Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1866 A slap in the face with strength (1)

Chen Xuan watched Mu Zichen sit on the stage very skillfully and took out the alchemy cauldron. Chen Xuan was a little surprised when he saw the cauldron. This guy seemed to be... The guy in his head took the lead and said: "Qingyang Cauldron" ”

"Talk too much!" Chen Xuan replied coldly.

When Mu Zichen took out the words to excitedly use the alchemy cauldron, the crowd began to discuss the origin of Mu Zichen's cauldron. As for other people's discussions about the green cauldron, in the eyes of the people involved, There are still many people who understand this very well. He actually has a treasure in his hand. Xue Yue smiled when she saw everyone's admiration and curiosity for Mu Zichen. How could the person he likes be allowed to be bullied by others.

Many people focused on Luo Yang, but few noticed Mu Zichen. Chen Xuan noticed that Mu Zichen seemed to be looking at Xue Yue. Could this be Xue Yue's on-site guidance?

There is no shortage of medicinal herbs for Mu Zichen. After all, with Xue Yue, a child of a landlord's family, all the elixirs in the Black Forest Mountains belong to Mu Zichen. This can be regarded as an apology for not being able to go to the Mu family.

"Ice dew bead?" Chen Xuan saw a white ice bead appear in Mu Zichen's hand instantly. Seeing it appear here, he couldn't hold it anymore. This thing is a good thing. As an elder from Bing, he couldn't stand it anymore. Looking at Chen Xuan's surprised expression, he was a little stunned. He didn't expect that this guy actually knew this thing. It seems that Xia He's return to the art of alchemy was not a lie.

"What is that?" Many people had already seen the white bead in Mu Zichen's hand, probably because they had never seen it before and were very curious. There were many alchemists at the scene, watching Mu Zichen throw this thing directly to Everyone inside the cauldron was so surprised that they couldn't speak. Did Mu Zichen know how to make elixirs? Why did he throw everything into the cauldron?

"Ah! What kind of elixir is this? If the elixir doesn't come out when the time comes, my brother's bead will be the one he uses to make the elixir. Hahaha, it's so funny." At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted loudly. Mu Zichen was a little angry. Xue Yue spoke to Mu Zichen: "Ignore that person, pay attention to your temper, relax and don't be affected by others."

Just now everyone noticed that Mu Zichen was affected by the person who said that. Now for some reason, he just closed his eyes and refined his own things. Chen Xuan still admired Mu Zichen very much for this. He is somewhat similar to himself, so it's no wonder that among so many people, Chen Xuan has the best impression of Mu Zichen.

Yu looked at Mu Zichen with some worry, and said to Nomad next to him, "Do you think Zichen has that possibility this time?" Murong Yu was always more concerned about his younger brother. Although this time It was really embarrassing for him to ask him to participate in this competition, but under Xue Yue's instigation, he didn't expect that he would actually sign up for Mu Zichen.

Seeing how worried Murong Yu was, Nomad put his hand on his shoulder and patted him, signaling him not to be so nervous. Mu Zichen didn't even look so nervous. If the alchemist this time could be produced by the Mu family themselves, If there is one, then the status of the Mu family in Daoxin Continent will increase.

Chen Xuan watched Mu Zichen add a lot of rare medicinal materials to it. Looking at the properties of these medicinal materials, Chen Xuan boldly took a guess at the elixir. Is this guy so talented? If possible, Chen Xuan really wanted to accept Mu Zichen as his disciple.

"You have to believe Zichen, he will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." After three months of training, Nomad had to be somewhat optimistic about Mu Zichen, but this time the only variable was Mu Zichen. How could Chen, a newcomer, face off against Luo Yang, a woman? If these two people spared their words, Mu Zichen would definitely lose.

Murong Yu looked at Youmu's words and knew that he was trying to comfort himself. However, at the beginning, Murong Yu did not have the thought that Mu Zichen would win. However, when the final verdict was announced, he did not say the winner, but Elder Ji, who had taken the elixir to the top, looked at how he would evaluate the elixir. Chen Xuan's eyes were always looking at Mu Zichen's elixir at that moment.

Mu Zichen's elixir is completely different from Luo Yang's fifth-level elixir. This elixir is light green in color, exudes the smell of grass, and has a hint of coldness. There is still some in the hand. With a cold feeling, when Chen Xuan looked at the elixir at that moment, he instantly knew what it was. It turned out that someone really knew how to refine such an elixir.

"Elder Bing, this is the Ming elixir. This is the first time I have seen such an elixir. Please take a look at it, elder!" It's really hard to judge this matter just by looking at it, so I just found this one directly. The elders went to evaluate what this elixir was, but it still smelled very good. Everyone looked at Elder Bing's poor evaluation of Mu Zichen's elixir.

"This..." Elder Bing looked at this green pill and thought hard. He had to have some doubts about this matter, but another thing was how did Mu Zichen refine this kind of medicine?

