Chen Xuan dodged as quickly as possible without being caught by the hook, but the people around him were frightened by the aura, and the Wang family also stepped back.

"Hurry up and get out of the way. I'll deal with it here and protect your own safety."

Chen Xuan immediately turned around and arranged this with the Wang family, and simply stood there thinking about how to deal with this hook.

Lin Hao saw that Chen Xuan was a little timid, and his expression showed that he was very afraid of his divine hook. So wasn't this giving him a chance?

"Wang family, I will give you another chance. If you give me this grass, I will pretend that nothing happened and let you go and find other treasures. But if you don't let me hook you, you can't It’s as simple as scratching the flesh.”

He also showed an extremely disdainful look, but Chen Xuan saw it but did not take it seriously. Before, he would have thought that this man was crazy, but now it seems that he is more serious.

Chen Xuan immediately jumped up and flew behind Lin Hao with his hands together. He had not used this light skill for a long time because he was in a half-dark and half-light forest, so Chen Xuan started and no one could see his movements clearly.

"You're going to use this to compete with me, aren't you just running behind me with a blindfold? We've already researched this, but you can't scare me."

Lin Hao was actually a little worried at that moment. At the entrance of the auction house, Chen Xuan had used this move before. He ran directly to him and clamped his neck. He struggled to break free for a long time. Now Again in the same way.

"Since you are not afraid, why do you show such a panicked look? This thing cannot be disturbed by us, otherwise it will wither."

Chen Xuanwan, Wang Quan, Lin Hao and others looked over there, only to find that the grass no longer had a faint yellow color, but showed signs of withering.

"Why should I listen to you? It's not because you scared him by flying around. This is what I took back to treat my father's illness. Don't scare me here."

Chen Xuan immediately flew over and stepped on the grass into his Qiankun bag, and stopped talking nonsense to Lin Hao. After all, he had already got what he wanted.

Lin Hao did not stand by this time, he just picked up the hook and flew around. The Wang family couldn't dodge, but some of them were injured. Chen Xuan frowned, clearly giving them the opportunity, if they don't cherish it, then it's not their fault.

Using materials on the spot, Chen Xuan pulled out two wooden sticks from the side, quickly walked to Lin Hao's side, rolled the flying hook in Lin Hao's hand directly onto the wooden sticks, and then threw it into the distance.

"If you have the ability, you can go to Shou Kun Quan and come with me to hold the hook. What's the point of your ability?"

Chen Xuan now has enough ability to destroy all the hooks it holds, but there is no need to waste it now.

Lin Hao watched his baby being aborted, and directly ordered his servants and butler to come on board. The butler was also a ruthless person who spared no effort in dealing with him. Even though he was already over Qidian, he was still in good health. But extremely tough.

"Since sir doesn't know how to give in and has no mercy, then don't blame the old man for being rude." Then he picked up the crutch in his hand and rushed towards him. Chen Xuan just slapped the old man lightly and the old man fell to the ground. He vomited blood and immediately fell unconscious.

Lin Hao had never seen this scene before. Mr. Butler was the most powerful person in their family. If even this man was defeated, wouldn't his father have to blame himself if he went back?

The boss will definitely feel that he is incompetent and come out to talk nonsense. He had to speak ill of himself in front of his father again.

"I'll fight you!"

He grabbed a large handful of dirt from the ground and threw it in front of Chen Xue. In the blink of an eye, Lin Hao had already rushed towards him. Chen Xuan didn't expect that Lin Hao had such strong explosive power. eyelid.

"I, Lin Hao, must avenge my butler today. You should hand over the grass on your body as soon as possible."

In fact, Lin Hao doesn't have much strength anymore and can only show off with his words. Chen Xuan also noticed this, but he just thought it was a bit fun and stared at Lin Hao to see what tricks he could come up with.

"Go online or stop here. We came here this time to see if there are any treasures here. Don't let this sacred place be stained with blood."

Naturally, Wang Quan was not afraid of Lin Hao's Huishan crew, but he felt that it was not good to always take action without hesitation, but this guy did go a bit too far.

