Chen Xuan returned to the street. He looked at the cloth shop and heard that the boss, Xia Yanran, had gone back. When he turned around, he saw a man bullying a woman. Chen Xuan didn't want to meddle in other people's business. Who knew that this would happen? After seeing Chen Xuan, the masked woman ran towards Chen Xuan, still whining. Looking at such pronunciation, she couldn't be a mute, right?

The woman hid behind Chen Xuan and held Chen Xuan's sleeve tightly. Chen Xuan felt that this scene was so familiar, as if such a scene had happened before, "Who are you! I advise you to better Don’t mind your own business.”

The woman's big eyes looked at those people staring at Chen Xuan and whining some words that Chen Xuan could not understand, but the woman anxiously took Chen Xuan's hand and wrote a word on his hand.


Chen Xuan looked at the woman in confusion. Before Chen Xuan could ask the woman, the person opposite looked at Chen Xuan and said loudly: "Do you know who I am? I am a member of the Snow Mountain Sect. How dare you interfere with our Snow Mountain Sect's affairs? ?" The man looked at Chen Xuan with a bit of ridicule, as if he was watching Chen Xuan kneel down and beg for mercy later. Who knew that the Jialan sword in Chen Xuan's hand, His head was taken off with one sword strike.

"The person I have killed the most with this sword is the lackey of the Snow Mountain Sect!" Chen Xuan's aura began to cool down. The woman who stayed next to Chen Xuan was shocked when she saw Chen Xuan like this. She didn't even think about it just now. I saw him taking action so quickly.

Several other people saw that Chen Xuan was so arrogant and directly killed their people. Isn't this a challenge to an upright person like the Snow Mountain Sect?

"Remember, the people from our Snow Mountain Sect will not let you go." The man looked at Chen Xuan, who didn't seem to be that earth-level person. He knew that his cultivation level was not as good as Chen Xuan's, so he left immediately. He stared at the woman fiercely and ran away quickly.

Snow Mountain Sect.

He, Chen Xuan, was about to chat with them, but he didn't expect that he would directly bump into the door?

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, as if the person not far in front of him was just a fool, and it would not affect him at all. But how could he forget the purpose of this time? As long as he Once you get it, you can directly refine the Purple Mansion Order. Then you will be more confident about the people of the Snow Mountain Sect.

The masked woman looked at Chen Xuan and nodded wildly, looked at Chen Xuan crying non-stop, hesitating and not knowing what was going on. The way Chen Xuan looked at her should be some words of thanks, but Chen Xuan didn't care. It's just that when he knew it was the Snow Mountain Sect, he thought of Helan Yu'er, that's why he was so angry just now, "No need to thank me, it just so happens that I also hate people from the Snow Mountain Sect."

Just when Chen Xuan shook off the woman's hand, he accidentally lifted the woman's veil. Chen Xuan looked at the face and looked at the woman in a daze: "Green Cherry?"

Green Ying saw that Chen Xuan had seen such an ugly side of herself. She quickly picked up the veil, put it on and ran away in panic. Chen Xuan was about to chase after her and wanted to ask what was going on. After all, in the beginning Midoriya's face is still very good-looking. Why does her face look like this now?

But didn't Lu Ying also join the Snow Mountain Sect? If the person just now was also a member of the Snow Mountain Sect, how could they treat Lu Ying like this? Is it because they didn't know that the current Lu Ying was also a member of the Snow Mountain Sect?

After running for a while, Lu Ying looked at Chen Xuan and found a place to cry without catching up. Phoenix in his consciousness looked at Lu Ying and comforted him: "You were seen, do you regret it?"

"He must hate me even more. Now that I have become so ugly, he will definitely not like me anymore." Midoriya sobbed.

She didn't do this at first, but when she saw Chen Xuan, she didn't know why it turned out like this. If she had known that this was the case, she would have just killed those people and left like this. Well, when she saw Chen Xuan passing by, she wanted Chen Xuan to save her, but she didn't expect that Chen Xuan would see her like this. She should have understood when looking at Chen Xuan's surprised eyes.

"What are you afraid of? If he really likes Ni, then Ni won't feel so uncomfortable. If Ni really wants to love him so silently?" Fenghuang didn't understand what would happen if he really loved a person. Maybe she would give so silently, but if it were her, wouldn't it be nice to just tell that person to make her like that person?

Why does it have to be so roundabout? I'm really irritated.

"It's not like that. I just couldn't help but want to get closer to him. Phoenix, I found that I really fell in love with him. What should I do? I obviously shouldn't be like this." Midori looked at himself as if he didn't want to be like this. He is the same person again, and this is the most helpless look. Thinking of this, he feels how uncomfortable it is, and he seems to have changed.

