Chen Xuan joined the Xia family in one sentence. This matter was considered a very serious matter for Bansheng City. No, it was a little strange for him, why did Chen Xuan join the Xia family so much.

This time Xia He was going to attend a meeting to watch alchemy. Xia He asked Chen Xuan to follow Xia He this time. As for Liu Mu, he still stayed in Xia's house. Regarding this matter, Chen Xuan just started doing this. Xuan also understood what Xia He wanted to do. Didn't he just want to tell everyone that Chen Xuan was now a member of the Xia family?

There was something strange about this matter, so I just walked over to it. But there is another question: could this matter be different? Just look at this matter and just change it.

When it came to this matter, it was okay. Chen Xuan stood behind Xia He indifferently. Everyone else looked at Chen Xuan and had other discussions.

"Did you see it? This is Chen Xuan. He actually took refuge in the Xia family. It doesn't seem like a good thing." A passerby said, looking at this matter and feeling a little strange.

But Xia He looked around and was discussing something with everyone. Chen Xuan didn't say anything. There was nothing along the way.

"Hello, Master Xia! Oh! Is this Chen Xuan? It seems that Master Xia has a way and a sharp eye for discerning pearls." One of them said this, but he was still looking at Chen Xuan with a smile.

"Hahaha, Elder Zhang smiled. Your disciple is also here to participate in this competition today?" Xia He looked at a woman not far away. This woman looked very good.

"That girl Luo, forget it, there's a guy from the Jun family who won't be able to win this time." Zhang Kun looked at Xia He and sighed.

This matter is indeed a bit uncomfortable and I don’t know what to do.

"Jun Lincang??? Why is he here? No??" Xia He looked at Zhang Kun and felt a little strange. Jun Lincang actually came to this continent.

However, Chen Xuan felt a little strange about this man named Jun Lincang. After this incident, it can be seen that Xia He is quite good in this crowd.

This Jun Lincang was originally from the Beiming Continent, but how could he compete in elixir refining in the Dao Heart Continent?

Chen Xuan looked at the man wearing silver clothes with some curiosity, wearing a silver hair crown, and a silver sword. He looked like an immortal.

This man is very powerful.

This is the understanding of the strong.

Xia He introduced Chen Xuan to other people. Because of Xia He's introduction, Chen Xuan got to know more people, but Chen Xuan's unsmiling expression should be better.

Xia He didn't have much to say, so he asked Chen Xuan to go get to know some people, but Chen Xuan just nodded. When Xia He turned around again, he saw Chen Xuan just standing next to Xia He's seat.

This guy...

Luo Yang saw that this time with Jun Lincang, he would definitely not be able to win the championship. Thinking about it, he felt that there was something strange about this matter. But looking not far away, he saw Chen Xuan standing there, Luo Yangzhu hadn't done anything yet.

"Who is that man? I've never seen him before." Luo Yang looked at Chen Xuan and asked the woman next to him, but the woman next to him was Xia Yanran.

"That's my future uncle." Lan'er looked at Luo Yang, as if she was showing off.

"Future uncle??? Yanran, you and that person?? Okay! You actually...ah! You don't even want to talk to me. Who is that person? Recruit him from the truth!" Luo Yang looked at Xia Yanran and said a little angry .

In fact, she didn't know it at the beginning, but she didn't expect it to be like this. But the thing that embarrassed him the most was why it could still be like this. He was obviously his best friend, but he didn't even think about it. Things don't go his way, it's simply too much.

"Oh, okay, okay, let me tell you, in fact, she has just come to us for this matter. I don't know anything about him. And don't listen to him. He is blind. He doesn't Promise to marry me." Xia Yanran looked at Chen Xuan very shyly, and Luo Yang looked at Xia Yanran with such a carefree attitude.

However, there is still one thing that needs to be solved when looking at this matter, which is why has he heard about this matter before? Could it be because of what happened these days? Thinking about it, it shouldn't be like this, and I haven't heard that my father is familiar with me. I met such a powerful person in this city.

Or is he the man who is in front of daddy's turn? He looks quite handsome, but why didn't he join his family? If this is the case, then wouldn’t this be me?

Seeing this, he directly pulled Xia Yanran over. Luo Yang looked at Chen Xuando and said, "Chen Xuan!"

Chen Xuan looked up at a woman in red clothes. The whip in her hand looked like it was made of monster snakes, but how could this woman know her name?

