Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1915 The Lin family is chasing after them

The young man was dressed very elegantly and looked about ten years old. His speech was a little unclear, but his eyes were very clear.

"Aren't you afraid of being punished for telling me this?"

Chen Xuan was teasing. When the young man heard this, there was a flash of fear in the corner of his eyes, but then he pretended not to be afraid of anything.

"Okay, okay, I know you're afraid and there's no need to act so hypocritical. Since you've told me, I'm the insider on this matter."

Chen Xuan then waved his hand to let the young man leave. In fact, he was mainly afraid that people in the dark would affect the child's soul. After all, such a child could bear such a state, and such people should be dealt with by themselves.

After the young man left, Chen Xuanchao secretly shouted.

"Now that you're all here, come out."

Chen Xuan didn't expect that the young man's encounter would be so accurate, but just after they finished, those people were hiding next to his room, watching everything in the dusk, probably waiting for him to fall asleep, and then took action directly.

"I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be so clever as to know our existence, but he might be the last person to discover our hiding. After all, you will become a corpse soon."

After saying these words, those people ran out of the darkness and stood in Chen Xuan's room. They all looked arrogant and looked down on Chen Xuan who was sitting on the bed, as if they were looking at ants.

"I don't know why some of you came to see Chen. If it's because of the family, I advise you to go back and make this matter clear. Is it your company's fault or is it my fault, Chen?"

Chen Xuan mainly wanted to attract their attention. After all, if his strength really compared with theirs, he might be beaten down at any time. It depends on whether they can accept this trick. He has to try it anyway. Try, if it succeeds, it is impossible for the cowardly Wang family to expect them to take action.

"I'm sorry, we won't listen to your explanation. Now you have to risk your life. It's useless to explain so much. To deal with a scum like you, we should directly take action. This old man has too many worries. He is afraid of this and that. Look. He kept you alive until now.”

Then they took action directly. Chen Xuan didn't even react. He was knocked to the ground in the next second. Their power at the peak of the seventh level of immortality was really not to be underestimated. Although he was also at the seventh level of immortality, if he fought with them, , 3 versus 1, I am obviously at a disadvantage, there is no way to compare.

When Chen Xuan was thinking about what moves to use, they threw another skill at him. Chen Xuan didn't even react and was knocked to the ground again. He had difficulty breathing.

"What's wrong? I don't think Mr. Chen is quite arrogant in our Lin family? Why is he a little out of his depth now? Is it because of lack of ability? I don't think you are very good? You are showing off your abilities everywhere. Now nothing works.”

One of the people, who was slightly better than the two of them, stood up and taunted.

Chen Xuan found that he couldn't exert any strength in his whole body. He originally thought he could weigh with them, but he didn't expect that he was knocked to the ground at the beginning. His strength was still too weak.

"That's right, eldest brother. It's really a waste of talent for the old man to send us out. I think eldest brother is enough alone, and we are not as capable as him. Next time, we will just recruit people like this." He killed and flirted with it, and then it was brought out to make people look embarrassed.”

Immediately after finishing another move, Chen Xuan was knocked to the ground just as he was about to stand up, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It was still midnight when the Wang family fell asleep and the sound of their fighting decisively woke everyone up. When the head of the Wang family saw Chen Xuan being knocked to the ground, he felt heartbroken and immediately sent a few brothers who thought they were masters to go up.

But that was all vulnerable, but it gave Chen Xuan a chance to buffer.

"Who gave you the opportunity to attack us, Wang Quan? Aren't you already as old as Mao Qi? Don't you understand the difference in strength? If you still don't understand, then our Lin family will teach you a lesson."

Then there were a few more turning around kicks, all of which were filled with spiritual energy. How could those few people with only some simple spells withstand these kicks? They felt like their whole bodies were about to fall apart.

"We tried our best and we're really sorry."

After saying these words in pain, the few people who went up fell to the ground, as if they had lost their breath.

Wang Quan was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and his beard trembled in front of him, but he didn't say a word. After all, their strength was in front of them. If they really compared, they were really no match.

"You ants can only be held in my hands and played with at will. If we really compare, ten or a hundred of you are no match."

The seventh level of immortality is indeed enough to make people arrogant, but it can only be done immediately in a place like this. After starting to do it, he began to slowly recover his skills, and then the airflow from his dantian slowly circulated throughout his body, and he returned to normal.

"Bullying an old man is nothing. You attacked me just now. This time I will tell you what a sneak attack is."

Chen Xuan let them fly up without paying attention, and launched a roundhouse kick towards the so-called boss. The foot also had enough spiritual power, and the area hit by the kick was obviously blue.

"Hey, your recovery ability is not bad, but I want to tell you today, if you are weak, it will be useless no matter how fast you recover."

He was ready to come over and take action directly. Chen Xuan responded very promptly. The Wang family is in sight.

"Since everyone is about the same strength, don't brag here. Even if there are three of you, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid!"

Chen Xuan was thinking that he almost remembered their moves just now, but if he really wanted to compete, it might be a little difficult, unless he transformed all their moves into another one, and then chose to crack them, and add punches and kicks all at once. Can't remember it at all.

"Please help me write down all these moves and draw a picture for me later. Find the fastest person on your side, otherwise there is nothing you can do."

As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, the person he was conveyed to was kicked to death.

Wang Quan's heart was almost dying. How could his subordinates be killed like this? Everything that was good before will not change. Why has it changed now?

He particularly regretted getting on the same page with Chen Xuan again. If Chen Xuan had not returned to his home, he might not have attracted these people, and the Wang family would not have been hurt, let alone be despised by outsiders.

"Chen Xuan, since you are so capable, then you should fight on your own. Our Wang family will not accompany you. We are too weak to stand with you at all."

After Wang Quan finished, he led all the Wang family members to retreat. Those who came to chase Chen Xuan couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh when they saw this scene.

"Chen Xuan, look at this. This is the Wang family you want to protect. This is how they treat you."

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