Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1916 After dealing with each other

Chen Xuan was a little curious about how they knew his name.

But as soon as I turned around and saw the young man on the ground, I immediately understood. It seemed that there must be something hateful about this poor person. How could this child, who was originally the most genuine age, become so terrible and special now? breed, commonly known as traitor!

When the young man saw Chen Xuan's eyes, he was a little evasive and didn't dare to look at her. He turned around hastily. In fact, he was thinking about his mother. Being threatened by outsiders was not a glorious thing.

But for the sake of family harmony, he had to do this, and he endured pressure that he should not have to bear at that age.

"Okay, don't look any further. Now that you have reached a certain level of strength, let's have a real competition. It's not yet clear who wins and who loses."

There was a trace of indifference in Chen Xuan's heart. Although he was seriously injured now, and it had a huge impact on his strength, and the strength he exerted may not be the same, he was still able to cope with the current situation.

Then the three of them stepped forward directly. Chen Xuan was unable to catch such a move and was forced to take several steps back.

His own internal strength was also greatly damaged, and he wanted to fight back again, but the three people's skills were basically in perfect coordination, leaving Chen Xuan no room to think.

Chen Xuan thought about it, if he continued like this, he would definitely have no value in fighting with them. Instead, he would fall behind and end up in failure.

After much deliberation, he still couldn't think of a way, but although the three of them always went together, Chen Xuan still found an opportunity, and took advantage of the gap to slap back with a palm. All three of them were injured, but due to his lack of strength, they were only slightly injured. Trance.

"I thought you were so powerful. If you could, you would have disabled us. Otherwise, you would never leave today. You must be struggling now. To be able to win this one, you may have used up everything you have." The power is just a bit ridiculous.”

It didn't matter to Chen Xuan when he heard these insults, he was still observing the moves they just made, hoping that this would delay them for a while. After all, a delay is only a moment.

Just when they were about to make their second move, Chen Xuan had already found a way to deal with them, but they were overwhelmed and quickly dodged.

The third and fourth moves were dodged. The three of them didn't take Chen Xuan seriously from the beginning. Although they were all at the seventh level peak, not everyone who reached the peak was that powerful, and every level of cultivation All different.

"Since you are so powerful, let's see if you can take my move. If you can, let's talk about it next."

Then the person in the lead pulled out a big knife from somewhere with spiritual power embedded in it, and threw it directly towards him. Chen Xuan saw that the knife was also embedded with spiritual power. The two forces were insisting on each other, and the knife was in the air. Stop trembling.

The other two people originally wanted to take action, but when they were transmitting spiritual power, they also set up a barrier around them. They couldn't get close at all. Knight Chen Xuan had already exhausted all his strength. If it took a few more seconds, the thing wouldn't fall down. If so, then you will suffer a loss.

The people here were also struggling. After all, both of them were at the top, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan, who had taken so many moves from the three of them, would still have so much strength to catch this, the nine-turn spinning knife.

This knife is just like its name. If it locks a target, it will not look back unless it kills the person. Moreover, the owner of this knife must reach the seventh level or above, or the seventh level, before he can use this knife. .

"Sir, this knife is quite good. Why don't you lend it to me to try." Chen Xuan deliberately joked, but in fact it was just to distract the other party's attention, but he didn't expect that this trick would actually work.

"You idiot, you still want to use my knife to make your dreams come true."

Just as he was speaking, Chen Xuan stood up and pulled out most of his spiritual power. The knife was bounced back, and the person who picked it up was shocked all over. The power of this knife is not something that ordinary people can handle. Transparent.

The man was sent flying by the knife. He didn't react at first and thought he felt wrong. But if he took a closer look, wasn't this the nine-turn revolving knife he used just now? Why is it back to me now?

But it was already too late, because the nine-turn revolving knife on his body had been broken into two halves. Chen Xuan actually didn't use much force just now, he just wanted to let them know that he was not easy to mess with, so he could give them a blow.

Seeing this scene, the other two stopped laughing and joking, and started to become serious, knowing that Chen Xuan was not the soft persimmon in the legend. After all, they were equally powerful, but if they really compared, it was still uncertain who would win.

"You don't believe in my strength, so let's go together. It will just let us see who is the ultimate adult."

The two of them didn't care about him, they directly picked up the weapons in their hands and called for him. Chen Xuan was also a little overwhelmed, but fortunately, he received them intact. When the two of them saw this situation, they still had the courage to continue fighting. flinch.

"Boss, why don't you go back and report here first? The two of us are holding on, but we must not let this guy succeed. Although his ability is similar to ours, if it breaks out, it may be at the early stage of the Eighth Immortal Level. We can't defeat it at all. "

The other two people took turns discussing the man who was knocked to the ground, and slowly got up. Listening to the discussion, he felt that it made sense. However, he was not willing to accept it. If he deserted like this and went back to report, the old man might not be sure. Why blame yourself?

"No matter what, we must not retreat or go back. Even if we die in battle today, we must not let the old man look down on us. After all, we can't raise our heads in front of the old man. If we let the old man look down on us because of retreating this time, I will feel even more uncomfortable."

The other two also felt that this made sense. Lin Yun had never been optimistic about the so-called outside disciples before, and the three of them were one of them.

But they relied on their own abilities to reach the peak step by step, but in the end the old man not only thought that they were not capable, but assigned them another task.

"Since the eldest brother is so rich, let's do it. Today, we will never retreat. If we don't take this guy down, it will be too embarrassing if we leave. Big brother, you will attack from the left and I will attack from the right. I don't believe that this guy can still grow wings and fly."

Chen Xuan just smiled faintly. He heard their words. It seems that this time he has to use all his skills to deal with them. Otherwise, there is no way. After all, they are now preparing to use all their strength to deal with themselves. If they don't work hard, it will be really difficult to deal with them.

Chen Xuan thought over and over but couldn't find a suitable house. After all, they were now of equal strength.

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