Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1927 Breaking through the Seventh Level Peak

It's just that the breakthrough this time was a bit too sudden, and he didn't even react.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed above the head, breaking through the barrier of the house. When the tribesmen patrolling outside saw this scene, they quickly exclaimed.

"Mr. Chen has broken through to the eighth level of immortality. Everyone, come over and have a look!"

Of course, his words also successfully attracted the attention of Canghai Clan Chief and Detective Clan Chief.

The two hurriedly brought people over, firstly because they were afraid that Chen Suan would be injured, and secondly because they wanted to see how the situation was here. In a country that was afraid of those unscrupulous people snooping on this place, they decided to come over and take a closer look.

"What? You are so anxious now that you want me to come out and play tricks with you."

Chen Xuan said jokingly, but in fact it was just to tease them. Although this method was not very clever, if compared to it, it was still nothing.

Then he jumped out from the hole in the roof and stood in front of the two clan leaders.

The two of them quickly took a step back when they saw the person jumping out.

"Mr. Chen smiled. We just came here to see the situation this time. We are afraid of accidents, because there are too few people who have broken through the cultivation level now, and you are still receiving heavy support at your peak."

Chen Xuan waved his hands and didn't care at all. What's this? Nothing unsuccessful happens here.

And this ability is no joke. Even if you lose, you must lose in an honest way, let alone embarrass yourself in front of them.

"Don't worry, this isn't a big problem. It's just a matter of breaking through the bottleneck. There won't be any other special circumstances. It's just that this time we may attract enemies."

Chen Xuan felt bad because of this, because when he reached his peak, not many people knew about it, but people in the surrounding cities would find out.

It is estimated that those few people must have discovered his whereabouts, and now they can only sit back and wait for death.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. You protected us before. No matter who your Tiga is, we will definitely share the same hatred and help you deal with the enemy. After all, there is strength in numbers."

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded. Everyone was drunk and celebrating together that night. This rare event also allowed Chen Xuan to find the happiness he once had.

Temporarily forgetting the feeling of being hunted, in fact, I couldn't blame myself at that time. I could only blame Lin Hao for being too mean and not being listened to, so I couldn't help but take action directly.

Or perhaps the Wang family that released him was too weak to stop him, let alone advance and retreat together, so he could flee to this place in a hurry, lamenting that it was already too late for everything that had happened in the past.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. Since you have come to us, you are our boss. We will serve you as a god. You are stronger than us, and we are your strongest backing."

Everyone was very reasonable. At this moment, the guard outside suddenly came in to report that he had met a lost man.

"Patriarch, we don't dare to make a conclusion in person this time, so we came in to report." Chen Xuan didn't want to take all the complicated things here to deal with, so he just acted as a bystander and gave them some pointers. But it won't help.

"Otherwise Mr. Chen will make the final decision."

Chen Xuan didn't say anything and flew directly to the observation deck. When he saw the person standing there, he secretly screamed, why is he chasing after him.

The situation at that time could be that it was impossible to discover his whereabouts, and he didn't know how he got there at the time, so he had to use all kinds of tricks to tease her.

"Don't let a person in. If he looks for traces of me here, and you don't have any traces of me, it's not just one person involved, but the entire big family. Neither of your families are opponents over there, so let's do things. A little more cautious.”

Canghai Clan Chief and Shentan Clan Chief looked a little scared when they heard this, but then they were firm.

"Mr. Chen, what you said is a bit exaggerated. Since you have become our guardian here, we are going to protect you with all our strength. Don't worry, the secret will not be exposed this time."

Chief Canghai went out in person.

"Where do they come from? Why do they come to this lonely island of ours? What do you do?"

Although they knew he was equally powerful, they still showed extreme disdain, otherwise wouldn't it be even weirder if they let others know their weaknesses and then go out to do anything.

"Mr. Wei, don't be offended. This time I'm here to find a brother. He has a lot of connections with us. If he comes here, please hand him over, lest we use knives or guns to hurt the harmony!"

Lin Ze's words were also rude. Last time, his father quietly came to find him from this street.

Thinking that there is really a road here, and this road seems to be very winding and long, there are two islands right here.

People above were cheering and he had to climb up quietly, but he was still discovered.

"I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. We never allow outsiders to enter here, and if you break in without permission, I will use my tribe's rules to expel you and then be severely punished. If you don't believe it, you can try Give it a try.”

The chief of the Detective Clan also came out and smiled lightly. The two clans now share the same hatred.

"Since you are so protective of your shortcomings, don't blame me for being rude. I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup that guy fed you. He is a murderer, and you are still hiding him."

Lin Ze's search had already exhausted her, and she finally found a place. He could firmly believe that the light at the early stage of the eighth level just came from here, and he could not be wrong.

"Since this kid is so peaceful here, I will stir things up so that he doesn't live so peacefully, otherwise he won't know how much he owes others."

When Chen Xuan heard these words on the observation deck, he felt that he could not go on any longer, otherwise they would cause some accidents because of him, so he simply jumped down.

"You are quite capable. It's a pity that you found this place. So what if you find this place, you can't change anything. You can only make others think you are brave. In the end, you only make a living by chasing others."

Chen Xuan did this deliberately because he wanted to gain muscle. Now that he was promoted from eighteen to seventh grade, he wanted to see Lin Ze's strength.

But now Chen Xuan feels an unprecedented oppressive blessing

"Chen Xuan, I thought you were going to be a coward for the rest of your life. How come you have the courage to come out and fight with me now? Since you have the ability to kill my brother, why do you only know how to escape in panic now? Don't think that you are in immortality now. I will be afraid of you."

Lin Ze was really fed up with the old man's voice at home, so he had to call it out to see what was going on, but now it seemed like there was something wrong.

"You may be wrong. I never wanted to escape, nor was I afraid. This is just a function of your own psychology and has nothing to do with me."

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