"If the head of the Wang family feels that I don't have the ability to take action, I'll do it for you."

Chen Xuan is indeed a little angry now. Being able to follow the released immortal is already their greatest gift. Why is he now doing these three things? Becoming an immortal is not an easy task. How can it be something that others can taint at will?

"It's my fault that I talk too much, and I don't have anything more to say."

After Chen Xuan heard Wang Quan's confession and explanation, he nodded with satisfaction and continued to move forward. Lin Hao found that he was left aside and couldn't help but pull out a sword from the side and flew over.

Chen Xuan gently raised his hand again.

The arrow that flew over actually returned to Lin Hao's hand, then turned around and stabbed directly into Lin Hao's chest.

How could Lin Hao react? Fortunately, it didn't take long for the sword on his body to be strengthened again. Lin Hao vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and fell to the ground. The Lin family members dared to make any move and fled in a hurry. Run for the exit.

Wang Quan felt a flash of sadness when he saw the fallen person on the ground, but thinking about it, it was Lin Hao who did something wrong first and had nothing to do with Chen Xuan. If it were him, he might do such a thing, and looked at Chen Xuan His eyes became filled with admiration again.

When people from other families saw this, no one dared to say anything, and no one dared to express their anger.

Originally, they didn't want Chen Xuan to act too arrogantly and wanted to work together to take him down. But looking at Chen Xuan's ability just now, they were very self-aware and knew that they were no match for Chen Xuan.

"If you don't like me killing people or doing anything else, you can come along and eliminate all these unclean people, and save the head of the Wang family from worrying."

Chen Xuan's words rang in everyone's ears, and they all shook their heads. No one dared to mess with this Lord of Hell. Chen Xuan's ability to do something just now was beyond their control. Even if they had a hundred lives, it wouldn't be enough.

"I'm not kidding. How could we not understand that guy? He's too arrogant. We also want to give him some color."

Then he took the lead and kicked Lin Hao twice. Lin Hao was already cold.

"Don't be so hypocritical, it makes me feel a bit..."

Chen Xuan then said lightly, memorized a poem and walked forward slowly. The things in front of him were all similar and different. Everyone had almost mined and were ready to go back together.

Wang Quan looked at everyone's stupid appearance and didn't even react when he stood there. He didn't expect that the Immortal could have such great power.

"Master Wang, when did you have such a powerful and good online person? Where is the stone or what kind of power you haven't used? Look at our Liu family and our Zhang family also need such offerings."

Everyone who was disdainful of the royal power just now, but after seeing Chen Xuan's special power, they all stepped forward and tried to fool Chen Xuan, hoping that they could impress Chen Xuan once and for all to be protected, but now it seems that it is of no use.

"If you really want to be worshiped by gods, or if you want your own abilities to become stronger, the first thing you have to do is to be humble. With the way you act, I don't think any of your colleagues are willing to be worshiped by you."

When Wang Quan was thinking that he didn't know how to answer their words, Chen Xuan, who had walked far away, suddenly turned around and said to them calmly, "Several big families heard this."

There was a bit of embarrassment on his face, and he looked remorseful. He just wanted to say a few polite words, but he was suddenly opposed by others.

But the person who spoke was Chen Xuan. They didn't dare to say anything more, for fear that they would offend this great god and lead to the same situation as Lin Hao, who fell to the ground dying just now. Unfortunately, they died very badly.

"The one who comes forward is that from now on, we will strictly abide by the instructions of the Immortal. We will never do anything to harm Li again. We must be good people and we will never do anything unconscionable again. Please rest assured, Immortal."

Then several people walked inside. Everyone originally wanted to go back alone, but they met a black elf on the way out.

They didn't pay much attention at first, thinking it was just a tree stump stuck there motionless. When Chen Xuan walked up to the light spirit, the spirit actually spoke, which shocked everyone present.

"You have this treasure inside of you. If you don't have the strength to absorb it, please leave it to me. I will help you extract the essence, and you can absorb it directly."

