Xia Yanran straightened her appearance and walked straight in. Xia He laughed when she saw Xia Yanran wearing such clothes. This granddaughter of hers really had good intentions.

"Grandpa, Mr. Chen." Xia Yanran looked at Chen Xuan with a hint of shyness, wondering why she cared so much about Chen Xuan's opinion when she looked at Chen Xuan now.

"Hahaha! Yanran is here too. She happened to be discussing your marriage with Chen Xuan. Since you are also here, let's listen to it!" She understood, but Xia Yanran still obediently sat on the side of Xia He and looked at Chen Xuan.

Is this still needed?

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes inwardly, but there was still a hint of seriousness on his cold face, and Xia Yanran was stunned by the sharp features on his face.

Xia Yanran had obviously seen so many men in the past, and they looked nothing like Chen Xuan. Why did she like Chen Xuan's appearance?

Thinking of this, Xia Yanran felt that she was really useless. If she liked Chen Xuan, she could just snatch him away, just like usual.

Why is it different here with Chen Xuan?

This problem has troubled Xia Yanran for a long time, but Xia Yanran didn't want Chen Xuan to be with her because of this.

She has so many bad habits, and she doesn't know if Chen Xuan cares about those things about her. After all, in their family, his grandfather dotes on her very much, so relatively speaking, he is more likely than others. A little pampering, but for this, she herself felt regretful as never before.

"Sister Xia, this is how I look at this matter. Well, we may not know each other very well now, so if we get married like this, it would be relatively unfair to you. Then we can get to know each other first. As the family is, now we can choose to live in the Xia family, which will also facilitate our daily contact and understanding." Chen Xuan looked at Xia Yanran and said.


"Hey! Another thing is that I don't want to get married so early now. Well, if you agree, then the matter will be settled as it is. If you don't agree, then the matter will be left as it is." Chen Xuan looked at Xia Yanran, hoping for an answer from her.

Regarding this matter of agreeing or disagreeing, he didn't have any thoughts at all. He just thought about this sentence in his heart. He actually didn't want to marry him. He was very happy just now and said this sentence in an instant. It was like throwing a splash. As cold as a basin of cold water.

However, Xia Yanran knew that her grandfather needed his help now. If it was about her marriage, it would seem that he was too delicate. Even if he liked her very much and could become a couple, if it was because of her own Whether you agree with this sentence or not will cost Grandpa the title of Demon Suppressor. If she is talented, then grandpa will definitely blame her, because she is ignorant or something.

"If you think about the salary like this, then I don't have a problem. Besides, the two of us didn't know each other. If we can meet the young master today, then it is also a woman's good fortune. Well, you can talk first. I will also talk to you. My friends have arranged to go out together, so I won't disturb you." When Xia Yanran thought about Chen Xuan, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, but in this position, he definitely couldn't let himself. After crying, he pretended to be very strong and ran out immediately. Regarding this matter, his grandfather could actually see it, but it was nothing, he just lowered his head and remained silent.

After walking out, he didn't know where to go. Lan'er, who was following behind, wondered why she wasn't pretty enough? Or is there something I didn’t do well? Why doesn't he want to marry him? He was puzzled by this matter.

"Why? Lan'er, why don't you want to marry me? Do you think I'm not good enough for him?" Xia Yanran started crying.

"Sister! It's not like this." Lan'er's own sister started crying. He didn't know how he should feel now, because in her heart, her sister is always so supreme, and she is also such a high-ranking person. , why did she start crying after encountering this incident? Now she is completely at a loss.

"If it's not like this, then why did he refuse? Moreover, grandpa has already understood to her that if he gets married to her, then the entire Xia family will belong to him." Xia Yanran was very surprised. If he got married, there would be so many benefits, so why would he refuse? Is it because of himself? Or what's the reason? Thinking of this, she felt a little unhappy.

"Sister?" Qu Ze, who happened to be passing by, saw Xia Yanran crying and looked surprised. He turned to look at Lan'er and asked what happened.

