Bai Xue followed Chen Xuan carefully.

At the beginning, you could still see a little light around you, but the further you went inside, the darker it became.

"Brother Chen, why don't we rest here for a while? There's no other way to go inside. If you look at the darkness inside, what should you do if something happens?"

There was an unnatural color on Bai Xue's face. In fact, he was afraid that the two of them would get separated. After all, if he hadn't been close, they might not be in the same place now.

There may be traps and various barriers appearing at any time. It is not easy for the two of them to be together from the beginning to now.

Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention to Bai Xue. Instead, he felt that the place he went to play next was more interesting. If he stayed in the same place, there might be greater danger. It was better to move forward bravely and face the danger first.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you here with me? Forget it, we are here anyway, let's take a rest before moving forward."

Bai Xue nodded and the two of them found a slightly flatter place to sit down, but Bai Xue's stomach unexpectedly began to growl unsatisfactorily.

"I'm a little hungry, why don't we go find something to eat together? Waiting here all the time is not an option."

Chen Xuan thought his suggestion was good, but if the two of them walked together, they might forget it, and it would be difficult to mark the original place.

"Wait for me here. I'll come back as soon as I go. You also know that the environment here is dangerous. The two of us must be vigilant at all times."

Although Bai Xue was very reluctant, she still nodded.

Chen Xuan was about to go back quickly, but when he got to the front, he found that the road was getting narrower and narrower. It seemed that there was no way to go forward, so he had to find a way by himself.

But I couldn't find anything to eat. I couldn't even see anything alive. I don't usually see birds and animals in other places. There must be some plants at least. They are all leaves here, and I can't find anything edible. .

Chen Xuan finally returned without success. When he came back, he found that there seemed to be a light source flashing here, and then he quickened his pace, fearing that Bai Xue would have something wrong there.

But he was still late. When he came here, there was no sign of Bai Xue. He searched carefully and called out a few times, but still didn't hear any response. Then Chen Xuan planned to continue walking forward.

Go find snow.

At this moment, a light appeared next to it. Next to the light was a gray door. With curiosity in mind, Chen Xuan raised his feet and stepped inside.

Think silently in your heart.

"Bai Xue, please don't let anything happen to you. After all, we came out together. I don't want to feel bad if I go back safely and something happens to you here."

At this moment, Bai Xue's voice came over. She seemed to hear a shout and a reassuring word.

Then there was a white light.

Chen Xuan disappeared into the forest.

Bai Xue's figure also gradually disappeared. In fact, Bai Xue did not go to other places just now, nor did he disappear in the same place.

Just watching Chen Xuan being sucked away by the white light, Bai Xue didn't say a word, as if something was covering his mouth.

When Bai Xue saw Chen Xuan leaving, she still cried. Then Bai Xue was also taken away by a white light, and both of them disappeared here.

When Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a strange place, which he had never been before.

It's not like the exit of the forest just now. It's obvious that the door just now brought me to another place!

"What does this young master need?"

Chen Xuan stood in a daze in front of a vendor. The boss saw that he didn't look like he was from a poor family, but it wasn't appropriate for him to be blocking his business here, so he just opened his mouth.

"No, no, I want to ask my brother, where is this place?" Chen Xuan just looked around and still couldn't figure out where this place was, and it didn't look like he had lived in the past.

The clothes of these people are also slightly different from mine.

The bun seller saw Chen Xuan's confused look and looked at his clothes again, and guessed it.

"It seems that Xiongtai is not from Cangyun City like us, but I am a little curious and want to come to our side. Without the permission of our city lord, it is impossible for you to come here."

Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly, knowing that his question was a bit abrupt, and then he casually said a few words and planned to leave, but not long after, a group of strange people gathered around him.

"Look, the clothes this brother is wearing are not made by our Cangyun. Could this be a spy sent in from outside? Do you want to report it to the clan elders?"

Everyone else also looked around, indeed.

Chen Xuan was wearing his clothes farther away, so he couldn't tell anything, but if he looked carefully, he could see that they were obviously different from what they were wearing.

Chen Xuan was about to run away, but he felt that their strength seemed to be very high, and they were all so powerful, so he was a little worried.

"Brothers, I have misunderstood. I am just here to visit my relatives. I never thought of disturbing you."

Chen Xuan thought that his words were quite convincing, but everyone looked at him with strange eyes, which made him wonder where he was now.

Then several more men ran forward and prepared to suppress him.

After all, if a foreigner randomly comes to Cangyun City and the clan elders find out about it, and they haven't reported it yet, the situation will be particularly serious, so they will not let outsiders come in and disturb them for the sake of their own lives. .

"I don't care if you are here to visit relatives or for other reasons. Come with me and explain it clearly to the clan elders. It's useless for you to talk to us."

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly. It seemed that if he wanted to know where this place was this time, he really could only follow it and take a look. If he asked them, he wouldn't be able to find out the reason. On the contrary, he would be suspected of sneaking in. spy.

"Then don't hold me back, I'll just go with you."

Chen Xuan was disgusted with others holding her in his arms, and then scattered them aside, but they were still not far or close. He followed the footsteps of those few quickly, and after a while he came to a Zhuangzi who looked quite noble.

"You can go in by yourself, lest the elders of our tribe will blame you and give you something to win."

Then the few people left the door again as if they had agreed.

"Young man outside, come in. I've heard everything about you, but why did you come to our new continent? I want to hear a reasonable explanation."

Chen Xuan was extremely nervous when he heard this. He thought there was a serious old man inside, but when he walked in, he found that the person talking to him was actually a playful girl.

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