The movements of the dark creature slowed down instantly, and within this spell, there seemed to be an aura that came from ancient times and was sealed with demons.

With the emergence of this aura, the dark creature suddenly moved forward like a frightened bird, and the space was directly torn into a crack. The Antarctic True Flame Tiger was not polite when he saw this, and it turned out to be When he wanted to escape, he didn't ask Grandpa Tiger if he would agree. He immediately rushed forward, biting the two hind legs of the dark creature, and held the latter tightly.


The dark creature seems to be anxious, but at this moment, it does not care about repelling the Antarctic True Flame Tiger behind it, but just digs into the crack in the space regardless of its own safety.


The talisman in Chen Xuan's hand was directed towards the dark creature.


Just like a balloon being punctured by a needle, the dark creature shattered into pieces in the air.


All the power of darkness was condensed by the power of the talisman, and finally it became an energy ball wrapped in a talisman and fell down.

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it. This black bead was the pure dark energy that remained after the exorcism talisman completely exorcised the dark creature and evolved it.

Pearl of Darkness.

Although Chen Xuan still doesn't know what the use of this thing is, as a pure and majestic energy, it is extremely popular when used for anything.

It's just that Chen Xuan has never been exposed to this kind of energy before, and he still doesn't know how to use it. It's like discovering a new ore, and he always needs to do some research on the energy contained in it.

After doing all this, Chen Xuan looked at Shangguan Hong.

"You've made the move, now it's my turn."

At the end, a seven-story pagoda erupted directly above Chen Xuan's head.

Two layers of energy lit up continuously on the pagoda.

Boom boom boom! !

Chen Xuan's aura also continued to rise, reaching the level of the third-grade emperor level.

Judging from the situation in the dangerous Grand Canyon, there may be experts in the Shangguan family who are secretly observing all this. If such a strong man takes action, then Chen Xuan must take precautions. With his third-grade emperor level With his strength, I believe that no matter how many people come, they may not be my opponents.

As Chen Xuan's own realm improves, he can also understand that neither the Shangguan family nor the Chen family has an emperor-level powerhouse.

If there were, it would not be under the Qifeng Empire.

It is precisely because there are emperor-level masters in Qifeng Empire that they can sit back and relax and develop their own power.

"Not good!" Shangguan Hong instantly realized that it was not good. Did Chen Xuan really want to kill him? Didn't he know how serious the consequences of killing himself would be.

Turning around, he saw that the two emperor-level experts of the Shangguan family were still trapped within the Gang Five Thunder Formation. Even within the Gang Five Thunder Formation, they were gradually losing their defensive positions. If this continued, If so, it will definitely be destroyed by this Gang Five Thunder Formation, and it will be difficult to protect oneself.

"Summon the Ancestor!"

Shangguan Hong didn't hesitate at all, and threw a token directly into the void. The token gradually transformed into the appearance of an old man in the void. The old man seemed to wake up from the retreat. .

"Why have you summoned me?"

The phantom said slowly, and Shangguan Hong immediately bowed and bowed.

"Please help me, ancestor, and kill this boy!"

Shangguan Hong also felt nervous. The ancestor was currently trying to break through to the supreme imperial realm. Now that he was disturbed by himself, he would naturally feel dissatisfied.

But there is no other way at the moment. If you don't summon the ancestor, then you will only be killed.

"Sure enough, an ancestor is here. You guys really don't want to give up."

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, without the slightest fear in his eyes. It was still just a clone, not the real ancestor. If the real person came in person, then Chen Xuan would probably have no choice but to turn around and run away. After all, the opponent It has already reached the peak of the imperial level.

When Duke Deng Ran of Hongshan below saw this figure, everyone gasped.

"It turned out that Shangguan Na, the ancestor of the Shangguan family, was summoned."

"This Shangguan Na is a strong man from two hundred years ago. Even if he is alive now, no matter how average his cultivation and talents are, he can still cultivate to a terrifying state. Not to mention this Shangguan Na."

"More than two hundred years ago. The most important thing is that I became famous two hundred years ago."

"Right now, he should be trying to break through to the emperor level. If he succeeds, then the Qifeng Empire will lose a super family."

Duke Hongshan was secretly shocked.

These super families really don't make people worry. Once they have zero strength, they want to cause trouble. Therefore, the Duke of Hongshan, as a sincere member of the imperial family, actually hopes that Chen Xuan can Kill the ancestor

The phantom of Shangguan Na turned around and looked at Chen Xuan, with a disdainful sneer on his lips. ,

"You are young, but you have a lot of sorcery. Since you are a threat to my Shangguan family, I will get rid of you."

He touched Shangguan's wrist, and a torrent of power surged out of his palm, covering Chen Xuan like a huge quilt.

"Shameless talk!"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly. The strength of this phantom clone is only around the seventh level of the emperor at most. Although it is still several levels away, it is not that scary or out of reach when faced with it. ,

"Broken Finger!"

Chen Xuan pointed out.

A sword energy burst out from between those fingers, rushing forward quickly.


The huge power was poked into a hole by Chen Xuan's finger, and all the power was like a deflated rubber ball, weakly passing by Chen Xuan.

The space has been shattered into pieces by the power of several strong men, but while it is being shattered, the space is still repairing itself. Obviously, with the combined strength of several people, it cannot reach the point of shattering the space.

"Flint Killing Stone!"

Chen Xuan extracted an energy from the Fire Killing Stone and turned it into a flaming sword in his palm.

"The Fire-killing Sword!"


The powerful aura bursts out, like a surging volcano being held in the hand. The power is violent yet restrained. On the surface, it looks harmless, but if it falls on you, it will fall like a thunderbolt.

"The power of rune stones!"

The phantom of Shangguan Na also exclaimed in surprise. He did not expect that in Chen Xuan's hand was the owner's rune stone.

Although the latter is not a spell master, when his cultivation reaches this level, he will look for anything that can improve his power. This rune stone happens to be one of them. When he saw that Chen Xuan actually had the rune stone he had dreamed of in his hand.

Shangguan Na's aura suddenly became extremely intense.

"Hand over the rune stones, and I will spare your life."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he just smiled coldly.

He spread out the palm of his left hand and concentrated his mental energy on the palm of his hand.

"The Immortal Cauldron."


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