"You dare to hurt my master, but don't wait for me to come back, otherwise I will cut you into pieces."

After that, the man slowly helped the old man up from the ground, and then disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

Chen Xuan didn't care at all, and then turned around and returned to the Canghai tribe's observation area. The people there had been waiting for him to return.

"Sir, I misunderstood you before. Although I didn't know what you came here to do, you did help us this time, and we didn't know there were so many problems here. You, Whatever reward you want, we will give it our best.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the tribesman who was guarding the door hurriedly ran in.

"No, no, no, two clan leaders, the people over there are coming, bringing many people with them, and they also have earth cannons. Our place is easily set on fire. Now if we are hit by those earth cannons, we will be hit by those cannons." That’s when it gets serious.”

Chen Xuan was just about to forget about the reward and solve the problem first, when someone came. What a coincidence.

"Come out of here, people inside. You all hurt our elders just now. You'd better do something wrong this time, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Chen Xuan is talking about the people clamoring outside now.

I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. It was obviously the old man who came to provoke me just now, but now he has become a mercenary?

"It's not me. Did you make a mistake? Do you want this old man's antidote? Don't worry, I don't have it. But there must be something like you in this old man who wants to blackmail you. This is the first time I've seen him."

Chen Xuan didn't care and took out the existing weapons here. In fact, they were just a few long-term workers. They kept them for hunting birds and animals.

The other one was the harpoon used to pierce the fish in the water and was thrown out. The few people were hit and suffered pain, but they did not dare to do more and could only wait for the order from above.

"Don't be too arrogant, you hurt our elders, and you are still making strong arguments here. Don't blame me for being ruthless when the time comes. If you come out and beg for mercy now and call me grandpa, we will let you go!"

Chen Xuan was just helpless whether these people had an unusual obsession with a certain title, or had been hurt by others at some point. Otherwise, they would always be asking others to do things that others were unwilling to do.

"Since you are so ungrateful, let's have a competition. If you lose, go back. If we lose, then we will do as you ask."

Chen Xuan's words of assurance made people from both tribes frightened and excited. Although they believed that Chen Quan Dan would put all their lives and property on his name at once, they were still a little worried.

Seeing that they were very scared, Chen Xuan cast a reassuring look.

"This is yours, but don't cry and beg when the time comes. If you come out, it will be splashed out. There is no room for you to regret it."

Chen Xuan nodded quickly. He had never regretted it. He was just afraid that they would regret it later. Moreover, these people were so cunning that they could even use sophisticated staff umbrellas. There was nothing they couldn't do.

They first sent two people over to discuss countermeasures, and then they wanted to have a one-on-one competition. Moreover, everyone could use spells, so it would be easy to fight. However, Chen Xuan felt that this was a waste of time, and if the fight continued, it might affect his body. internal injuries.

"Then sir, what should we do? Besides, they are coming so fiercely with so many people. Our two groups combined may not have half as many people as them. This is one of the reasons why we don't usually compete with them."

Chief Canghai explained that this was actually their helplessness. It was originally because of the scarcity of people that they came to this place, but they still had no choice but to be targeted. Who knew they had any skills?

"Don't worry, this time, we will catch them off guard and never come back. They will not come to bother you again in the future."

Chen Xuan's confident words also greatly increased the confidence of the people of the two tribes. After all, if they had been asked to step forward to fight against the big tribe that suddenly broke in. They had no confidence, but now that someone was encouraging them, they had some confidence.

"What are you discussing there? If there is no problem, just come out and fight. Stop arguing."

The man's words were not tired at all. He was obviously the same age there, but he was also a little skeptical. After all, the old man was still unconscious.

Then he seemed to have a good idea.

"Otherwise, if you lose, hand over the antidote first, and then we will consider how to deal with you. But if we lose, you must also take out the antidote, and you can't hurt anyone's life."

The words were very righteous, but they sounded particularly harsh in Chen Xuan's ears.

"Don't you feel a little guilty for saying this? I'm sorry to wait and see the outcome of winning or losing, and it was already clear just now that there are no conditions attached. The life or death of this old man has nothing to do with us."

It’s not Chen Xuan’s fault. Now he is a cold-blooded old man. He was too cruel just now. Now he is just reaping the consequences. He can’t blame others.

"You, don't be too cruel!"

At the moment he spoke, Chen Xuan had already flown down from the observation deck and slapped the person who had just spoken twice.

The man's mouth immediately swelled up like a pufferfish, making it difficult to speak clearly.

Chen Xuan's two slaps really gave the Canghai Clan Chief and the Shentan Clan Chief a lot of confidence. They also picked up their weapons and started to attack.

Although the Flying Eagle Clan has a large number of people, they did not bring anyone out this time, only a small number, because they have seen how many people there are in the Flying Eagle Clan before, and their momentum has already overwhelmed them.

Obviously this time they did not expect that there would be an uninvited guest like Chengcheng, which would affect their work this time.

"Have you never thought that there would be such a big situation? Think about the situation clearly before doing anything. Don't make such big determination or be too confident."

The others were also driven into panic. Seeing Chen Xuan's wanton and arrogant look, they couldn't help but attack.

Some took out their spiritual pets, and some took out their weapons. They were all lined up, and it was clear that they were all strong.

But he didn't dare to take the lead. They were all ready to watch. Chen Xuan moved to the left and shook his heart, which had been shaking for a long time.

While they were not paying attention, Chen Xuan took the initiative to attack again. This time he led a young man who looked very brave, the chief of the detective clan, and rushed out.

The young man held the spear tightly. It also contained the spells he had been practicing, but fortunately, the attack was successful this time.

"Wow, big brother, you are so powerful. My father used to think that I was useless at home, but I didn't know that I was so useful until now."

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded. This cannot be judged arbitrarily, especially the education of parents.

Chen Xuan just came out to fight randomly, but he had already frightened the people of the Flying Eagle Clan to the point where they were so scared that some of them even pissed themselves because they didn't want to see Chen Xuan in front of them again.

As soon as Chen Xuan appeared, they all had to be somewhat injured.

"You have already shown your strength here, do you still want to stay here and continue to embarrass yourself?" Chen Xuan shouted coldly.

People from the Flying Eagle tribe look at me and I look at you, obviously they are unhappy.

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