Before Elder Bing could speak, he heard Du Yu say: "Elder Bing, what kind of elixir is this? According to me, this is not an elixir at all. I guess this guy is fooling everyone."

Chen Xuan chuckled softly when he heard Du Yu say this. The voice was very loud, but Elder Bing who was next to him still heard it. Elder Bing still had some expectations about this matter, but after hearing Chen Xuan's reaction, Elder Bing I don't know why, but I feel like Du Yu is trying to disgrace the Presbyterian Council. Although I don't know if Chen Xuan knows what this elixir is, Elder Bing doesn't tell the truth that he knows what this elixir is.

"I don't know what kind of elixir this is. Invite this young master of the Mu family to come up and let me take a look." Elder Bing took the elixir and taught the people next to him to ask Mu Zichen to come to Elder Bing and take a look.

Everyone heard that the well-informed Elder Bing actually didn't know what kind of pill it was. This didn't mean that he understood that Du Yu's words were correct. At this time, this thing started among the crowd...

"That's why I have such elixirs. They usually come in seven colors. Even if they are green, this light green elixir is very rare."

"Yes! Me too, I didn't even see it, and this elixir seems to be a little bigger than our usual elixirs."

"Oh, you don't want it anymore. This is fake. Do you think even Elder Bing can't recognize what kind of pill this is?"

"The Mu family has gone to great lengths to win the alchemy master this time! Mu Zichen's training in three months is all it takes to defeat Luo Yang from the Luo family. He simply doesn't know what he can do." A man looked at Mu Zichen standing on the stage and said disdainfully. His tone was as if he and Luoyang were the best if he went all-in.

Mu Zichen did not expect that it would turn out like this. When he saw the judge walking up to Mu Zichen, he said to Mu Zichen with a serious face: "Elder Bing is looking for you to come up."

"Me?" Mu Zichen was a little surprised. Elder Bing serves as the vice president of the Alchemy Association. There are many people who want to have a word with this seventh-grade alchemist, hoping to give some advice, but this one Not everyone can see an alchemist, and not everyone can speak to anyone.

The man looked at Mu Zichen and nodded. Mu Zichen was a little nervous about this matter. Elder Bing suddenly called him. Is this because he also felt that there was something wrong with his elixir?

"I'll go with you." At this time, Xue Yue came to Mu Zichen's side at some point. After confirming her eyes with Mu Zichen, she walked directly in front of Elder Bing.

Elder Bing glanced at Mu Zichen and Xue Yue, but according to Elder Bing's vision, he also knew that this Xue Yue should be Mu Zichen's contracted beast, but this contracted beast actually looked so human-like, with no trace of a monster at all. , this actually surprised Elder Bing, how much cultivation is needed to do this.

"Are you Mu Zichen?" Elder Bing looked at Mu Zichen and asked.

"Yes, Elder Bing, is there something wrong with the elixir?" It was originally the first time to come to this alchemy field to compete, and because Elder Bing was here, and Xue Yue asked Mu Zichen to practice this elixir later. As for medicine, Mu Zichen originally had it at the beginning, or he would just practice a simple recovery pill, or a first-grade pill.

Xue Yue insisted that Mu Zichen followed him, but after refining the elixir, she found that no one knew the elixir. Mu Zichen was also a little confused. Mu Zichen didn't know the name of the elixir, but Xue Yue didn't know the name of the elixir. The moon is very good, so I call it Bizhu Dan.

"No, I am blind and don't know this elixir. Could you please ask me to explain it to you?" Elder Bing stooped and put himself too low. There are still relatively few people like him who can do it. , Chen Xuan was quite satisfied when he saw Elder Bing's behavior. Although he didn't know him, he still knew to ask the person who made the alchemy and gave Mu Zichen a chance to explain. Based on this, Chen Xuan felt that Elder Bing still had some skills. Some advantages.

"This is called Bizhu Pill. As for its effects, I don't know yet." Mu Zichen looked at the pill and said, "I really don't know what its effects are." Everyone laughed wildly after hearing what Mu Zichen said. Mu Zichen, who was originally very courageous, became a little nervous when he saw everyone doing this.

Xue Yue wanted to explain it to Mu Zichen, so Chen Xuan held Xue Yue's hand, looking at Xue Yue as if she understood something.

"I don't know what the effect of this is, but I dare to use it to practice, hahaha! This is the first time in my life that I have encountered this. It's really funny." A young man in yellow clothes looked at Mu Zichen and said with a smile, His every gesture was full of contempt.

"Shut up." Elder Bing looked at the man, and with one look, the man shut up instantly. The people present wanted to catch him in agreement, but when they saw that Elder Bing seemed a little angry, he didn't dare to express his anger. , everyone in the audience became nervous.

"Young Master doesn't know what this does, so why did you refine it? What's the principle?" Elder Bing asked again.

This sentence is indeed wrong. If you don’t even know the effect of your own elixir, then even if there is such a pill, you will still dare to eat it or buy it. , what if this is poison?

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