"Okay, okay, I won't argue with you anymore. There is indeed an unknown quantity inside, and the door has just opened, right? I'll call everyone over. Instead of arguing here and putting all the responsibility on me, I'll Why don’t we all go look for it?”

Chen Xuan then waved his hand, and all the people in the Black Sand Cave were brought over again. Everyone looked at the things in front of them in confusion and recovered one by one.

Immediately, they pretended that nothing had happened, and the soldiers divided into two groups to find their respective targets, but they all found that things today were different from usual.

"What's wrong? Seeing that you all have different expressions, let's go find our own treasures. I think this castle is just a guide stone to that illusion. Treasure retail, everything depends on everyone's ability to obtain it. So it’s normal for there to be fights.”

Chen Xuan then left the venue with the Wang family. Although everyone was a little bustling, they each had their own agenda, and no one wanted to let the other party get any more benefits.

They all dispersed in the back. Some were so excited and overwhelmed after getting something, and some just waited there when they saw the big baby.

Chen Xuan felt that there was always something in it that attracted him. The table was missing a medicinal ingredient before. He could have directly returned to the peak of the seventh level of immortality, but he could only recover to the seventh level of immortality.

And only after arriving here did I realize that I had actually lost part of my memory, regarding spells!

Recently, Wang Quan heard that Chen Xuan was looking for directions here, but he didn't say a word. He was a little confused whether he had blocked the online line this time, and what orders were given, but he didn't dare to do anything.

"If anything happens, just come out. I'm not a life-eating monster. I have my own reasons for letting them go. Don't have any doubts. What you can get is their life, and what you can't get is theirs." "

Then a few people came to a cliff. There were good things everywhere, including precious herbs, and some century-old ginseng and thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum... However, those things were spiritual, and basically people without any magic would not be able to catch them. living.

Chen Xuan was not interested in these things at all. Instead, he was attracted by the grass on the cliff.

Lin Hao searched nearby and found a lot of good things, and then ran over here. The housekeeper who followed also saw the grass on the cliff.

"The young master wants to find a way to bring this grass back. The master's illness for so many years may be cured by this grass. This is the time to express your filial piety, and the third young master often..."

When Lin Hao heard this, he naturally understood and strode forward. Although it was a weed, it glowed with a faint golden light.

People who don't understand at all will look over there, and then Chen Quan sees the two people following him.

I really want to complain in my heart, the so-called enemies have a narrow road and I have let them go and rushed over to them.

"Mr. Wang, no matter how much hatred or grievances we had before, I am here to apologize to you. My father needs this thing, and if I can take it back, my status in the family will be different. You also know that people like us , It is not easy for people to have such an opportunity, so please give it to me."

Lin Hao changed his previous arrogant and domineering attitude and became very humble, which made Chen Xuan confused.

When Chen Xuanzheng was confused, he suddenly felt that the Linggai was chilly for a while, but fortunately, he avoided it due to his psychological reaction. Lin Haofei rushed over, and the machete in his hand somehow flew to the tree next to him.

"I don't know what's wrong. I won't admit the things I did before. Now I have to take this thing."

Lin Hao still had to fulfill his filial piety even if he risked his life.

"That may be embarrassing. I also want what you like, and I'm the kind of person who won't give in. If you know what's good and what's wrong, just back off. I'll just pretend that nothing happened."

Chen Xuan really didn't want anything to happen in such a holy place, and Lin Hao threw knives and swords as soon as he came up. Who could withstand this?

But fortunately, Chen Xuan had seen the big scene and didn't take it seriously. Throwing those things up wouldn't cause much harm to him.

"I won't listen to you yet. I want this thing today. You can give it to me or not. If you don't give it, it depends on my situation. Anyway, I will never forgive you and I will never give this thing to you, so You take care of yourself.”

"Since sir, you won't give anything to us, let's have a serious competition. We in Cangyun City pay attention to metaphors. Whoever is strong will have what the strong should have. This is the rule. You should understand "

Wang Quan saw that the two were in a stalemate and wanted to fight. Lin Hao would not get any benefits, but he did not want Chen Xuan to take action easily, so he came up with this compromise method. After all, the Wang family and the Lin family still had so many subordinates.

"You damn old man, who asked you to speak out? I'm talking to him. If you have nothing to do, step aside."

Chen Xuan hates such rude people the most. After all, he is eating other people's offerings. If he doesn't take action, he will be sorry for himself.

Another burst of slaps hit Lin Hao, and Lin Hao felt that his face was burning and soon became swollen. Fortunately, the housekeeper brought a miracle medicine, and the swollen face calmed down soon.

"How dare you hit me? If I don't compete with others, I will compete with you. If I lose, I will give this thing to you, but if you lose, you have to kneel down and give it to me again."

Chen Xuan didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant, and he thought he could win. Although he wasn't very powerful, he would never lose to such a young man.

"Then give it a try. I, Chen, haven't knelt down to anyone yet. I hope you will be the first."

Chen Xuan said teasingly, but it gave Lin Hao a lot of confidence, and then the two started fighting. They were good at using the family's boxing skills, and then they had a mean meal, but Chen Xuan slowly stopped them.

What Wang Quan and the servants of the Lin family were watching was a heated scene. They had never seen the young master beaten to death. In fact, they felt quite happy. Usually at home, they would have suffered a lot of grievances, but no one would dare if they were suffering. The young master is half-literate.

"Why do you keep up? I don't want to lose to you. It wouldn't be good if you lose like this."

Chen Xuan crossed his arms for a moment of provocation, directly igniting the anger in Lin Hao's heart.

He took out a unique hidden weapon from somewhere and threw it out immediately. Chen Xuan frowned. Although he could completely resist this thing, it seemed that it was not a good thing if he could take it out in this situation. .

If the hook is really caught, the skin will quickly adhere to the skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then be eroded, slowly reaching the heart.

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