There is something strange about Elder Binglai's matter, that is, how could Chen Xuan use this meticulous elixir recipe, and looking at the elixir recipe, Chen Xuanlai didn't seem to care much about how he would do it when he took it out. I am a little curious about Chen Xuan.

Although Chen Xuan only wanted his own letter of recommendation, he was a little curious about this matter. Chen Xuan's salary did not seem to be the kind of person who would look back on members of this association, let alone Chen Xuan who wanted to join the Alchemy Association. , even if you want to be promoted to an elder, it is possible. After all, Chen Xuan is now a seventh-level alchemist. Such alchemists are still rare. In the entire Daoxin Continent, you can count them on one hand.

"By the way, I first saw that you seemed to have added some leaf beads and some red vines, right?" Elder Bing looked at Chen Xuan and felt a little strange, thinking that this is what happened. Let's try another method. This one was chopped by Elder Bing without even stepping forward. In response to this, Elder Bing looked at Chen Xuan and asked questioningly: "Are you really the deputy dean?" ?”

See how the question asked by Elder Bing seems so fake?

There was nothing wrong with Elder Bing Ye hearing that Chen Xuan was just a little excited about this matter, and there were some unspeakable things. However, since Chen Xuan agreed to give Elder Bing some support in this matter, he replied. : "Do you know why we have to put the beads on the leaves first and then the front? It's because it is to temper the toxins brought by the apricot flower roots in the front. As for the red vine leaves, you know what it is used for."

There are only a few things that can be done to prevent Chen Xuan from being speechless. Aren't these things just common sense?

Why does Elder Bing still ask me like this? Although Chen Xuan didn't say this out loud, he was still a little embarrassed about this matter. Another thing is that he didn't say a word about this matter.

"So that's it. I thought it would be safer to go to Scarlet Vine Man first, but it seems I misunderstood." Elder Bing looked at Chen Xuan and nodded with satisfaction.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised when he heard Elder Bing say this, and said, "You are not saving people, you are obviously killing people. If you let Meng Tengman go first, wouldn't you turn this elixir into a poison?" Moreover, elixirs usually enter the blood meridians of the human body directly, so you are causing harm in disguise. "

"I, I'm satisfied with the refining of this. It's still not available in the market." Elder Bing felt a little embarrassed that Chen Xuan was so mean to him. He had been taught a lesson by a child for most of his life. , if this comes out, where can I put his old face?

However, Chen Xuan is still very correct. 1 This may be the reason why Elder Bing has not made a breakthrough for so many years. Ali Jin has a lot of experience. In fact, he has noticed such problems himself. But he just felt that this was how it should be done. As for the principle, you already know.

This Chen Xuan is indeed not a simple person, but such a seventh-grade elixir seems to be very simple for Chen Xuan. Is this the reason?

Thinking of this, Elder Bing seems to know a lot of things. It seems that he made a very correct decision by coming to this place this time. At the beginning, he planned to follow this young man directly to Beiming. Wouldn’t it be better to go to mainland China?

After thinking about it, he asked directly: "Chen Xuan, do you want to come to our Beiming Dadu Continent to develop?"

Beiming Continent?

This place was somewhat familiar, but now she felt that it would be good for her to return to Daoxin Continent, not to mention that she had not taken revenge on the Snow Mountain Sect here, and how could she just leave like this? This was definitely impossible.

"Thank you elder for your kindness. I still have some things to deal with here. If I really have a chance, then I will definitely go back to Beiming Continent to see how beautiful it is." Chen Xuan looked at Elder Bing and smiled. There was nothing wrong with Chen Xuan's rejection of Elder Bing, so he just nodded.

Luo Yang looked at Xia Yanran's room, which was much more impressive than the palace. Moreover, the courtyard was very large, almost as big as an inn. Knowing that the head of the Xia family loved Xia Yanran's granddaughter, Luo Yang could not help but feel She sighed: "Yanran, it seems your yard wasn't this big when I came last year. Why has it been expanded again?"

"Is your backyard this side? Grandpa, the yard on my left is the opposite of the yard next door, because the yard on the east side needs to be rebuilt for Brother Zhong. I should show you the design of Brother Zhong's yard. "Yes, but I initially thought that if I stood on this side, my yard would soon be gone. Grandpa immediately rebuilt and expanded the north yard for me." Xia Yanran said it as if it didn't matter. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but there is another thing that is so different.

"So that's it! Your grandpa is so kind to you. You can have as much of this yard as you want. Is there an alchemy furnace on the east side of your yard?" Luo Yang couldn't help but said again after looking at this matter.

"Ahem, yes! I saw you making alchemy last year, and I liked it very much. Grandpa also invited an alchemy master to call me, but I got a fever for a while, and then this place became deserted, but I Ask Lan'er to turn it into a bookcase. As for the alchemy furnace, put it there. It doesn't look very charming." Xia Yanran felt that she didn't care how rude her request was. , Xia He went all out for Xia Yanran, maybe people like her are meant to be pampered in this life.

