Chen Xuan suddenly remembered that he had a flute with him. Although this flute was given to him by the Wang family before, he didn't even think about it. It definitely didn't belong to them. They could teach it to him, and they had expected it.

If you really fight them head-on, you will definitely be unable to defeat them if you miss them, and you will have to think of other ways. If this flute has some spiritual power, it might be able to help you.

"Son, why are you so dazed over there? Do you think that our brothers are no match for you? If you really think that, then you are wrong. Although we are equally powerful, we will definitely work together. I will take you down. It’s not easy to do things for others, so you should understand.”

Chen Xuan didn't expect that they were still using this language to hope that he would surrender. That was indeed a good way, so that he could be taken back without any effort.

But obviously Chen Xuan didn't admit the fourth level like this. The man wanted to give it a try. After all, strength is created by people. If they just give in and make them feel that they are not capable, they will definitely be laughed at by others who are also at the seventh level peak. This person is actually not as good as the peak of the seventh level.

Chen Xuan also took out the rotating knife next to him. Several people were a little panicked when they saw this, but they didn't dare to say anything or express too much.

After all, they had already used the nine-turn spinning knife technique just now, and the effects were all right in front of them. Who dared to add even half a word of "no" to it?

The three of them saw that the situation was not good and prepared to dodge, but the knife in Chen Xuan's hand was merciless and chased them out. Chen Xuan almost exhausted all his spiritual power. If he failed this time, he was destined to fall today. it's here.

The Wang family members had already fled out of sight, and they came to an unknown open space while fighting.

"Okay, we won't fight you. Since we can get to this point, let's leave this way of survival. Why do you have to kill everyone like this? It's not easy for us to make ends meet. Brother, we also know that you can't do anything. It’s easy, but everyone has their own limits.”

Hearing these whining words, Chen Xuan increased his strength, making sure to let them know the consequences of offending him.

Even if you really don't have the ability, you still have to work hard, maybe you will get good results.

Then he turned around and kicked the top again, using all his remaining spiritual power. Several people resisted with all their strength, and Chen Xuan was knocked to the ground. Three men came over, thinking that if they just hit hard, Chen Xuan would fall to the ground. .

But this is obviously not the case. Chen Xuemin has a backup plan. If he is knocked down by them and cannot get up again, then what is the use of the one he just used?

He slowly got up again to dodge their attacks, and then stretched out a bamboo stick from the side and threw it at them. They obviously didn't notice the bamboo stick that suddenly appeared on them.

And they were still full of powerful bamboo sticks. They were pierced by these bamboo sticks and fell to the ground.

Chen Xuan was also seriously injured, but he was afraid that the Lin family would chase him again, so he ran in the opposite direction with all his strength.

Although he didn't know where he was ahead, he knew that if he didn't rush forward with all his strength, there might be nothing but death waiting for him.

The Wang family who just escaped may have forgotten something. Even if Chen Xuan didn't like to communicate with them, he still wanted to protect the player for the last time, but was ruthlessly betrayed by them.

Wang Quan just asked the others to leave and he never left. He just hid in the room and then quietly went to the observation deck while they were fighting. Seeing the intense scene he just had, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

And seeing Chen Xuan running away in a hurry, his lonely look and confused mood made him blame himself even more.

Why didn't I take this responsibility well? But then I thought about it, when will I have time to do this position that is not my own?

Chen Xuan slowly moved forward. The situation in front of him was getting worse and worse. It was still black at the beginning. In the end, the further he walked, the darker it became. It was obviously only noon now.

"Brother, where are you going? I see you are covered in blood. Why don't you come to my house and I'll ask my brother to wash you up."

Chen Xuan fainted at some point on this barren mountain. A young man came over carrying a bamboo basket. The young man looked at the wounds on Chen Xuan's body with distress all over his face.

Chen Xuan, however, quickly became vigilant. He no longer trusted anyone. From the first player to the later ones, the Lin family had inexplicably scarred himself. He still didn't know whether the children in the family were full of danger.

"No, please leave quickly. It's going to rain soon. Don't stop me from resting here."

After Chen Xuan said this sternly, the boy quickly ran away with his backpack on his back. After all, Chen Xuan's eyes and actions now were really scary.

Seeing the young man running away in a hurry, Cheng Quan breathed a sigh of relief. This is what a boy should be like. Chen Xuan, the boy known as the Wang family who betrayed information, also treated him the same way.

But the results are obvious. Although the same method cannot be applied to many people, the suspicion may not be avoided.

Not long after, it started raining heavily. Now that Chen Xuan had no strength to look for a place to hide from the rain, he could only find a comfortable place around him, so he found a slightly secluded place and lay down there.

Because of the wounds on his body, he could no longer relax, but Chen Xuan was so tired now that he had no energy to get up and meditate again.

The young man just now seemed to be back again, accompanied by a tall and powerful man. The man was dressed as a farmer and carried a large bamboo basket on his back.

"Sir, I heard that my brother is seriously injured. Why don't you come back with us first? I'll help you wash your body. It'll be better to keep you fresh. Moreover, the wounds on your body will be infected if they are washed away by the rain."

After the man finished, he took out the oil paper from the mine, and the two bodies, one high and two high, slowly led Chen Xuan into their thatched house.

Chen Xuan was already unconscious before he went in, and the two of them struggled to get it on the bed.

"Hurry up and find some herbs. I have to remember Sir to heal his wounds. We have been hiding here for so long. I didn't expect to meet someone similar to us. Go back quickly and don't be discovered."

The young man's brother was a little hasty, but the young man was also extremely sensible and hurriedly looked for herbal medicine. In fact, he and his brother had rescued many people in distress over the years, but none of them ended well in the end.

When the young man brought the herbs, they returned to the room and found that Chen Xuan had long disappeared.

The young man's brother just went out to find some clean clothes and tidied them up a little, which lasted about a cup of tea. Why did the person disappear as soon as he came in?

After careful inspection, he found that Chen Xuan had left nothing behind, except that there was a jade pendant on the wooden table next to him, with a simple Chinese character "Qing" carved on it.

Although the two of them didn't understand what this meant, they looked at the figure disappearing in the rain.

They secretly thought that it must be another knight who disappeared in the rivers and lakes.

Chen Xuan continued to run forward. In fact, the rest just now allowed him to slowly regain his strength.

The people in the Lin family are not very scary, but they are all desperadoes.

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