"I thought you, a shy little turtle, wouldn't show up, but I didn't expect you are quite brave now."

Chen Xuan just smiled faintly and felt relieved when he saw him coming over. He didn't want to hurt innocent people anymore because of this matter.

"Why are you not surprised at all when you see me coming? Are you confident that you can defeat someone at the eighth level of immortality?"

Lin Yun's words were very arrogant, and he didn't mean to worry at all, because he had already investigated Chen Xuan's previous strength clearly, and with his half-assed strength, he could beat even ten of them.

"I think you have misunderstood, old man. You have hurt innocent people here. Should I avenge them or avenge myself? Your grandson deserves to die, and you are still holding on to this matter. Isn't there any point?" Blame yourself?”

Chen Xuan never thought that he would defeat Lin Yun verbally, but now he didn't want to let him go because of this matter, and he just couldn't get angry.

"Now don't talk to me here. The child is gone, so what's the use of so many. I just want to kill you to avenge him, so that I can shield the pain in my heart."

Lin Yunzhu also showed a sad look. In fact, when Lin Ze went back, he already knew that Chen Xuan was quite cunning. This time he came here with the determination to fight to the death and burn it.

"I just didn't expect that the third child would be killed, and the eldest and second child would be insulted by you. Do you think our Chen family has such a shame? It would be shameful for outsiders to know about it, so no matter what this time, I must go and do it for me." A son takes revenge."

Chen Xuan has nothing to worry about now. He only killed the damn third and eldest brother. He didn't do anything to them when the second eldest son came over. He just couldn't let go of the resentment in his heart. That kind of pride must have been insulted by him. They I must be sorry.

"Now don't talk to me about these things. Stop talking nonsense. Show me your best ability. Let me see if you walk on more bridges or I eat more salt!"

Then Lin Yun poured his spiritual power into the surrounding trees. Because he was too powerful, they were all broken at the waist and fell to the ground. There was a mess all around, but there seemed to be slight fluctuations in spiritual power in the bamboo forest.

"But I didn't expect that you would now start to bully Bibi's people."

Although Chen Xuan knew that these words were meant to take advantage of emotions or something, he knew that Lin Yun was not an easy person to deal with. Although his ability had reached the early stage of the eighth level of immortality, it was not yet stable.

"Why are you so scared now? You never thought that I would take action when you flirted with Lao San. If you haven't thought about it, it's not too late to think about it now. Anyway, to you, I am like crushing an ant. Same, I will reach the ninth level of immortality soon!"

Lin Yun sounded very arrogant. He didn't take Li Chenxuan next to him at all. He came here just to give Chen Xuan a show of strength. These responsibilities were worthless in his eyes. He could kill many people with just a single glance.

"It seems that you have no status at all, but even if you despise me so much, I think it's more than enough to deal with you."

"Why are you so arrogant now? Since you think you can deal with me, let's give it a try. Will your arrogant courage win, or my real strength?"

Lin Yunzhu immediately used his own moves. He was older, so his moves were relatively calm, and he had internal strength. He looked very calm.

Chen Xuan has been dodging now, so he is too powerful. No matter where Chen Xuan goes, he can hit Zheng perfectly with just a tiny gap.

The clan leaders of several clans could only watch from the side and could not step forward to help. After all, they were aware of everyone's strength. If they really stepped forward to help, they might be the next victims.

"Please bring more people with you. Since Mr. Lin wants to have a good discussion with me, I will accompany you to the end. Anyway, it's been a long time since I relaxed my muscles."

Chen Xuan stopped blinking and began to respond normally. He was a little overwhelmed at the beginning, but then he gradually adapted to the power, from being unable to respond at first to being able to respond easily in the end.

Lin Yun was surprised, why he could take his fist in this situation, and in such a blatant situation.

Although I had used some force to hit those people just now, it did not damage them all at all, and I just used zero effort.

Chen Xuan actually didn't react just now, he was just competing with the two of them before.

Thinking of their moves, one is strong and the other is soft. Although they are two tall and strong men, their moves are completely different.

Their tricks told Chen Xuan that if he wanted to defeat his opponent, he had to understand the opponent. And you have to let the other person know his strengths.

Therefore, when he took action, he exposed his weaknesses. He took advantage of this to make Lin Yun more wary of him, thus exposing flaws everywhere.

"I didn't expect that you really have two skills. Don't think about it. I haven't met an opponent in so many years. I just didn't expect that my strength is so weak that I would despise someone who is in the early stage of the eighth level of immortality. It's really a shame." It hurts my Lin family’s face, but don’t worry, no one will know about this, I will make you disappear today.”

After Lin Yun said this, he seemed to have exploded with all his strength. Suddenly he roared, and the crutch that was originally in his hand suddenly turned into a long sharp sword and stabbed directly.

Chen Xuan was unable to dodge and was stabbed in his left hand. The sharp sword seemed to be coated with poison. After being stabbed, Chen Xuan felt like she was harassing the man all over her body. She couldn't bear the countless beads appearing on her forehead.

The chief of the detective clan was anxious and wanted to help, but his abilities were limited and not enough to defeat this man.

Now I can only stand by and watch Chen Xuan go through her inner struggle, even though her arms now feel like they are being eaten by thousands of ants.

But he could still hold it back, but if he wanted to continue fighting with Lin Yun, it would definitely not be possible now.

The sweat on his forehead quickly soaked her hair, and then he rolled his eyes and came up with a way to get the best of both worlds. Although this method hurt himself a little, at least it would allow him to escape unscathed.

"What? Aren't you very powerful? Why are you so vulnerable to being stabbed by an arrow now? Are you so weak and you still want to deal with me? I'm afraid you will die here today!"

Lin Yun's sarcastic voice lingered in his ears all the time.

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