"Brother laughed, I just think you are a bit similar to an elder in my family, but you are younger than that elder, and you are more graceful, but the moves you use are similar, so I am a little worried about meeting someone. To an acquaintance.”

Chen Xuan smiled. He really knew how to joke. Although he was reborn, he was not an elder of any family. He was only in his twenties in this body.

Ling Chi seemed to know what he said, which was a bit misleading, and then stopped talking.

Not long after, the first round began. Their rule was that they would win if they defeated the opponent within 100 moves.

Chen Xuan felt that he could win by surprise within a few dozen moves, but it was just Chen Xuan's idea.

Then the two started fighting. Chen Xuan was good at dueling in the air, while the other was only good at fighting on land, so he would feel that the two people's martial arts were very different.

Chen Xuangang only used half of his power at first, but later found that the other party did the same.

The two of them put aside their original preparations and jumped up.

After several moves, there was still no winner. Caixuan felt that there was a disparity in power, but if he wanted to defeat Ling Chi, he could directly win by using other powers.

But now he doesn't have a chance to take action. The opponent's moves are fatal, and every blow is extremely cruel.

Wan Fengjun watched all the competition between the two of them and silently memorized these moves in his mind.

"Ling Chi, please don't be too harsh. I haven't seen you do this when fighting me. This gentleman is just here to help with the refereeing, so be careful."

Wan Fengjun couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw the increasingly delayed methods, and quickly reminded him.

"Of course I know."

Ling Chi also felt that Chen Xuan was extremely powerful. If he really compared with him, it was not certain who would win or lose, so he did not dare to relax now.

But after hearing Wan Fengjun's words, I remembered that he was indeed a bit ruthless.

Then Sosou jumped directly to the open space next to him and said softly.

"I'm really sorry. I was only thinking about how to compete with my opponent and forgot about today's core!"

Chen Xuan waved his hand. In fact, he was a little overwhelmed, but now they could only compete in martial arts. If they really fought hard, neither of them would necessarily win or lose.

"Thank you very much!"

The heartfelt gratitude made Chen Xuan smile lightly.

In fact, when they were competing just now, they announced that they could only compete with him using their own strength, and also observed the gap between his fists and feet. This was why Chen Xuan's reaction was a little late every time.

"I have already seen the gap between you. After I finish competing with this gentleman later, I will ask your questions again. Then you will be able to feel who is stronger."

After Chen Xin finished, he took a breath next to him and took out a wild fruit from somewhere, which made a clicking sound in his mouth.

The juice filled his mouth, and it didn't take long for him to finish the fruit.

Then there was another competition. I was already bright and clear after this competition.

Chen Xuan raised his head tiredly. It was obvious that the two of them had understood their own lack of ability.

"Thank you sir. If you have any big requests in the future, we will definitely come to help. This time we are deeply aware of our own shortcomings. There is no way to compare. He has his strengths. I have my shortcomings.”

Chen Xuan nodded. Now that the competition is over, it would be a good idea for them to have a complete understanding of themselves.

"In that case, you two gentlemen can go back to their respective places. I'm going back."

Although the two women are still a little confused, what kind of strength is Chen Xuan? After all, the strength of both of them is beyond presentation. Why can Chen Xuan win easily this time?

Before Chen Xuan got close to his residence, he smelled a strong smell of fire.

I thought they were holding some kind of ceremony, but when I looked closer, I realized that there were corpses everywhere and there was a strong smell of blood.

Chen Xuan quickly found a place to hide, and quietly looked outside, and saw an old man standing there with an arrogant look on his face.

"Quick, where is Chen Xuan? If you don't hand her over, I will burn your place. From now on, there will be no more Canghai Clan or Detective Clan!"

Chen Xuan thought about it carefully and realized that this old man should be sent by the Lin family, but he had to say this threat no matter what.

"Mr. Wang, you have really come to the wrong place. You have hurt me so much since you came here. Isn't it difficult for the tribe to live without any conscience? We really don't know your gentleman!"

The Shentan Clan Chief and the Canghai Clan Chief are now trying their best to resist. How could they possibly confess Chen Xuan? Moreover, Chen Xuan must have gone to practice when he left home.

Chen Xuan was very moved when he heard what the two of them said. It was inevitable that his careful teaching to them during this period was worth it. However, this old guy actually dared to chase him here. He was not courageous.

"Okay, okay, if you don't know, I'll find it myself. Anyway, since you want to hide it for him, then you can be buried with him!"

As Da first fought back, the surrounding houses were in flames again. Although the elders of the two clans looked ugly and unhappy, they did not come out.

Chen Xuan originally wanted to observe in secret for a while, but now it seems that if he doesn't take action, these things will be caused by himself.

"Old man, the person you are looking for is in the Bamboo Forest in the Back Mountain, go by yourself!"

Chen Xuan pretended to use another voice, hoping to lure the old man over. If there was a fight here, people would be accidentally injured. He didn't want everyone to get hurt because of him.

When the ancestor of the Lin family heard this, he didn't care and flew towards the bamboo forest with a single step.

The Shentan Clan Chief and the Canghai Clan Chief sighed silently when they heard this, and they tried their best.

But now we can only look at the strength. The old man's strength is definitely above, which is why they are unwilling to reveal Chen Xuan's whereabouts.

When the Flying Eagle Tribe heard that there was a situation here, they quickly brought people to support them, but they arrived too late. They were still supporting the wounded and disabled, and those who were left were basically just surviving. The patriarch tried his best to save some old people and children.

"I'm sorry, you two. I'm late this time. I only heard the news this morning. How did I know that the old man would suddenly come after me? Don't worry, Mr. Chen should have a perfect solution this time."

The Flying Eagle Clan is actually a little unsure, but now they can only wait and see the news, but hope to hear good news instead of just like this. After all, he also found out about the old man's strength when he came. There's no way I can beat him, but there's nothing I can do now.

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