Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 189 Tiangang Five Thunder Formation

When he saw Chen Xuan appearing alone, Shangguan Hong had a bad feeling in his heart. Seeing the latter's playful look, Shangguan Hong immediately knew that the Talisman Splitter King had been damaged by Chen Xuan. Xuan's hand Zheng

"This kid can't really kill the Talisman Splitter King."

Lanshan and others were also shocked. Chen Xuan appeared, but the Talisman Splitter King disappeared, and only a short time had passed.

In addition to the formation, Chen Xuan also cast an advanced version of the time and space spell to extend the time inside. Therefore, from the outside world, it only took a few minutes for Chen Xuan to enter.

"I can no longer feel the breath of the Talisman Breaking King."

The old man next to Duke Hongshan was also completely shocked.

This Talisman Splitter King is a figure who dominates several major empires. He is also a temporary elder in the Talisman Master Palace of the Ice and Snow Empire. Even the Talisman Master Palace does not give him much respect, which shows the strength and arrogance of this Talisman Splitter King.

But who would have thought that this powerful man who dominated the eight wastes would actually be damaged in the Medicine Master City of the Qifeng Empire.

It's really sad.

Chen Xuan's strength was once again evaluated.

"I have known for a long time that Master Chen Xuan's spell formation skills may not be a match for the Talisman Splitter King!"

The Duke of Hongshan secretly thought that this would further deepen his desire to win over Chen Xuan. As long as he can win over Chen Xuan, the Imperial Talisman Masters Guild would no longer be just some fake bastards. , but how can we get this and Master Chen Xuan to join the Spell Masters Guild?

Even a fifth-level spell can't make the latter's heart flutter, so he can only make innuendoes.

Chen Xuan was victorious, and Huo Liu and others were naturally happy.

Huang Mengjing's pupils were also filled with shock.

Huang Mengjing is not a talisman master, but a formation master. She is good at the rhythmic formation, but this musical formation is only an auxiliary practice. What she really practices is the Ice and Snow Divine Art and Xuan Qi cultivation of the Ice and Snow Emperor. Huang Mengjing's profound energy cultivation is also quite powerful and outstanding.

The Ice and Snow Emperor once passed by. The top ten masters in the Ice and Snow Empire will definitely have a place as the Talisman Breaking King in the future. It can be seen that the Ice and Snow Emperor has a very high opinion of the Talisman Breaking King. But who knew that such a strong man could actually He died here, which is sad.

However, things in the sky were not over yet.

In just a moment, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger came back with a human head in its mouth.

Chen Xuan took a look.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger did not disappoint him. Even if he was covered in scars, he would not let the enemy leave like this. And this old man with disheveled hair thought he could compete with the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

Little did he know that this mutated mysterious beast, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger, was the king of the mysterious beasts, and no one could stop the ferocity it unleashed.

"Well done."

Chen Xuan patted the head of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger, indicating that the latter should go down to rest, but the Antarctic True Flame Tiger spit out a stream of flames from its mouth, burned the head of the old man with disheveled hair to ashes, and licked it The lips and eyes revealed ferocity, obviously wanting to continue fighting!


Duke Hongshan and others already have a wait-and-see attitude.

"If the old man with the coiled hair is not mistaken, he should be the entangled sword king of the Ice and Snow Empire. According to the latter, the latter is extremely good at fighting. He can entangle the enemy with about three masters of the same level all by himself and prevent him from getting away. , He also created a great reputation in the Ice and Snow Empire, but how could he know that he is now dead here."

The old man behind Duke Hongshan sighed.

I also lamented the tragic fate of the old man with a bun hair. Such a top sword king level powerhouse had no chance to fight with the latter, and he was already dead.

"The Splitting Talisman King didn't give me face. The Shangguan family is so arrogant that they have no intention of giving me face."

The Duke of Hongshan's face looked a little cold. These people from the super family all thought that they had zero ability, and they were all awesome. It seemed that it was time to give them a good beating.

However, the Duke of Hongshan had nothing to say. If Master Chen Xuan fell into a disadvantage and then took action himself, would the effect be better? He signaled the old man in black robe next to him to prepare and wait until the critical moment to take action.

The old man in black robe understood this and took a step forward slightly. The profound energy was condensed in his hands, ready to take action at any time.

Above the sky.

Although the Fu Fu King was dead, Shangguan Hong did not panic. The two emperor-level elders behind him took a slight step forward to protect Shangguan Hong.

"Chen Xuan, you and I are both members of the Qifeng Empire. There are some things we should not do too harshly."

Shangguan Hong said.

"Haha, it's too awesome? Even if I'm awesome, what will you do to me?"

Chen Xuan said calmly.

"I, the Shangguan family, wanted to make friends with you, but you hurt my son for no reason and took away my son's fiancée. Chen Xuan, I, the Shangguan family, did nothing wrong!"

Shangguan Hong was also angry and filled with righteous indignation.

Wasn't it Wei Ruoxue who took away his son's fiancée? Some people who heard it were suddenly surprised. They never expected that Master Chen Xuan turned out to be such a person.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he smiled instead of being angry: "Haha, Shangguan Hong, do you really think that I care about your Shangguan family? If I like her, let alone your son's fiancée, even if she is your wife, I can ruin her! "

These words immediately made Shangguan Hong's face turn red.

He didn't give the latter any face at all.

In the eyes of more people, Chen Xuan originally had a mysterious, low-key, and powerful image, but now, when he becomes domineering, he is really quite domineering!

"You are indeed a domineering person."

Huang Mengjing's heart was also slightly disturbed. She did not feel that Chen Xuan's words were dirty and low-level at all. Instead, she admired them a little. Huang Mengjing probably knew a thing or two about what kind of person Chen Xuan was, so she didn't like what Shangguan Hong said. Just don't care anymore.

"Chen Xuan, you are determined to be an enemy of my Shangguan family!" Shangguan Hong said angrily.

"Your Shangguan family teamed up with the Chen family to ambush me. Last time I killed someone who knew a little about formation. He should be one of yours. Since you are here today, don't leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan raised his hands and threw out several spells.

The talisman actually condensed into a formation in the mid-air.

"The head of the family leaves first!"

Two emperor-level elders stood up and released all the power of the emperor-level realm.


It seemed like a place of destruction.

Two dragon-like auras rushed forward.

Chen Xuan's spell formation also shook violently under the impact.


"Based on your cultivation, you want to block my formation!?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly and threw three talismans from the cuffs again.

"Gang Wu Lei Formation!"


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