Chen Xuan then stood in front of Lin Ze with a look of disdain. Even if he was stronger than him now, how could he face such a person? Chen Xuan felt that he would not lose.

Lin Ze had been exhausted trying to find this place, but seeing Chen Xuan now made him regain his confidence.

"I thought you could find a place to get in, but it seems that's not the case now."

"Let's just make a move. One move will determine the outcome. I want to see how the power is at the early stage of the Eighth Immortal Level? Can it compare to someone like me in the middle stage?"

Then he made a move, and Chen Xuan skillfully dodged it, but he didn't expect that in addition to profit, Chen Xuan's move also had other residual effects.

"How about it? Now I let you know what a real strong person is. I just wanted to give you a showdown, but I didn't expect you to run so fast."

Chen Xuan just smiled and said nothing. In fact, he didn't want to run away at first. Who knew that Wang Da's special ability could be so exaggerated that he could teleport himself between this strange island.

That's why he suddenly disappeared from there, with no intention of escaping.

It's just that it's too late now, after all, he may not believe it if you argue with him.

"Okay, no matter how real you are, it's useless. Why not have a good competition? Stop dodging and let me see your power."

Lin Ze came here this time not only for himself, but also to avenge his brother. Except for the insults from the old man at home, he couldn't bear these, so this time no matter what, he must make Chen Xuan fall to the ground.

Canghai Clan Chief and Shentan Clan Chief next to him couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene. It seemed that this boy was in a special situation now.

But he must not be allowed to run rampant like this. Mr. Chen is their only patron saint and has done so many things for them. How could he be bullied by an outsider?

"If you really want to compete, then compete with my tribe. We will not accept anything else. Mr. Chen wants to enjoy our etiquette and rules here. You, an outsider, are not qualified to do so much."

Chen Xuan wasn't too scared to begin with, but when he saw the clan leaders of the two clans protecting him so much, it didn't matter to him.

"Since you are taking care of this matter, I won't care about it."

Chen Xuan waved his hand but did not take the intruder Lin Ze seriously. If he was really smart, he would never come here by himself.

He was obviously acting like this because he had been wronged at home and wanted to take it out to get angry, but now this situation clearly told him that there might not be any good results if he came out.

"If you insist on competing, then let's compete. It's just that there's no way to tell who will win and who will lose."

If Chen Xuan was joking, the tribe would never let Chen Xuan take action, and then a few angry people went out without everyone's permission.

Lin Ze originally focused on normal comparison, but suddenly he was rushed out by this lengtouqing and vomited blood on the ground.

"I won't be polite when I think that what you are particular about here is rampage."

Lin Ze is just one person. Even if he reaches the eighth level of immortality, he cannot defeat one against a hundred. The two tribes combined have at least a thousand people. Even his body cannot stand up to so many people.

Shortly afterwards he was knocked to the ground, dying.

"Chen Xuan, just wait for me and don't let me have another chance to come back. Otherwise, I will cut you into pieces to let you know that this is wrong."

After saying this, he immediately disappeared into the crowd.

"Mr. Chen, will this guy come back to take revenge? I think her complexion is yellow and she seems to be very impatient, but this time my brother will probably treat him badly."

The leading sentry next to him said, in fact, he is the most powerful general in the detective team. This time, he struggled for a long time in his heart before deciding to take action.

"It's okay, just rush out. I see that this guy is weak. If you don't do this, he will probably become arrogant by then. And I have never done anything like this before, and I am still recovering, so I can’t go out for the time being, please help me protect me.”

Chen Xuan was not very worried, he thought about stabilizing his ability at the eighth level of immortality, otherwise he would not be able to compete with others if he encountered any problems.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, just practice hard and leave these to us. Although we are not as powerful as you, with so many people we can still deal with them."

Chen Xuan felt relieved when he heard that they were like this. He returned to the wooden house and then waved his hand gently, and the hole in the roof was sealed with his spiritual power.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan felt another strange breath swaying in his body.

Could it be that he was summoning himself to continue practicing, but the next second the environment around him made him feel like he was being roasted in a fire.

He couldn't help but want to call the people outside, but when he opened his eyes, there was nothing around him. Chen Xue realized that this was the test of the eighth level of immortality. His strength had reached this point before, but now he was seriously injured and recovering again. It might not be as good as his previous experience. Simple.

The Shentan Clan Chief and the Canghai Clan Chief outside saw the light coming from Chen Xuan's room from time to time and spoke silently.

"What should we do? Mr. Chen is now much stronger. How can we protect it? I feel that this matter is not that simple. Those people will probably come back to cause trouble again."

They don't believe it, unless the financial owner goes back, he will not come back. To support the development of the two tribes, they still have to make complete plans.

I don't think so about the Chief of the Detective Clan. He thinks that Chen Xue has the ability to deal with those people, and Chen Xuan has become their most trusted boss and the clan leader, so these are not issues they should consider.

Before she could say this, there was a loud noise in Chen Xuan's room.

Everyone was worried and ran over to find Chen Xuan walking out intact, but the room was in a mess.

"I don't know what's going on here, but I think the situation is quite dangerous. I have to practice recently, so I'm bothering you."

After Chen Xuan had finished explaining the matter, he simply continued walking to the nearby bamboo forest. Birds were reborn on this island, and other creatures grew particularly lush and full of spiritual power. It was a good place for him to practice.

"Mr. Chen, just go with peace of mind. We will find someone here to help you take care of it. Nothing unexpected will happen."

Chen Xuan nodded in agreement and strode towards the bamboo forest. Not long after he got here, he heard someone talking.

"Did you listen? I heard that the Flying Eagle Clan was defeated and fled back home. Why are you looking for experts to deal with the Canghai Clan Chief and the Detective Chief Clan?"

I don't know what kind of creatures were talking there, and Chen Xuan was even more curious about what it was?

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