Chen Xuan frowned when he heard these lovely voices, and took out the grass from the Qiankun bag. Everyone almost screamed when they saw this scene.

What is this? This is a treasure that the Immortal finally got, but when this guy pushed it, he actually took it out. Isn't this a bit too much?

"People with no credibility are not welcome here. I am Honghong, the guardian elf here."

After the elf finished speaking, he took Chen Xuan's grass and disappeared in front of everyone. Chen Xian had nothing to do, so he just stood there and waited patiently. Indeed, the grass was full of treasures, but he wanted to It may be a bit difficult to absorb.

"Exalted Immortal, this thing is not some kind of trick, right? You have worked so hard to get this treasure, you can't just throw it away."

Wang Jiang said with some worry, in fact, he didn't think much of Chen Xuan from the beginning, but he couldn't forget the disparity in fist strength, so even if he was extremely dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Mr. Wang, if you forget what I said to your father before, then I have to consider whether your Wang family still has enough to continue to release my abilities."

Chen Xuan felt that the Wang family was indeed very kind to him at the beginning, but now it was so complicated that he didn't even know what to do. He naturally made his own decisions about what he got, and no outsider could come to Sanzu. The right and wrong of the temple.

"The Immortal is right, it's my son who doesn't know the rules. He usually learns a lot of miscellaneous things, that's why he utters such arrogant words today. I hope the Immortal won't blame him."

"Well, since I want to believe you, I shouldn't doubt it, but I believe you, and you shouldn't make any move or tone that doubts me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elf who just disappeared with the object brought the grass over again.

The grass was split into two. The grass that originally had some spiritual energy now lost all its spiritual energy, just like a grass in winter, it will wither soon.

"I have extracted the essence for you. Depending on your current cultivation level, if you absorb these essences and other powers as soon as possible, you will achieve the power you wanted to achieve before. Come on."

After the elf handed the bottle in his hand to Chen Xuan, he disappeared in front of everyone after saying this.

When everyone sees this, who dares to say anything more? This immortal can even summon elves. How can ordinary people like them dare to say anything more.

After leaving this mysterious ancient city and returning to the Wang family, Chen Xuan felt that the journey back was too complicated.

There is always a sense of resentment following him. Could it be that he just taught that son a lesson, and that son provoked something unclean, so he keeps following him back?

Although he was doubtful, he didn't think much about it. When he came back, he locked himself in the room and began to absorb the bottle of essence handed to him by the elf.

There was a faint golden light inside, and it looked like the essence of some major elixirs that could help people improve. This grass was a bit too magical, but fortunately I saw it right.

Wang Jiang returned home as if he were an abandoned child.

Everyone was discussing what they had gained, but he was still immersed in what he was taught when he came back. During those words, his father stood by and cowardly refused to stand up for him.

Wang Quan packed up his things, walked over, patted his shoulder and said calmly.

"Idiot, I know you have been wronged, but in this world where the strong are respected, your grievances are nothing. If the Immortal hadn't come forward to help today, do you think the Lin family would have let our Wang family go? We The Wang family has always been cowardly and has not been favored by others. Finally, we have an immortal who looks up to us and is willing to be our worshiper, protect us, and stand up for us. You should stop being childish. If it really comes to a time when the relationship is not broken, our Wang family Of course we have to show our momentum, but not now.”

When Wang Jian heard Wang Quan's words, he understood in his heart that his cowardice could not be used as a reason for not practicing seriously, so he nodded in agreement and vowed to practice well and never be looked down upon by others again.

Wang Quan nodded with satisfaction when he saw his son's firm expression, but thought about what Chen Xuan had taken away today and fell into deep thought. Although the Immortal wanted the best for everything, their Wang family had a great cause.

He also wanted two young people who were strong and capable, but in this embarrassing situation, he still couldn't open his mouth.

But the treasures obtained by the Immortals were not recognized, and they did not get much from the Immortals. They can only be happy by themselves, but everyone has a trace of loneliness and dissatisfaction in their hearts.

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