When the competition officially started, Xia He asked Chen Xuan to stand next to him. It was the first time for Chen Xuan to come to this place. How could he know this rule as many alchemists in this continent, but as far as Zai Jin was concerned, Among the many people, Chen Xuan probably knew that there were many alchemists, but compared to himself, these people were not even close to one point.

There are many people in Daoxin Continent, but they have come all the way to Bansheng City just to get the qualifications of an alchemist. However, the group of people participating in the competition now are all between thirteen and twenty-five years old. Although this The age comparison is somewhat unfair to those who are younger, but as long as those who have obtained the alchemist qualification certificate or those who have passed this age are not eligible to participate, if anyone impersonates, the discoverer will will never be eligible to participate.

The first person to appear in the following scene is the Zhong family and the Mu family. They are both girls. They look about fifteen years old. They are standing on the stage in a light blue and a light green skirt. It seems that people who have stepped out among the ladies have a little more heroic spirit.

"The game begins!" The referee looked at the two of them and saw that they didn't have much to say. He probably knew that these two companies had always been at odds with each other, so he was satisfied with the use of so many, so he might as well start directly. Last year, he almost won the first place. But who knew that an accident would happen, so I was still a little surprised by this incident. These two are both people with alchemy qualification certificates. As for why they can still stand here now, I have to ask them behind the scenes. How much money has the family put into the hands of the chief judge in this case.

In fact, these rules are dead, and people are alive. I don’t know if this rule will be modified later, and it will be changed into a challenge. You can participate every year in the form of a challenge. If you win the first place, One family, and the remaining losers who participated in the challenge will give some lottery prizes to the first place. This rule has been going on for two years, and this year should be the third year. At first, some people did not accept this situation. Later I got used to it and even found it a bit exciting.

"Chen Xuan, look at these two, who do you think will win?" Xia He is one of the judges this time, so he still has some say in this matter, but Chen Xuan doesn't know whether he can do it for personal gain and is satisfied with that. Pay attention to this matter.

Chen Xuan followed Xia He's gaze and looked down the stage, and saw that the alchemy cauldrons used by these two people to make elixirs seemed to be of extraordinary quality. It seemed that these two people had a strong family background.

"I don't know the strength of these two sisters, but I can tell that the woman in blue clothes is very skillful." Chen Xuan looked at the woman in blue clothes. Although Chen Xuan said this, Xuan's face was still cold, and it was impossible to tell whether Chen Xuan was helping the girl from the Zhong family or the Mu family.

But Chen Xuan was right. This girl from the Zhong family does know how to use tricks, but alchemy is not something that can only be achieved by using tricks. If you are satisfied with too much actual combat, it will only ruin your future.

The elder in black robes sitting next to Xia He looked at Xia He and Chen Xuan and asked interestingly: "What? The young man next to the Xia family leader is also an alchemist?"

Although these words were spoken in a joking manner, they sounded somewhat mocking to Chen Xuan's ears. But now Chen Xuan could only suppress his temper and glanced at the man in black robe who said this with an indifferent expression. This man Since he is sitting in second place, he is still very accomplished in alchemy, so he must be very disdainful of Chen Xuan's comments.

Xia He looked at the man in black robe and replied respectfully: "Elder Du, don't look at him. He is also very accomplished in alchemy." This Xia He was obviously ready to praise Chen Xuan in front of Du Yu. When Yu heard Xia He say this, he just snorted, "But how far can a twenty-year-old boy achieve? Is it possible that he can also refine a seventh-grade elixir?" Zhuo You looked at Chen Xuan with some disdain, as if Even if Chen Xuan is only a man in his twenties, Xia He actually speaks so openly in front of him. Even if he wants to be too high, Chen Xuan doesn't have to be so obedient.

Chen Xuan saw that Du Yu was so good and looked down upon him, so he humbly replied: "It's just a matter of playing tricks and playing around, so naturally you can't compare with the elders."

Xia He saw when Chen Xuan was so humble, but it was normal to be more humble than this person. After all, this person was really a sixth-grade alchemist and an elder of the Alchemy Association.

Although Xia He knew that Chen Xuan must be able to refine sixth-grade elixirs, because Xia He directly asked Chen Xuan at the beginning of ID, which grade of alchemy master he was, Chen Xuan just replied lazily: "Just for fun." Yes, probably at the sixth or seventh level."

Just for fun, what does it look like at level 6 or 7? Or a twenty-year-old young man like Chen Xuan?

This sentence was almost satisfactory at first, which scared Xia He and Liu Mu to death. What Chen Xuan said was really interesting. Although he knew that he was not the type to joke, he should not bother to joke in this regard, not to mention the day they first met. When Chen Xuan was young, he used the sixth-grade elixir to exchange for a Xuan Crystal Clothes. This item made Xia He's favor towards Chen Xuan increase in value.

