Canghai Clan Chief felt a little embarrassed for a moment when he saw Chen Xuan's arrogant expression.

"What should we do next for this strong man? Although they are more scared, they are not timid at all."

Chen Xuan smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Don't panic, everyone. This is just a sign before the storm comes. Doesn't it mean that they are scared? Who knows what will happen next?"

Chen Xuan then turned around and flew to the head of the Flying Eagle Clan again.

He crossed his arms with a provocative look on his face, and let's see what kind of evil they can do. Although he hasn't been cruel here for many years, he will still protect both sides.

If nothing else, just for that treasure, I will drive these people away this time.

"It seems that you are not from here at all. Since you are not, you have no right to interfere in this matter. Leave as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The representative of the Flying Eagle Clan was quite arrogant, and Chen Xuan felt like flies buzzing in his ears.

"Since you are so arrogant, why not send your most powerful people to compete with me. If you lose, don't bother me again. If you win, then you can just do what you did before. I'm not in school either. I'm really worried. Winning or losing is not something you and I can decide.”

Chen Xuan actually did this to test whether his own strength had reached a breakthrough.

The people over there were overjoyed when they heard the news, thinking that this guy was up to something, but if they were to compete, their tribe would be considered the most heroic.

"This is yours. If you lose, don't blame us for being merciless." The man said, and then released the warrior behind him.

After the man went out, he took off his clothes, revealing his strong muscles, and gestured in front of Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan saw the strong muscles, he lowered his head and looked at himself. He seemed to have a flat body, which was a bit embarrassing. But that’s okay.

"This big fat guy can't stand up to two blows from me." This deliberately irritating language made the other party completely angry.

"Don't be too arrogant. This is the most heroic warrior in our clan. Do you think your thin body can withstand it?"

The fat man rushed towards him and kicked him, but Chen Xuan dodged. The two of them beat each other into the air, with spiritual power in their fists and feet.

Every punch was thrown to push the opponent away. Chen Xuan took a few steps back. The man with strong muscles was very courageous and stepped forward to provoke him again and again.

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. I originally wanted to have a simple discussion, but now it seems that I can't tolerate my simplicity."

Chen Xuan flew up as he followed him. The move he had practiced a few days ago finally had a chance to be extended.

I saw Chen Xuan flying towards the left, and the muscular man also wanted to chase after him. Chen Xuan suddenly turned around, but he didn't react and almost fell in front of him.

Although he was a little embarrassed afterwards, the man still understood the current situation clearly. After slowly getting up, he threw the bag in his hand on the ground, as if he was really angry.

"Son, you forced me to do this!"

Then he took out the meteor hammer from the side that he often didn't use. This was his good magic weapon.

The Flying Eagle Clan only sent out a third-level general this time, but they didn't expect that it was only half a cup of tea before they took out his most precious thing towards the elephant.

The leader of the Flying Eagle Clan was watching from the side to see who Chen Xuan was.

The meteor hammer was taken out and dropped to the ground, which frightened the people around him.

"Meteor Hammer, Thirty-Seven Clan, Meteor Flying Cloud!"

The strong man flew the meteor hammer out. Chen Xuan almost did not avoid it, but at the last critical moment he still hid around the tree next to him.

The meteor hammer flew directly to the tree, and a big hole was made in the tree's originally strong body.

Chen Xuan sighed and shed a few cold sweats. If the hammer fell on him, a large piece of it would be dented.

"Aren't you quite arrogant? Why don't you learn how to dodge now? If you have the ability, come to me head on. If you don't dodge, what kind of man do you think you are?"

Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly to himself. Although he was not afraid of being hit by her with the weapon, who knew how painful it would be.

Seeing others taking out weapons, Chen Xuan did not show any weakness and took out a scorpion sword that he had just obtained earlier. As the name suggests, this sword is made of scorpion skin. The core of the sword is copper and iron cast for hundreds of years. It can be said that Even the indestructible fire spell can't hit it.

Chen Xuan would definitely not take it out normally, but at this time, he had to take it out to compete with this strong man. Is his meteor hammer more powerful or his own? The sword came deeper.

All of them are Chen Xuan's spells.

With a strike of the sword, the meteor hammer was directly split into two halves, leaving the people of the Flying Eagle tribe in a daze. How could this be possible? …

Although they didn't believe this fact, they had to believe it in the end. After all, the meteor hammer no longer existed.

"Why are you still standing there? Come up quickly. If you don't clean up this guy today, go back and see what I do to you!"

The leader of the Flying Eagle Clan spoke rudely. The strong man holding the meteor hammer had a slight hesitation on whether to go to class after hearing this. Chen Xuan's hidden weapon was so powerful, just like a snake, that it was useless in a fight. It is not sharp, but becomes extremely soft.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the meteor hammer falling to the ground.

"Brother, when did you become so powerful? I have never seen you before. With this method, it seems that we have overthought it." The chief of the detective clan looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, and his eyes changed.

"You smiled. I came here for a purpose, and I heard that your award is still a big treasure. I am doing this for my own sake, so you don't have to act like it has nothing to do with you, lest the time comes. It hurts even more.”

The Shentan Clan Chief and the Canghai Clan Chief were a little embarrassed when they heard this, but then they could only force a smile. Although Chen Xuan was doing it for the award, he didn't lose their people and helped them get ahead. How could this be impossible to praise?

"It doesn't matter. Even if we can't drive them away, they have given us face for so many years. We have never defeated them on the surface. They always look arrogant and domineering. It is also a good thing that someone can go out and kill them for us this time. "

Chen Xuan just smiled and then threw out the hidden weapon again. As if he had set a target, he flew directly towards the strong man. The strong man dared to stay where he was when he saw the hidden weapon flying towards him and quickly ran away.

In the end, his hair was nailed to a tree, and it took several people to take the sword off. Chen Xuan just smiled faintly, gently closed his hand, and the soft sword returned to Chen Xuan's hand again.

When others saw this, the strong man's hair was cut off in half before he was freed from the tree.

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