and looked at Chen Xuan's angry look. She sat on the ground and started crying again. got up.

What could she do? If she didn't join the Snow Mountain Sect, she would be beaten to death by Xia Yanran, her only chance to survive.

Chen Xuan looked at Lu Ying with sharp eyes. The Jialan Sword in his hand was already at Lu Ying's neck. It was as if if Chen Xuan lightly moved Lu Ying's head, just like Wang Long's group of people just now, his head would fall off. Go down, in silence.

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