This time, Mu Zichen's matter was already famous throughout Bansheng City. Murong Yu was ready to go and book an inn to celebrate that Mu Zichen could obtain a third-grade alchemist this time.

Mu Zichen and his party arrived at the Huakai Fugui Inn. When they walked to the door, they saw Murong Yu quickly trying to please him: "Mr. Mu, welcome! What kind of wind has brought you here?"

Murong Yu looked at the two and immediately asked for a private room, then walked to the middle of the inn and said, "I am happy today. All expenses incurred will be charged to the Mu family's account."

Many people looked at Mu Zichen and his party in surprise, not knowing what happened to the Mu family. Some people looked at Murong Yu and asked curiously: "Hey, what's so good about this Mu family?" News?"

As soon as anyone said this, someone started to answer: "I heard that the second son of the Mu family got the token of a third-level alchemist this time. I wonder if this is true?"

"Really or not?" Some people in the crowd were very surprised. They obviously doubted Mu Zichen's strength. He didn't know much about the basics of alchemy at the beginning. How could he be a third-level alchemist? .

"Yes! This can't be fake."

"The person who made the judgment this time was the elder of the Alchemy Association. The person who heard this was also Elder Bing, which means that this time it was approved by Elder Bing himself." The young man was also very surprised when he looked at Mu Zichen. , but I am still more concerned about Elder Bing's approval. This Elder Bing is still relatively comparable to everyone. If he is someone recognized by Elder Bing, there will be no problems for a long time.

Mu Zichen and his party went up to the building. Everyone recognized that Mu Zichen was a third-grade alchemist. However, some people decided that Mu Zichen's token was too easy to obtain. In the past three months, You can become a third-level alchemist, which is really a talent.

Murong Yu looked at Mu Zichen's depressed look and knew that what happened to those people just now must have had some impact on Mu Zichen, so Mu Zichen has been silent about this matter. Nomad looked at Mu Zichen and said : "Zi Chen, don't dwell on this matter anymore. Don't you know it in your heart? There is no need for you to just say a few words to others. The most important thing for you now is how you are going to reply to the Third Queen Chen Xuan. Assessment.”

Youmu's words seemed to wake him up, and he immediately laughed and looked at Youmu and said: "Yes. I don't have that need. If the master feels uncomfortable seeing me like this, he will definitely be dissatisfied with me. After all, The master is such a powerful person, why would he be so embarrassed by this?" Zhui Oh poured himself a cup of tea.

"You can decide this matter yourself, but the biggest contribution this time is to Xue Yue. Zichen, you must reward Xue Yue well. The tacit understanding between you is much better than before. What have you done in the Black Forest Mountains? This He has changed so much since he came back. "Murong Yu still relatively trusts his younger brother, but he is quite satisfied with Xue Yue. Mu Zichen's achievement this time is not due to Xue Yue's contribution. .

"We..." When Mu Zichen saw his brother asking this question, he had almost forgotten about that matter. At this time, he didn't know why he blushed at the thought.

Seeing that Mu Zichen didn't speak, Xue Yue knew that Mu Zichen must have forgotten that matter. She couldn't help but lowered her head and said, "It's okay, that's right."

"How could it be? Xue Yue has helped me a lot." Mu Zichen looked at Xue Yue and decided that although this matter was caused by his drinking, it would not affect the relationship between them. Chen observed that Xue Yue didn't seem to mention that incident. Mu Zichen thought that Xue Yue might have forgotten that incident.

Mu Zichen smiled very gently and stroked Xue Yue's hair. Xue Yue lowered her head and looked at Nomad and smiled, as if he had discovered something interesting.

Mu Zichen was very happy that time. The third sister had hidden a lot of wine. Mu Zichen heard that Jiu and the third sister were going to drink together. Who knew that in the middle of the night, Xue Yue saw the third sister holding the unconscious Mu Zichen After returning to the place where Xue Yue originally lived, she said impatiently, "I'll leave this guy to you. Mo also wants to spell words with me. This kid is so fun. Don't you know the belly of a monster and Are human stomachs different? You can wash him up later. He's covered in vomit. I have to go back and change clothes. You can take care of it yourself." Then he handed Mu Zichen directly to Xue Yue who was about to go to bed. On the body.

"Sister, I... what should I do?" Xue Yue was well protected by her brothers and sisters. She still didn't know about this aspect. She looked at the third sister helplessly. Who knew that the third sister who had always helped Xue Yue... Shi actually ignored it and looked at Xue Yue and left a message: "Find a way by yourself, but don't catch a cold."

Xue Yue helped Mu Zichen to the bed. Mu Zichen was still talking about continuing to drink. But there was another thing. Mu Zichen looked at Xue Yue with disheveled hair and thought that Xue Yue was just a girl. Seeing Xue Yue hugging Xue Yue with one hand and chanting the brothel girl's name, this behavior made Xue Yue stunned. Was Mu Zichen hugging him?

