Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1934 Unification of the Three Clans

Chen Xuan looked into the distance, missing the continent where he once lived.

But when he turned around, he saw the expectant expressions of the heads of the three tribes looking at him, and he immediately put aside his homesickness.

"Ahem, now that I have reached this point, I guess you no longer have the will to fight. Please improve your strength. I will also practice hard in the near future and hope that we can all make progress together."

The three of them all nodded, and the others slowly returned to their respective territories, but their hearts became unusually determined.

Chen Xuan knew that although they were unified this time, a storm might be coming.

When the young master of the Lin family goes back, he may bring some powerful people over. This time he cannot underestimate the enemy.

"Mr. Chen, what are you thinking about? Since you have the ability to conquer our three tribes, you should set your own rules. Otherwise, we will still do things according to the previous rules, which is a bit inconsistent."

Chen Xuan nodded and just had this idea. In fact, this was probably to make them self-reliant.

"Then I will tell you what I think. Come on, you all have a good rest tonight. I think after this series of things, you should understand that there are people outside and people outside, instead of blindly fighting against your own people. If you really win, it means nothing, so what’s the real meaning?”

The leader of the Flying Eagle Clan looked embarrassed when he heard this. He knew that Chen Xuan was the one who attacked him this time, and he was fine now.

After all, it was true that they did something wrong this time, but to have a complete unification was probably the wish he had had in his heart for a long time.

That night, Chen Xuan suffered from insomnia again. He thought he was still having fun, but now everything calmed down, which made it a little difficult for him to adapt.

I climbed to the roof and sat there to enjoy the wind. I heard an exaggerated sound of fighting coming from the bamboo forest. I quickly went there using Qinggong to find out.

The sound of fighting stopped as soon as they passed by. Chen Xuan wondered whether they stopped because they felt someone was coming.

But I looked left and right, but I didn't see anyone, or maybe I had been idle for too long, and I was hallucinating.

But the next second, when he appeared in another place, he suddenly saw two people deadlocked in the air, with their hands combined, seemingly comparing each other's strength.

Because the color was dark, Chen Xuan could not see the two people's faces clearly.

It looked like they were fighting fiercely, but it was already midnight.

If they continue to fight like this, it will definitely affect others' rest.

"If you two brothers have something to think about and want to come to the bamboo forest here to look down on, why not change to another place? Going to the sea over there is also a good choice. Everyone is resting now. If you do this, you will wake up people. In my heart Don’t you feel guilty?”

Chen Xuan's voice successfully attracted the attention of the two people. They quickly stopped and jumped in front of Chen Xuan.

"I'm really sorry. We made an appointment to compete but couldn't find a suitable place, so we came here. We have been playing for three or three nights in a row, and we really can't decide the winner, so we chose this quiet bamboo forest. , but we didn’t know it would disturb others’ rest. We only found out about our mistake after Xiongtai reminded us. I’m really sorry.”

The man finished his words very politely, leaving Chen Xuan not knowing what to do.

But judging from their moves just now, Chen Xuan felt that these two people were not simple, and they were not from this side.

"Those two brothers, you can come back to training after the light comes out."

Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave.

After all, they knew the rules so well just now, and they would definitely not continue to compete here after I reminded them.

But he was stopped after taking a few steps.

"Brother, please stay. I'm really sorry to disturb your rest, but now that you're up, you must be a martial arts practitioner. I have some unkind feelings."

Chen Xuan stopped and turned around.

"Strong man please."

"It's like this. The two of us have been unable to decide the winner. Our skills are in the middle of the eighth level of immortality."

The other person continued to speak.

"Seeing that Xiongtai is not weak in martial arts, I wonder if I can go back to Nanning to help with the refereeing. It will fulfill our long-awaited wish, otherwise it will not be a problem to keep competing like this."

Chen Xuan waved his hand.

"Hey, what did I think it was? Then how can you cooperate with me better than me? I hope you will stop quickly, otherwise people nearby will not be able to sleep."

"How about this? The two of us compete with you. Whoever defeats you will know who is better in martial arts."

Chen Xuan felt that this was indeed a good idea, otherwise he would not be able to think of a way, so the three of them ran to Black Wind Mountain.

It is also an island in the Black Wind Mountain and Sea. It is empty and uninhabited, but it is a good place for competition.

By the time they arrived here, it was already light.

Chen Xuan was still looking for someone to try his hand at it, thinking that the people from the Flying Eagle Clan would make him realize his lack of skill.

But they were too impatient and it was not fun at all. These two were born military generals.

Moreover, the physical fitness is too high. Competing with them may actually be able to find out the physical problems.

"Just start. I don't know what kind of kung fu you are practicing."

Chen Xuan asked the man and stepped forward.

He smiled sheepishly.

"Really, I forgot to introduce you. Brother, this is my brother Wan Fengjun. My name is Lingchi."

Chen Xuan nodded and added his name, giving the three of them a brief introduction.

It didn't take long, but I stretched my body and was ready to start.

Chen Xuan felt the powerful spiritual energy fluctuations on their bodies. There was a hint of doubt.

They had released so much power before they even started. Could it be that they were deliberately attracting their attention?

But then Chen Xuan realized that his idea was stupid, and the two of them didn't even bother to use this power to attract his attention.

Moreover, the strength of the two of them is not only as powerful as before, but has reached another eighth level peak. This is a power that no one can match, but they are only in the name of competition, so they should not be able to use it.

Chen Xuan felt relieved when he thought of this. The first one to compete was Ling Chi. His weapon was a long bow, even though it was placed on the ground.

But Chen Xuan felt uncomfortable in him. Was there something about him that made them afraid?

"Brother, don't be nervous. Just compete with me as normal. I'm also in the stage of ascension recently, so it would be best to find someone who can find my weaknesses."

Chen Xuan didn't know why he was talking to them, but he felt that they had so many people from the beginning, and he didn't think he was a bad person, so he agreed to come here to compete.

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