After Chen Xuan arrived at the Xia family, he looked at the room that the Xia family had prepared for Chen Xuan in advance. Looking at the layout of the yard, Chen Xuan thought about this old man Xia He. He must have been ready to chat very early!

Although Chen Xuan didn't say anything, he felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

"If you want, just live in this courtyard. Just give me whatever you want. I will arrange maids and servants for you here. Wherever I feel uncomfortable, I will try my best to satisfy you. I will also However, our family has special treatment for outstanding talents like you, not to mention that if you can really be with Yanran in the future, you will be equivalent to a member of our Xia family." Liu Mu took Chen Xuandao.

In fact, there was no need for them to arrange this matter at all, and he wanted to know where the half-life stone was now, but if he just asked like this, he might also become suspicious.

I think the old guy from Baishan will not teach half-body time so quickly, so he seems to take some time to ask how he wants to use half-body time, because he knows this matter well after all, if It would be nice if the master was here, but after all, the master has always been in the fairy world and cannot come out.

Chen Xuan nodded, saying that he was very satisfied with this place, and Liu Mu took Chen Xuan to the alchemy room.

If I go to the alchemy room, Bai Yan's alchemy room will satisfy him the most, but she didn't expect that she could arrange such a large alchemy room for him. I'm afraid the room here is already his. It's about half over there, or maybe a third.

It seems that this time the Xia family has made enough money.

"Okay, I understand. Then you are really like the legend. You are very rich. There are so many expensive medicinal materials in such a big lover's shop. I think you have prepared quite a lot. "Getting up, he went to open the cabinets filled with various medicinal materials. Seeing that they were all filled with medicinal materials, he looked over them line by line, and finally landed on the top few boxes. .

ah! Dragon heart grass?

There are also white grass pieces, wing tips, Ying Dan heart, leaves on the leaves, red fruit...

There are so many rare herbs that many people from these manufacturers may never see in their lifetime, but here there is actually a whole cabinet. Think about how many things they have found, this back If you don't have some strength, you definitely won't show it like this.

Sister, if he just puts it here like this, isn't he afraid of keeping it secretly? Then he looked back at Liu Mu who was standing next to him.

"These..." Chen Xuan was stunned.

"Hahaha! We know that the young master is an alchemist, so we are ready to prepare the herbs here. If the young master needs some other materials, we will definitely help him find them. As for how You don't have to worry about this one, you just need to tell us how many materials we need." Liu Mu and Chen Xuan looked so surprised, he touched his beard and said with a smile, it seems like this. Chen Xuan can stay in the Xia family with peace of mind this time!

Liu Mu looked at Chen Xuan like this and thought that Chen Xuan had never seen these. Who knew that Chen Xuan was surprised because these beads grew in dangerous places, and how did Xia He get them?

He had seen more rare medicinal materials. At that time, he thought that it would be better if he could steal the sheep. But after all, it was Bai Yan's alchemy room. If he really wanted to take it away, it would definitely be discovered. What's more? At that time, he never forgot about these medicinal materials.

When Liu Mu saw that Chen Xuan also wanted to give it a try, he smiled and said, "There are still many places here that may be unfamiliar to you, so I won't disturb the young master to rest. You can go out for a walk when you have nothing to do, or whatever." If you don’t understand something, you can ask me as much as possible, because I have some understanding of this matter.”

Chen Xuan nodded.

ask him? Pooh! Maybe not as good as myself!

Chen Xuan was originally stoic, but after watching Liu Mu leave, his whole face turned down. He touched the alchemy furnace and muttered to himself, "This time we will suffer a big loss."

He has never had to compromise like this. Moreover, although he doesn't need these at all and still treats them as offerings to his ancestors, he just doesn't like others to use his name on other people. What happens to people outside is already their business. As for him, anyone who disobeys him can be killed directly.

At Mu's house.