Xue Yue's whole hand was placed stiffly in the air, not knowing where to put it.

"Zi Chen, first, take off your clothes first, you are dirty." Xue Yue looked at Mu Zichen's dazed look, which was a little charming, as if Mu Zichen was always like this, seducing him inadvertently. he.

How much did Mu Zichen drink? Looking at the smell of alcohol all over his body, Xue Yue frowned a little, but when he was frowning, he held Xue Yue's hand with one hand, looked at Xue Yue and said, "Miss Qing'er, I miss you so much." Xue Yue, who was very happy at first, turned dark when she heard these words. Did Mu Zichen think of him as a woman?

"Zi Chen, don't make trouble. I'm Xue Yue, I'm not that woman." Xue Yue's face instantly became cold. Looking at Mu Zichen, she didn't know what to do at first, but she just didn't want Mu Zichen to yell for mercy. Even if Mu Zichen didn't recognize Xue Yue's name, Xue Yue would say to Mu Zichen over and over again: "Xue Yue, my name is Xue Yue, Xue Yue, Xue Yue! I love Xue Yue, I love Xueyue..."

Although it is unethical to do so, how could the comatose Mu Zichen know these things? He was still confused at first, and finally shouted with Xue Yue: "Xue Yue, Xue Yue, I love Xue Yue, I love Xue Yue..."

"Yes, you love Xue Yue, and you don't love anyone else..." Xue Yue looked at Mu Zichen who was very obedient and obedient towards her, lowered her head and was about to kiss Mu Zichen quietly, thinking it was a courage she gave herself. But he didn't expect that Mu Zichen seemed to know that Xue Yue knew what to do, and pressed Xue Yue's backhand under him with one hand. He looked at Xue Yue and smiled like a fool, staring at Xue Yue's red lips. The kiss continued like this.

"Hmm~~~~" Xue Yue's eyes looked at Mu Zichen's glare. He had never thought of such a thing, but he was very happy for Xue Yue, but when he thought about what would happen if he knew about this tomorrow Wouldn't it be another scene?

Mu Zichen didn't give Xue Yue time to think. In addition, Mu Zichen had already taken off his clothes and was so domineering that Xue Yue couldn't refuse at all. When he woke up the next time, Mu Zichen looked at himself naked. Mu Zichen, who had already forgotten what happened last night, did not see Xue Yue wake up at noon. I was more panicked.

Mu Zichen went to find the third sister, looked at the fox and said eagerly: "Third sister, look at what's going on with Xue Yue? Usually Xue Yue gets up the earliest, but I don't know now. It’s past noon and there’s still no response. Could it be that something happened?”

Lingluo glanced at Mu Zichen's anxious look, tested Xue Yue with her spiritual power, stared at Mu Zichen and said dissatisfiedly: "Be more restrained, this is Xue Yue's first time, how could he be affected by you doing this?" Come on?"


Mu Zichen looked at Lingluo in confusion, not knowing what she meant by her words, and asked again: "Third sister, what do you mean?"

Lingluo glanced at Mu Zichen and said, "Drunk and messed up. Just stay with me these days, Xue Yue, and practice what I give you. I will give Xue Yue a lot of nourishment in these days." Body." He walked away without paying attention to what Lingluo meant at first. After hearing this, Mu Zichen's face turned red. What did he do last night?

When he thought of this, Mu Zichen wanted to dig a hole and go in. Mu Zichen didn't see Xue Yue from then on, and Mu Zichen was too embarrassed to face it. Even when everyone talked about Xue Yue, Mu Zichen was like He bowed his head and said nothing.

A few days later, Xue Yue returned to her human form, not mentioning anything about that incident. Mu Zichen looked at Xue Yue as before, and after a few observations, he felt that Xue Yue must have forgotten this matter.

Seeing that Xue Yue didn't mind this matter, he slowly started talking to Xue Yue, as if that was the case, but Mu Zichen still couldn't forget such a thing. He actually drank a...

Thinking of this, he went a little crazy. Murong Yu looked at Mu Zichen as if he was in a daze, knocked his head and asked, "What's wrong? Seeing how distracted you are, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

"No, not Ying" Mu Zichen glanced at Xue Yue and said to Murong Yu awkwardly.

How could we discuss this matter with my brother? If he found out, he would definitely be beaten to death. Youmu said to Zichen, "Is it because of the competition that I'm too nervous these days? Just have a good rest."

"Yes, why did I forget? You, you don't know how to stay with me when you are tired." Murong Yu only reacted after hearing Nomad say this.

At this time, Xue Yue felt a little strange when she looked at Nomad, but she showed her white teeth and said, "Brother, what will I do if I don't have Nomad!"

Although it was just a simple sentence, both of them were stunned. They had not noticed this problem before, but now after being treated like this by Xue Yue, Nomad was speechless. This reaction was wrong. Xue Yue looked at Mu Zichen and said It seems like I said something wrong again?

Why is everyone silent?

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