"It's okay, I will always be by your side, and I will not betray you." Fenghuang hugged Lu Ying and said firmly.

In fact, there are some comparisons about this matter, but the Phoenix looked at Lu Ying's discomfort and felt some pain in his new body, but he didn't know what this kind of human emotion was. How to comfort Lu Ying? Sakura is better at it.

After Chen Xuan returned to Xia's house, he saw Xia Yanran and Luo Yang in the house. Maybe she saw Chen Xuan coming, so Xia Yanran ran over directly, looked at Chen Xuan and said coquettishly: "Brother Chen Xuan, where have you been? ! Grandpa is just looking for you."

Chen Xuan took off Xia Yanran's hand and looked directly at the people present, not only Luo Yang, Luo Yang's father Luo Jun, but also Elder Bing and others. Looking at them like this, they seemed to be waiting for Chen Xuan. It looks the same, but Chen Xuan probably knows what it means.

"But what do you want from me?" Chen Xuan looked at Xia He and asked.

"Actually, it's not me who's looking for you, but Elder Bing who's looking for you for something about the Red Rod Pill." This person doesn't want his own Red Rodan recipe.

"Yeah." Chen Xuan replied lightly. Elder Bing looked at Chen Xuan's meaning and seemed to have nothing to do with it. However, after thinking about this matter, he went straight to this matter and there was no need for so many explanations. Xia He also knew that Elder Bing had something to do with Chen Xuan and left directly with Luo Jun and his party.

There were only two of them left in the room, but he didn't have any idea about this matter. After all, he knew about a pill like this. Many men looked like this person in front of them. Ming was respectful to his son, so he probably wanted to ask for advice on these matters.

If he just wanted to be one-sided, he probably wouldn't have started with something like this and then ended up feeling like a good student. If the capital market is like this, will it be another scenario?

"Elder Bing!" Chen Xuan looked at the old man in front of him with a smile.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't approve of this matter, but it's because such a thing exists that he can't help but feel a little embarrassed. He is now a deputy dean, but he actually looks like a man in his 20s. If someone asks for leave, he will lose face if he goes out.

"I know what you want, but if you want it unilaterally. Oh, I can also give it to you, but if I want something, I believe you should also know it." He has always been a bargaining person. So if you want to get something from him, you must pay a corresponding price, otherwise he will not do this kind of transaction.

Elder Bing looked at the man in front of him. Although he was only in his twenties, his temperament, domineering, and sharp eyes could give others a different feeling.

Or if she wants to ask you for this, he doesn't pay much attention to it, because he has thought about a lot of things about this matter. If it is really like this, then he will definitely still not think about it. Same thing.

One thing that may be embarrassing is that if you are really like him, wouldn't other things be very strange? But regarding this point, he is a bit concerned and doesn't care much. What he cares about is the material on that list and why he can practice it. Seventh-grade elixirs, but when I practiced them, they were all seventh-grade primary elixirs.

"what do you want?"

"It's very simple! Association members, I think this condition is not very difficult for you." In fact, there is really nothing difficult about this matter. After all, I heard that he is a vice president, so this It means that he has a real say.

Elder Bing looked at the young man in front of him. He actually said such a sentence. Although it was indeed not difficult for him, not everyone could agree to this request. After all, he became an ordinary member of the association. If so, it will all be reviewed and managed by the president.

"This matter is indeed not difficult for me, but even if I agree with the president, it still needs to be reviewed. If you have the conditions to join, you still have to wait for the above." Elder Bing himself wanted to do this. If I can break through, I can indeed make an exception for this person.

"Of course I know this, but as long as you have your letter of recommendation, you don't need to do anything else." Chen Xuan said again.

If everyone wants this, his recommendation letter will probably still count in this association. However, on the other side, in this world, if everyone knows about such a thing, it seems that it should still count. There's a good chance.

"If it's just a letter of recommendation, it's simple. I have one with me now. I wrote it for myself, but I haven't filled in the name yet. You can be more casual about the name." At first, I thought it would be in danger. His own status, and the way he looks does not seem to be good at it. After just talking with the elders and head of the Xia family, I found that this person is indeed difficult to control without help.

Chen Xuan took a look at the recommendation letter and directly gave Zhang Zhang all the prescriptions for Red Rodan.

"Actually, practicing this recipe is relatively simple. However, the most important thing is to pay attention to the heat and the medicinal materials. Its authenticity. There are some medicinal materials. The older it is, the better you will definitely be with this elixir. . So this is what I understand. You should not be disturbed by others when refining alchemy. Otherwise, although this recipe is easy to practice and its efficacy is good, it may not be that good for your own alchemy, and it may go wrong. Obsessed." Chen Xuan said a few simple words.

Elder Bing looked at Chen Xuan and nodded.

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