"Girl, you will be punished if you scare others like this. You can't do this again next time."

As soon as Chen Xuan walked in, he saw the girl. He suddenly raised his voice and screamed. The girl was startled when she saw the person walking in.

"How did you find me? I obviously hid so well."

The girl realized that she had not been discovered, so she decided to hide out and simply walked out, looking openly into Chen Xuan's eyes.

Chen Xuan felt a little guilty when he heard what the girl said. He was new to Chu, so he didn't know what was going on here, and they all seemed to have good skills.

But that's just an appearance. If you get closer, you realize that the two guys with great abilities just now were actually bluffing. If you really want to compare with yourself, they may not be your opponents.

"Actually, it's like this. I don't know how I came to Chu. I just want to know where this place is and when I can go to another place from here."

The girl saw the confusion on Chen Xue's face, which really didn't look like a lie, so she simply clapped her hands and another woman walked out of the darkness.

"This is my mother. If you want to know anything, just ask my mother. I didn't expect you to not be fooled. It's really not fun."

I muttered about it and disappeared into the hall.

"Do you know what rules you have violated here?"

At this time, Chen Xuan was one of the first and second oldest. He didn't ask clearly just now, and the girl left. Now he calls out who the adult is, which makes it more difficult to deal with. If he wants to find out where he is, then Even less so.

"I, sister, if you are not willing to tell me where this place is, then I will ask elsewhere."

Chen Xuan is not a patient master. People repeatedly touch his bottom line and force him, and he can no longer be nice to them.

"Did I let you go? The land here is the largest in our Wang family. Where do you think you can go? There are our spies everywhere. If you don't know where you come from, we will think you are a spy."

Chen Xuan is really two heads and two older now. Why has he suddenly become a spy again? Can't he find out where this place is by coming here?

"Since you really don't want to listen and I'm here so much, let's have a serious competition. Let me see where you are from. There are only a few continents in total. I have everyone's skills. I have seen him, even though I haven’t really seen him in person, I have heard about his moves and skills, so I hope you don’t sell it to me.”

As soon as the woman named Wang started to attack, she hit her with a flying spin kick.

Chen Xuan quickly got out of the way. As the saying goes, if a man doesn't fight with a woman, he doesn't even know where he is. How could he start a fight with others? He wasn't drunk at first, but he was really drunk when the fight started. But it’s not clear.

"I think you misunderstood. I just came to ask for a place and not to fight. If you feel that you don't want to tell me or there are some unforgivable secrets here, you don't have to do it, and don't use fists or kicks to avoid getting hurt. It’s time to hurt you.”

Chen Xuan didn't want to care whether this woman continued to compete with him, so he raised his feet and left the hall.

How could this woman named Wang let him leave so easily?

"It's not impossible to tell you where this is, but you have to beat me, and you can't look down on women. Women in our Wang family are the best."

Chen Xuan felt a little helpless when he heard this voice that was like giving alms. He didn't understand the other party's situation at all, so it was impossible to deal with them.

"Okay, then please enlighten me."

Although Chen Xuan was officially competing with the Wang family, he was actually still faintly visible on his legs. At first, the woman named Wang didn't know that Chen Xuanwei had taken action. She just felt that this man's martial arts skills were beyond her reach. She seemed to be next year. Any move you are going to make will be clearly seen.

"Who are you and where do you come from? I hope you can be honest and clear, otherwise I will call the royal guards."

Chen Xuan is the most speechless now. What does this woman want from him? As expected, the woman's heart was agitated. The night before, she asked him to compete with him and told himself the truth. But now, she has nothing.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense to you. If you really don't want to tell me where this place is, then I can just leave now. Why bother? I won't cause trouble here."

"This is Cangyun City, a place on the border of this continent. The people who are more powerful in cultivation in this continent are the super strong men from some big families, and the most outstanding one in our Cangyun City is the Wang family. The Wang family has a sword called Cangyun Sword is also the main thing that controls the landscape here. "

When Chen Xuan heard the explanation of the woman named Wang, he probably understood in his heart. It seemed that he was in another country again this time. Wasn't his sister's secret realm just a random door? I have never been to this place.

"In this case, I will know it, but now I have no place to stay. I wonder if I can give you a place to stay. If you can use it, I will try my best."

Wang was a little confused when she heard this. The family really lacked a mastermind, and based on the martial arts skills of a young man, she was no match for him. She had been practicing hard for more than 20 years, and she had no marriage leave or betrothed.

He only wanted to have someone who could protect Cangyun City and his own family, but he didn't expect that this person who just came by chance would have such a great ability.

"It's not impossible for me to keep you in the Wang family, but you have to convince everyone in our family. It doesn't matter if I am alone."

"There will be a competition in our family in three days, which is specifically open to foreigners, because our Wang family wants to hire foreigners to sit in the family. If you have outstanding abilities and are favored by my father, you can enter."

Chen Xuan nodded and touched himself. He found that he was not nourishing enough and felt a little helpless. He originally thought that he might be able to get some treasures by venturing into the secret realm, but he didn't expect to come to this place unexpectedly. Maybe it was the intention of the legend. There is no way to change it now, I can only stay here and wait for the result.

Chen Xuan first got familiar with the environment here, and then arrived after three.

The Wang family recruits externally for positions such as stewards, which is a lot of trouble.

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