"That's it! Let's go over there. I seem to hear my father calling me again." Luo Yang glanced at Xia Yanran's whole yard, and finally showed a hint of coldness, which finally turned into a smile, and pulled Xia Yanran and said.

"Okay, I guess the conversation between Brother Chen Xuan and Elder Bing is over." Then he went directly to the hall. When the two of them walked over, Luo Yang saw that Elder Bing's attitude towards Chen Xuan seemed to have changed. Moreover, when Chen Xuan stood next to Xia He, he felt happy that he was a god. He was handsome and had so much cultivation.

Why is it that only Xia Yanran has the blessing to meet such a man, and why doesn't she have that blessing?

Luo Yang kept staring at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan, who was very sensitive to sight, glanced at Luo Yang. When Chen Xuan looked over, Luo Yang lowered her head shyly. She wondered if Chen Xuan was also interested in her. Otherwise, why would he look at her? It must be more like Luo Yang from the side, but from the Xia family, it's all a lie.

She, Luo Yang, is much prettier than Xia Yanran. If it weren't for the fact that the Xia family is the first family, then she would take care of the Luo family. So Luo Yang also knows this, as long as the Xia family doesn't If things were like this now, then Chen Xuan would definitely be the one who knew him well. Luo Yang would be so happy as if he were getting married to Chen Xuan.

"Luo Yang, what's wrong with you?" Xia Yanran, who was standing next to Luo Yang, looked at Luo Yang. There seemed to be something wrong with Luo Yang, and why was his face so red? Could it be that he was feeling unwell?

Luo Yang originally dreamed of getting married to Chen Xuan, but Xia Yanran suddenly woke her up. Thinking of this, she felt that this was why Luo Yang hated him now.

"It's okay, I just feel a little dizzy. Yanran, can you take me to have a rest?" Luo Yang looked at Xia Yanran next to him and said. Listening to Luo Yang's weak look, Xia Yanran was still thinking about whether this would be the same as Chen. Brother Xuan said that he didn't expect to miss him so much. He glanced at Chen Xuan unwillingly and left.

Xia Yanran showed Luo Yang a special place for guests to rest. Luo Yang lay on the bed and looked at Xia Yanran, who looked a little unhappy. He smiled bitterly and asked, "Are you blaming me for pulling you away? "

Xia Yanran looked at Luo Yang and didn't know what was going on, but her face was indeed very pale. She sat beside Luo Yang's bed and shook her head comfortingly: "How could it be? You are my best friend. I How could I just leave you here alone? Let me accompany you."

Luo Yang looked at Xia Yanran's transformation and thought in her heart, even though Xia Yanran said so, she must hate her to death in her heart. Seeing that Xia Yanran liked this Chen Xuan so much, and she didn't even look at it. Chen Xuan didn't even turn his eyes. Luo Yang snorted coldly, but in front of Xia Yanran, they still looked like sisters in clothes.

"How are you now? Are you feeling better?" Xia Yanran looked at Luo Yang and asked with concern as she saw that Luo Yang was getting better.

In Luo Yang's eyes, Xia Yanran was so concerned that she was impatient, and this seemed to be reflected in this matter. When thinking about this matter, she felt that Xia Yanran was like this, always looking somewhere. Looking at Luo Yang, it was as if he was laughing at Luo Yang.

"What? Do you think you haven't visited your brother Chen Xuan while staying here? That's why you keep asking me if I'm okay?" Luo Yang looked at Xia Yanran with some mocking, as if he was teasing her Xia Yanran. Yanran just doesn't like her as a friend much anymore.

"Luo Yang, why do you think so? I didn't mean that. I just want to care about you. I just saw that your face was pale, as if you were sick. Isn't this..." Xia Yanran saw Luo Yang being a little angry and couldn't help but feel angry. While explaining, who knew that Luo Yang actually yelled at Xia Yanran.

"Xia Yanran, why can you get what you want with just one sentence? How come others can't work as hard as you for a long time... then. Get out, I don't want to see you!"

"Luo,, Yang..." Xia Yanran looked at Luo Yang in disbelief. Is this really what Luo Yang said?

"I told you to get out! Can't you hear me?" Luo Yang yelled again.

Xia Yanran has never encountered such a thing. They are obviously the best friends, why does Luo Yang suddenly act like this? She originally thought that she would not care about it, but who knew that it was true that Luo Yang looked like this? As if she didn't want to see her anymore, Xia Yanran couldn't bear it for a moment and ran out crying. When she ran out, she happened to meet Lan'er and Qu Ze coming here. They were still smiling. I don't know why. See Xia Yanran ran out crying and bumped into Qu Ze. Qu Ze hugged Xia Yanran with one hand, and Xia Yanran hugged Qu Ze and cried loudly.

Lan'er and Qu Ze were very worried when they saw Xia Yanran like this. Are you still very happy today? Why is it like this in just a short time?

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