"Haha! That's right. If there is no special person to teach alchemy..." Du Yu wanted to mock Chen Xuan a few words, but he didn't expect someone sitting in the middle to say: "It's over."

Everyone followed the elder's words and looked towards the middle of the competition field, and saw the judge saying to everyone: "The first match between the Zhong family and the Mu family, the winner is - Zhong Lingxiu of the Zhong family!" The judge said again. At the end of the speech, the voice was deliberately dragged out for a long time. Both of them looked very nervous. When the judge announced the final winner, everyone's hearts were nervous.

"Sister, sister wins!" At this time, under the cheers of the crowd, a young male voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears, and the boy appeared to be about seven or eight years old, with a face She was so excited that she ran to Zhong Lingxiu's side, saying something that Chen Xuan couldn't hear very clearly from such a distance.

"How do you know that the Zhong family will win?" Xia He saw that the winner this time was actually the girl from the Zhong family. He looked at Chen Xuan with some confusion. Chen Xuan's first words were ambiguous. I don’t know whether the Zhong family will win or lose.

"Hmph!" Du Yu snorted angrily when he saw the conversation between Xia He and Chen Xuan, and replied unconvinced: "It's just a matter of luck."

"Du Yu, it's time to calm down your temper." Elder Bing, who had the most say in this alchemy competition, glanced at Chen Xuan and caught the trace of disdain in Du Yu's eyes, and felt There seems to be something about Chen Xuan that he doesn't quite understand.

But there was nothing to say, and we entered the next round of the competition without too much time.

During his stay, Xia He looked at Chen Xuan motionless, wondering if he could stop these gossips. After all, the Xia family is not a very annoying family. Although it is the head of a large family, the rest of the family Everyone hates the Xia family very much, including the Mu family.

Mu Zichen also participated in the competition this time. It is said that Mu Zichen received special training this time and developed rapidly in just three months. As for who taught this, I don’t know. Chen Xuan looked at Xue Yue beside Mu Zichen and chuckled that Xue Yue had really worked hard for Mu Zichen.

"In the eighth game below, the contestants are Luo Yang, the eldest sister of the Luo family, and Mu Zichen, the second youngster of the Mu family."

Mu Zichen versus Luo Yang? There is no need for this match. Luo Yang must have won. You must know that Luo Yang almost never lost against anyone in this match, except for that Jun Lincang.

"What's going on? Isn't it Jun Lincang? How could it be that Mu Zichen who has only studied for a few months?" Luo Yang in the audience looked at Mu Zichen opposite him in a daze. How could the character in this competition be Modifying it at will is against the rules.

The elders above were confused when they saw such a thing. One of the stewards who arranged the order of the characters came to Elder Bing and said respectfully to Elder Bing: "Elder, this Jun Lincang left just a moment ago. If he needs to go back to Bansheng City, it will be treated as if he has given up, so my subordinates will make such arrangements."

After hearing this, many people were speculating on the reason why Jun Lincang gave up on such an important matter. It was really an advantage for the Mu family to have the opportunity to compete with Luo Yang. This was simply a blessing. .

Seeing this scene, Mu Zichen didn't really want to go. He just knew that his brother must have signed up for him without authorization. Murong Yu looked at Mu Zichen like this and comforted him: "Go." Well, it doesn’t matter even if you lose, after all, this is your first time participating, it doesn’t feel humiliating, my brother is proud of you.”

"Zichen, go ahead, I believe in you!" Xue Yue naturally believed in his third sister's methods. Although none of them knew how to make alchemy, in this regard, her third sister once had an alchemy master among humans. If this is the prototype of the third sister who can be burned by the Three Flavors of Fire, her third sister will definitely be a figure that shocks the world.

Mu Zichen saw that his brother and Xue Yue believed in him so much, so he walked up. Although there were still many people looking at Mu Zichen and smiling, the Mu family couldn't be crazy about wanting the alchemist. Well, he actually went up there by himself. Everyone knew what kind of person Mu Zichen was, so many people bet that Luo Yang would win this match.

However, standing in Chen Xuan's position, looking at Mu Zichen and looking at him, Chen Xuan just nodded for him. Xue Yue was originally from the Black Forest Mountains, so if Murong Yu repaid him this time In this match, Xue Yue will definitely not let Mu Zichen lose face. As for why, this is to see how much Xue Yue cares about Mu Zichen.

"Haha! This Mu family really overestimates their capabilities and actually dares to challenge my Luo Yang." Xia Yanran looked at Mu Zichen on the stage with a hint of disdain, as if this person couldn't make any big waves.

The people next to her saw Xia Yanran being so natural and supported her. Xia Yanran's appearance was considered to be above average among these sisters, and many people came here just to see Xia Yanran.

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