"Look at what you heard from people outside, and you thought that he had the intention to come to our family, but now you look at the result? And, it's all right for you. Well, if you are running towards him, you should also be less involved, otherwise what you will say will be really ugly. "

"Because of your own thoughts, you should stop ringing the door. Also, you should try your best to cooperate with the blood now. You should try your best to improve your cooperation. Otherwise, if he really wants to help As for the Xia family, we will defeat him even if we fight to the death." Murong Yu was very angry about this matter. At first, he looked at Chen Xiangyu and thought he would be related to their family. Who knew that this would happen. In the end, within a day or two, they ran away to their rival family. Thinking of this incident, I felt very uncomfortable and very angry.

The fear is that in the past, his unsatisfactory brother gave everything to this person because he regarded him as one of his own. What's more, he met such a treasure again. Who knew that after he turned around, he would feel It felt like being betrayed by a friend.

No matter what it is like, it would be better if he went to another family. Why did he go to that family? Thinking about it, I feel a little angry. I feel that this shouldn't be done at all, or there is something wrong with it. What's the problem.

"Xueyue, after all, you two have to practice hard and try to achieve the highest degree of tacit understanding. Only in this way can we ensure that neither of you will be harmed. When the time comes, we will also have to think of a way. If there is a fight between the two families, Who will have a greater chance of winning?" Murong Yu felt a little headache when he thought about this. He touched his head and told them that there would be nothing more.

He really never thought that he would end up in such a situation before. He felt that everything he saw seemed too simple, and he didn't know when he started doing these things recently. .

"Ah Yu, please stop thinking about these things. I see that you have been paying too much attention to this matter recently. You see that you have been staying up late recently to give orders to those things. It's a pity that I can't help you. I'm worried about those things." You really don’t have that talent in alchemy,” Nomad said again.

Murong Yu turned to look at Nomad and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't have you or anything, but I didn't expect this to happen so much recently, let alone what happened over there on the bed, something worrying happened. , it seems that if we recruit that Rao Hua, we will definitely give back and prepare for the final battle. If we really lose, will you regret it? "

"No. When I promised you to come to this place, I already expected my own ending. No matter life or death, I will be..." As I was nomadic here, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, so I immediately changed my words. This is what you should do as a friend.”

Murong Yu looked at Nomad's embarrassed look and wanted to laugh at him. He had been by his side alone for probably three to five years, so he naturally understood how much he cared about him, not to mention they were still friends.

Looking at his embarrassed look, he originally thought of a few words at first, but when he thought about what happened next, he felt a little bit frowned, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Are you okay? I see that you have been working hard lately, why don't you go and take a rest? There are a lot of things here that you can leave to Zichen to do."

"How does he know this!"

"You! Don't always protect Zichen so well. Just let him come into contact with these friendships occasionally and it will help him grow. If you protect him so well, you can guarantee that he will be fine one day. If If you really want him to take over, then he will face greater difficulties and may be at a loss." Nomad's words always make him feel like a Buddha, because his considerations are always better than others. He is much more noble. Just like him this time, he really protects his younger brother too well. This is because in the past, his only relative in this world was this one person, so he didn't want to let the previous one go. It happened a second time.

"What you said makes sense. I'll try my best to leave simpler things to her first. If he really has expectations, I'll leave some big things to him, but it's too much. I still don’t worry about dangerous things.”

"Listen to you."

Xia family, Chen Xuan alchemy room Zheng

"Hahaha, I knew it!" Chen Xuan picked up a red pill in his hand. Thinking of this, he felt that this might be a lucky thing?

At the beginning, he thought that his lover would not come out. After all, he had never tried this kind of ammunition.

Red Rodan.


It's really good stuff.

The advantage of this red Rodan is that it can instantly replenish vitality and blood. And it will also increase the cultivation level of the person who eats it.

However, the reason why many people nowadays are not very good at practicing Red Rodan is because the heat of Red Rodan has a certain deviation.

The control of the fire must be just right, and the fire monkey is different from the beginning, the material is always in the middle, and in the later stage, and how to transform the fire monkey is quite important. The key is that there are many people who want to practice this kind of elixir, but in the end everyone fails.

Originally, Chen Xuan just wanted to test whether he had this ability today, because his grasp of the heat was, to be honest, relatively mature, but on this key point, it had to be just right, even if it was so... If you miss even one minute, you may lose everything.

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