Thunder suddenly filled the sky. In order to deal with the Chen family and the Shangguan family, Chen Xuan also thought of some methods since he was attacked in the dangerous grand canyon.

Chen Xuan knew that he had to prepare as soon as possible, otherwise if these masters came to kill him in the future, if he was not fully prepared, there would only be a bloody battle.

This Gang Five Thunder Formation was specially prepared by Chen Xuan for some masters.

Now that Shangguan Hong is here, it's time for Chen Xuan to test the power of the Gang Five Thunder Formation.

The two emperor-level powerhouses of the Shangguan family were here, and the power of thunder continued to spurt out from the five spells in the air, falling towards Shangguan Tihong.


The power of thunder that was continuously released suppressed the two emperor-level experts. Facing the spell master's spell array, a few people could only resist tenaciously here.

"Quickly get within the flying boat!"

Shangguan Hong roared.

Unexpectedly, the figure of the Antarctic True Flame Tiger suddenly became huge, and then rushed towards the flying boat.

With a loud bang, the airship was directly punched through a big hole by the Antarctic True Flame Tiger. An airship worth hundreds of millions was turned into waste in an instant, lost its balance and fell from the sky.

The expressions of Shangguan Hong and others changed, but Chen Xuan had already grabbed Shangguan Hong with a whoosh sound.

"Come and accept your fate!"

Back then, when he was only at the seventh level of the king level, Chen Xuan could fight against Chen Luo, who was half a step above the emperor level. But now that Chen Xuan was already at the first level of the emperor level, facing Shangguan Hong, who was at the peak of the king level, it was as if It's as simple as crushing an ant to death.

At this moment, the two emperor-level masters were trapped in the Gang Five Thunder Formation, and it would be difficult to escape in a short time.

Shangguan Hong was shocked and took out a charm from his arms.

"Chen Xuan, you forced me to do this. Since we want to quarrel with each other, my Shangguan family is not afraid of you!"

The talisman in the hand was torn apart, and a hellish aura suddenly came out.

Everyone below was shocked.

"Could this be the demon-sealing talisman passed down by the Shangguan family? It is said that each demon-sealing talisman has a powerful magical beast sealed inside it!"

The Duke of Hongshan said, Huang Mengjing and others also suddenly realized, but the aura released from this magic talisman was too powerful, and everyone couldn't help but worry about Chen Xuan's situation.

The place where the magic talisman was torn seemed to have opened a space gate in this space, and then a magical beast from hell slowly crawled out of it, exuding the aura of the abyssal demon. Although it was far away, But there is still a shocking feeling.

"The power of darkness!?"

Chen Xuan looked at the monster crawling in the air. It looked like a four-legged spider, and there was also a dark crystal between the eyebrows. Chen Xuan had seen the power of that dark crystal before. .

Now I feel a familiar feeling when I look at the monsters with magic crystals.

"It seems that your Shangguan family is not clean either!"

Ever since Chen Xuan refined the inheritance of Qingxu Alchemy Master, he has also had more information about these dark creatures in his mind. Although he does not know where these dark creatures came from, if the information in the inheritance is true, then Fengyun Continent, where Chen Xuan is now, will be the last piece of pure land.

The rest of the continental plates and the world have been eroded by the power of darkness.

The demon-sealing talisman of the Shangguan family can actually summon these dark creatures to come to Fengyun Continent. If these creatures bring more biological troops, then the entire Fengyun Continent will become very dangerous.

A strong fortress is easiest to breach from the inside.

"Anything that can kill you is a good thing!"

Shangguan Honghan said in a cold voice, the next moment the dark creature rushed towards Chen Xuan. This was even more terrifying than the red-eyed orangutan demon that the Antarctic True Flame Tiger encountered before, because the dark energy in the body seemed to be more terrifying. of purity.

Therefore, Chen Xuan also paid attention to it and did not dare to look down upon it.

"bring it on!"

"Flint Killing Stone!"

Chen Xuan burst out powerful spiritual fire power from the Killing Fire Stone, turning into rockets and stabbing towards the dark creature. Unexpectedly, the dark creature was very fast, and he could dodge in a few flashes. After passing these rockets, they rushed towards Chen Xuan.

"Mind wipe!"

The vast spiritual power was released, but the dark creature did not stagnate at all, as if it had nothing to do with the spiritual power being wiped out.


In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Chen Xuan. The Antarctic True Flame Tiger came to protect him in time. He waved his claws and rushed towards the dark creature. Unexpectedly, the dark creature was quite powerful and slapped its two forelimbs hard. He directly knocked the Antarctic True Flame Tiger away, and the wounds on his body released a little bit of dark aura.

"These monsters come from nowhere. They are powerful and determined. The only way is to destroy them with absolute power."

Lan Shan said solemnly that he had some knowledge of these dark creatures. After all, the Shangguan family was an extremely large family, so naturally he also knew some of their special skills.

But no one knows how many magic talismans there are.

"What should we do, daddy, do we want to help?"

Huang Mengjing said.

With Huang Mengjing's strength, even if she faced an emperor-level expert alone, she would be able to escape unscathed. Not everyone could understand the mystery of the musical formation.

Duke Hongshan shook his head.

"No need. I think Master Chen Xuan has expected these people to come from the beginning. It won't take long to harvest the lives of the Shangguan family."

The Duke of Hongshan took a breath of air.

No wonder that when they first met, he had the courage to kill Liu Yongquan in front of him, and even told him directly that he wanted to punish his daughter for three hours.

Such domineering and self-confidence are entirely brought about by one's own strength.

It seems that Chen Xuan can handle any situation with ease. With such a mature mind, strong strength, and even more evil talents, it is really lucky to be born in our Qifeng Empire.

Above the sky.

Chen Xuan stretched out his fingers and quickly condensed an exorcism talisman in front of him.

This is a talisman that is combined with the memory given by Qingxu Alchemy Lord and then searched in the talisman collection. The power of the talisman is enough to seal these dark creatures.

There are a total of thirty-two strokes before and after, but within only thirty-two strokes, almost dozens of formation methods are condensed in it.

When the last stroke was completed, there was a transparent spell in Chen Xuan's palm.

From the transparent spell, a majestic aura was released.

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