Because Chen Xuan has this alchemy furnace, he will go in and try his hand when he has nothing to do, because Chen Xuan is prepared to practice the ninth-level elixir Qingmu Dan if possible.

However, this medicinal material is naturally not enough, so if this is the case, the elixir will not be very good if it comes out.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan sat up and looked at the cabinets of medicinal materials. The entire wall was filled with cabinets of medicinal materials, and some of them were not labeled with names. Chen Xuan opened the closet and said again.

This is……

Sea dragon swallow flower and dragon snake plant, why are these things here?

In fact, he doesn't need to care about these medicinal materials at all, but there is one other thing: why are there such rare medicinal seedlings here? It may be that they are very rare on this road, but But they can let one or two of them go, and they can also monitor them here. This is a very powerful force.

Xia Yanran felt a little depressed when she looked outside the house. At first, she thought they would have more time to meet or have contact with each other, but when they came here, they discovered a problem, that is, that Chen Xuan. He actually didn't leave the door of the alchemy room at all. For this, he was actually happy and also very angry.

If it's still like this, then one thing is clear. Doesn't it mean that she has no chance to contact him, and she doesn't know much about alchemy.

"Sister, there is someone outside looking for you." A maid came in and said.

"Who?" Xia Yanran raised her eyes and asked.

"Lv Ying!" Every month, Xiao Huan also knows Lu Ying. After all, she also walked out of their house, so she is relatively familiar with her.

"Is it her? Tell her to get out and stop coming to our house. She actually escaped. So she is lucky. If she is not beaten to death by me, she is lucky." Xia Yanran said angrily.

How could she forget that it was this woman who was pulling at Chen Xuan at the beginning, and now that she sees Chen Xuan coming to their house, does she want to come back now? She's not that stupid.

"Sister Yang, but she has a way to help you." At that time, the sister who was looking at her was very angry, and she quickly knelt down on Lin and kowtowed and kept saying.

His sister's temper is really elusive, and she doesn't know what to do if something goes wrong at all. But at this point, he was thinking about a very uncomfortable thing, that is, why is it like this? And why are you back now? What else can help her? Does she know what she wants?

"Oh? Since he has some way to help me, just keep asking him to come in. If he finds out that she lied to me, he will definitely pull her out and feed her to the dogs." Xia Yanran said fiercely.

They have a kind of hunting dog in their house, which sometimes kills people who are really disobedient, and then directly pulls them to kill them. After all, when a hunting dog is very hungry, Even if it's a meaty talk, I'm sure you'll read it and you'll definitely eat it.

Several other maids trembled when they heard something like this, because this scene was too bloody. Maybe his sister would not think anything of it, but these people who were her maids heard her sister It's still very scary to be like this. After all, there is a saying that accompanies a king like a tiger, and maybe they will be next.

Waiting for Lu Ying to come to Xia Yanran, she immediately knelt down and said to Xia Yanran, "I know what sister wants, and sister also knows what I used to do, so if sister has my help, then There will definitely be progress.”

What did Green Sakura do before? Of course they know? Are you just making ecstasy incense or something like that? Since you are making medicinal incense, if possible, can you also do something in that area?

When you think about this, you agree with her this time, but when you think about how he dared to run away before, and his current face, you feel more and more disgusting the more you look at it, and then he directly said, "Help me, I'll get there." I agree, your face looks angry to me now, unless you ruin it for me."

You must know that every face is very important to a woman, and some people may regard appearance as more important than life, but the person on the lower side actually asked her to ruin her face. This is Isn't it equivalent to asking her to risk her life in exchange?

Lu Ying was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Xia Yanran would be so ruthless about this matter, but after thinking about it, if she could really accomplish that matter, then she felt that it should be worth it.

For other people, this may not mean anything, and it may be a matter of life or death. After all, in this era, what they want is to live for that face, or for this life. He lives with his own cultivation, but this woman actually wants to destroy this face by herself.

It seems that this is because she is afraid that she will be prettier than her, so she is like this. But after thinking about it, if I destroy this face, will it still look like this?