"Who are you?" Chen Xuan looked at Luo Yang and asked.

She didn't seem to know this woman, but looking at the person next to him, she was late, and seeing the two of them chatting, they must be friends, but, for this He didn't mind at all. Since they were able to come here, it meant that the participants here must have status and status.

Facing these in his heart, he was not uninterested. He only knew it in person, and then continued to stand there without saying a word. He had no idea what Yurandi liked about him for such a boring gourd. However, Chulian was his elder brother. Must be more handsome.

"I heard that you can also make alchemy. Is this true? If today happens to be an alchemy conference, why don't you come and participate? And I also really want to know. Everyone knows that you are a person with the seventh level of alchemy. I really want to see it. What will it look like when you reach the seventh level of alchemy? I am still very curious about this, I wonder if this Gong Ziyu can show us." Luo Yang looked at Chen Xuandao.

"I'm just a follower." Chen Xuan stared at Luo Yang.

"It doesn't matter. If you think you are just a follower, then I can add a family to you. And the Yan people are also here. Don't you want to show it to Yanran? And I think you want to talk to Yanran and you guys Two people are getting engaged. Is this true? If this is the case, they can cultivate their relationship more. And I heard that Yanran is a person who likes alchemy very much. If you do this, you may be able to get Yanran's love. " Luo Yang didn't know about Chen Xuan and Xia Yanran, so he was busy trying to make things happen between the two of them. But because of this incident, Yanran also looked at Chen Xuan's attitude, but it seemed She didn't show any dissatisfaction, but she still looked into the distance with that sullen face, as if she didn't really care about what she said.

Xia Yanran was a little embarrassed, "Luo Yang, please don't embarrass him anymore. Besides, he came with grandpa. If he really wants to participate in this, he has to deal with grandpa again. Isn't this going to increase the number of his subordinates? Do you agree?" Don't make any more trouble. Grandpa, you seem to have signed up today, right?" Xia Yanran quickly changed her attitude toward Luo Yang, fearing that she might do something else.

According to this matter, he had some things that he didn't know, and another very embarrassing thing was why he suddenly remembered that he liked alchemy. Could it be that he liked it from the side? When he thought of it, Here, he felt a shy look on his face, and he didn't know what Chen Xuan was thinking here.

Xia Yanran and Luo Yang walked to Xia He and Zhang Kun. Luo Yang looked at the two and said, "Hello, uncle! Master!"

"We haven't seen each other for a year. Luo Yatou has grown up! She is slim again." Xia He looked at Luo Yang and said.

"No way! Sister Yanran is a great beauty." Luo Yang stuck out his tongue and looked at Xia Yanran with a smile.

In fact, the relationship between their two families is still a four-religion relationship, but they are not very clear about this matter, and there is another thing that they may not have figured out yet.

"By the way, Luo Yatou, aren't you going to compete later? This year, my uncle will have to see if his alchemy skills have improved. And why haven't you seen your father today?" Xia He looked around. , asked.

"My dad has something to do. He is out, so he sent me here, but it doesn't matter. When the time comes, I will ask my dad to go to my uncle in person. But this year, I think it may be a little difficult to make alchemy this year. After all, I heard that the master's man is here." Luo Yang replied unhappily.

Jun Lincang! ! !

This man would be here, and what made him feel strange was that this man was not in their continent? Besides, why do you stay in this group and participate in such an important alchemy competition?

If the previous regulations were followed, it would be impossible for people with high cultivation levels like them to come in, and it didn't seem like they were joking when they looked like this.

"Well, Luo Yatou, please don't be unhappy. I'll ask you to cheer later. I think there will be quite a few people coming by then. You must also be careful and don't lose to others. At least Don't let others compare you, right?" Xia He looked at the Mu family and Bai family, and seemed to see Bai Lan'er.

"Hmph! Don't worry, uncle, I'm definitely better than her." Luo Yang said confidently.

They do know about the fight between the two families, not to mention that the woman is hostile to the uncle's family, so no matter what, they will fight hard this time.

However, this time the Mu family saw that Chen Xuan actually came, and he was still standing in the same position where Liu Mu once was. For this, Murong Yu was very angry when he looked at Chen Xuan.

damn it!

I just felt that I was deceived by Chen Xuan. Otherwise, why would he accept his kindness in the first place and then turn around and go to another family.

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