"Actually, what happened is that when I heard that Mr. Chen was going to marry her, I dressed myself up. Who knew that after I went to the head of the house, I saw Mr. Chen and rejected the matter directly? Lost it." Lan'er made this matter clear in just one or two sentences. However, when Qu Ze heard this, he was very surprised. Why would his sister refuse it if she was so good? Everyone may be able to imagine this problem. If they marry their sister, not everyone will have such benefits.

"Sister, please don't be sad anymore. For me, I am the best and most beautiful person in the world. If Mr. Chen refuses, it is because he is blind and has not seen the kind-hearted side of my sister. And If you see her like this, it means that your affairs are not over yet, doesn't he himself? You can have more opportunities to get in touch with each other. However, at this point, I, I think sister might be able to do it. It's better, he doesn't hate sister, does he?" It was the first time for Qu Ze to see Xia Yanran crying so sadly. How could such a situation happen in the past, even if she was crying? If so, then someone else will cry, and it won't be her turn.

"Qu Ze..." When Xia Yanran listened to Qu Ze's words, he felt better and felt that her words were very reasonable. Since he refused to get married, he did not refuse to get married to her. Moreover, Grandpa also hinted to himself that since he could live in this home, there would be many opportunities for them to meet.

"I just feel very uncomfortable, and I don't know what to do about this matter. I just feel that when he rejects me, I feel very sad and sad. Qu Ze, do you just like it now? I want to What should I do? I have never been like this before, do I really like him?" Xia Yanran looked at the man in front of her with some confusion, because he felt that Qu Ze knew everything. It seems, because they almost grew up together when they were young, because grandpa wanted to give him a very loyal guard with no second thoughts, so if the two of them grew up together, then they would definitely protect him with this thought. She is thoughtful.

"Sister Neng answering questions is what subordinates should do." After Qu Ze saw that these sisters didn't cry anymore, he relaxed for a week, but another question came to his mind, which is, does she really like that Mr. Chen? If this is the case, will he really fall in love with his sister and be able to bring happiness to his sister?

Why did he feel a little upset when he thought about this problem, and especially when he saw his sister crying, he felt very heartbroken. At that time, no matter how good his martial arts and strength were, He couldn't even protect her from crying.

He felt very useless at that moment.

After Chen Xuan looked at Xia He, he decided that Chen Xuan would live in the Xia family, and Chen Xuan left the Xia family to pack his things.

Chen Xuan felt uncomfortable about this matter, especially when Bai Shan smiled and said, "I have what you want, and what I want happens to be yours too."

What does Baishan want?

To be honest, since the last time Baishan was beaten into the New World, he had a vague feeling that this matter was not normal. Moreover, Baishan is a very ambitious person, and he really wants to become a Presbyterian. The boss above, but is he so willing to face an ordinary person? He himself thought very clearly that this was simply impossible.

At the beginning, even he thought that this person might have a fight with him, but what he didn't expect was that he would actually exchange the half-moon stone with himself.

He himself didn't know what he wanted to exchange. He was very curious about this. As for Chen Xuan, no matter what kind of thing it was, as long as it was what she wanted, he would definitely get it no matter what method he used.

It was also very strange. When she returned to the inn, almost many people knew that Chen Xuan had joined the Xia family.

Chen Xuan felt very dissatisfied with this matter. It seemed that they had already sent people to publicize that he had been complicit with them the moment he agreed. If he continued to talk at this moment, it seemed that There is no way out for him.

However, other people got the news very quickly, especially the Mu family who were very shocked after receiving the news. They were thinking that the reason why Chen Xuan refused to be with them was because he wanted to Is it about entering the Xia family?

"Damn! This is Chen Xuan!" The moment Murong Yu heard the news, he was very angry. No wonder he had been unwilling to win over him since the beginning. It turned out that he had already found someone in his heart.

"Brother, don't be angry. I think he must have his own reasons, and even if he joins there, he may not become our opponent. Besides, don't we already have Xue Yue?" Mu Zichen looked at his brother like this Angry quickly comforted him.

He was also a little surprised that Mu Zichen came because he had no idea that Chen Xuan would make such a decision, but he did admire Chen Xuan. Even if he had such thoughts towards them from the beginning. But thinking about it, it shouldn't be possible. After all, he brought the person next to him to him.

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