"Okay! But I also have a condition. I must stay with you, sister, and wear a veil." Lu Ying looked at Xia Yanran with firm eyes, as if I didn't agree to what she said, then she would definitely not agree either. of.

"Okay! Since you are like this, then I must have promised you. If you also wear a veil, then you must wear it." Xia Yanran said.

Lan'er saw that Luying's return this time might not be that simple, and she actually took the initiative to ask for help. When she saw this, she became very suspicious.

"Sister, it's not enough for me to just cover my face. He must pretend to be mute in front of others. Otherwise, based on what they said before, the future Master Jia will be able to hear his voice. If he knows that he is This is the connection that the woman may have between them. After all, there is a saying that the life-saving grace must be promised with her own life. Who knows what this green cherry wants to do? "Lan'er has an extra thought. , looked at Green Sakura and said.

Xia Yanran was very right about this. If he used words to deceive the man he liked into talking, then wouldn't all his previous efforts be in vain?

"Okay! Then you have to promise me. I can let you stay with me, but you can't speak to anyone. From now on, you will be a mute, otherwise I will make you a real mute." Xia Yanran said Looking at Midoriya directly threateningly, you must know what the saying is, if this person still doesn't believe that he will become like this, then he is not the same as before.

In the past, I had taken a fancy to his abilities in this life, so I brought him here, but I didn't expect that this woman actually didn't want to help her, and she even looked at her with hatred, even if she found someone to beat her. . I had been beaten many times, but I never expected that this woman was also very lucky and met her uncle.

"Okay, I promise you." Regarding such a thing, Midoriya seemed to have already expected that something like this would happen, but she was not allowed to speak. This was not expected, but she was still very I firmly agreed to this matter.

When she first came here, she was still very curious. After all, Chen Xuan was here at the beginning. He had a very big hatred against the Snow Mountain Sect, but why did he come to this family again this time and seek refuge with him? .

Could it be that there are other things involved? When you think about it, you may feel a little uncomfortable. After all, she is relatively uncomfortable with this matter.

If you can't see that person like this, and you can't let him know who you are, just following this sister silently all the time, in front of an unknown maid, will that person notice you?

Although the choice this time was actually made by him, she is also sure that if he works hard like this, she will definitely help him. Then will he also forgive himself?

In this way, he felt that his spirit was hurting. He took a knife directly on his face for all these things.

Such quickness, precision and ruthlessness made Xia Yanran stunned for a moment. She didn't expect this woman to be so cruel. If she touched her face, she didn't expect that he would actually make a cut on her face. Could it be that she Aren't you heartbroken? But after all, I know that women like this face very much, so they will protect it very well, but this woman actually looks like this. It seems that there is still something very important.

"Okay! Very good! Then it's settled." Xia Yanran looked at Lu Ying and said.

It seems that he has returned to the time before, but there are still many things that he may not know much about. Recently, it seems that it may be because Chen Xuan came here, so there have been many renovations and many differences in this house. place.

At that time, I actually chose to go on, so there was no such ending at all. No matter what kind of ending it was, there was always a way to go on, even if it might make me sad, sad, or change. It's better for someone else to make you hate someone else so much than for that person to misunderstand you.

Lan'er took Lu Ying to get familiar with things, but Lu Ying also knew more things than the last time she stayed here, which made Lan'er feel curious.

"I'll give it to you. If you dare to harm sister, I won't spare you." Lan'er looked at Lu Ying and said.

"How could it be possible? Besides, Sister Lan'er is a sixth-level Taoist, so how dare I." Green Ying smiled.

"Hmph! I don't think you dare!" Lan'er left immediately, leaving some important things to Lu Ying and other things to other maids.

Lu Ying looked at the direction Lan'er left, thinking that it was a little strange, but this time when Lu Ying came back, she would not let you bully her like before.

"You seem to have reached the third level of Taoist master now. Although you can't beat her, you can still win if you use tricks. But don't worry. It only takes a month to break through to the third level. It is already very difficult." Phoenix saw what Luying was thinking and quickly comforted her.

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