Chen Xuan gritted his teeth for the last time, closed his eyes, and suddenly a gray-white snake appeared in his spirit stone.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely help you get this done. However, you may suffer mental damage in the next few days, so please pay attention to rest!"

The delicate voice disappeared from Chen Xuan's consciousness. Then Lin Yun felt something like a snake surrounding him. When he opened his eyes again, there was no shadow of Chen Xiang around him. Also disappeared into the endless black sand sea Zheng

"Mr. Chen, please follow this secret passage. This is our escape route. Although we live in isolation, there are always risks when living at sea. We will all think about escaping to land at any time. , you go quickly before the old man reacts."

Although Chen Xuan wanted to stay and protect them, he knew that he was currently too weak to do so, so he could only nod in agreement, but he felt a little refreshed when he left.

"You've lost your mind. You can only seek happiness by yourself if you leave this time. We have also received your education, but now we are dying and injured, and we don't know how many people are still alive."

Chen Xuan was a little sad when he heard this, but then he said goodbye. He raised his head and was about to leave. If he wanted to stay here, the old guy would not be easy to deal with when he woke up.

After walking along this secret passage for a long time, Chen Xuan felt that there was an indescribable happiness all over his body.

It felt like his bones were going to fall apart in the next second, but he still couldn't stop.

Because if you stop, you might be chased by someone, and it's as if someone has installed a locator on your body.

The old man can find his place at any time.

Finally he stopped tiredly.

A farmer's family appeared in front of him. He saw someone walking out and fell on the ground.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, who are you? Why are you here?"

The man who had just returned from hunting looked confused when he saw the man lying at the door of his house.

He quickly called out his wife who was in the house and got her in.

Second, Chen Xuan woke up again and felt that the tingling sensation on his body had disappeared. The wound on the shoulder was completely taken care of.

He looked around vigilantly and found no suspicious person.

The hunter's wife came in from outside carrying a basin of water and saw that Chen Xuan was awake and spoke quickly.

"Who are you? Why are you at our door?"

In fact, the hunter's wife was also a little worried, fearing that Chen Xuan was a bad person. After all, they had been hunting here for many years and just wanted a quiet and stable life without being disturbed by outsiders.

"Are you the hunters here?"

When Chen Xuan heard that the woman's voice was very different from the outside, he knew that they must be as isolated from the world as those people, and they were actually wearing animal furs.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm just a passer-by. Thank you for saving me. I don't have anything valuable on me. I only have this hairpin. You can keep it and sell it at the counter. Don't worry, it's clean. Yes, I’m still being hunted, so I won’t bother you too much.”

The tingling sensation on Chen Xuan's body made him afraid to stay here any longer.

That old man is so cunning, he will continue to stay here.

Maybe when the time comes, if you come back and kill yourself, you will be caught off guard and hurt others.

As soon as the hunter's wife heard that she was going to take out the reward, she immediately panicked and waved her hand quickly.

"Don't kill me. We called you in because you were pitiful. You didn't get any credit. This seems to be quite precious. You can put it away. We don't need these things."

But when Hunter's wife went to take action again, Cheng Xuan had disappeared into the house, leaving only the shining hairpin in his hand.

The hunter happened to go out hunting, and originally wanted to come back with some good things to replenish his supplies, but when he didn't see the person lying on the bed, he hurried to the kitchen with some doubts.

"Where is that person? Where is he?"

The hunter's wife told the hunter exactly what happened today and saw the pearl hairpin on the table.

He nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Forget it, that's what the brother meant, then just keep it. You see, you have been with me for so many years. Although you have been living in isolation from the world, you don't look like a woman at all. I have wronged you. Okay, let’s use this to make some jewelry and buy some clothes.”

Hunter's wife nodded, and the two looked into the distance happily.

Lin Yun finally reacted and crawled out of the water. He looked around and saw that the island where he had stayed before was still there. Others were smoking around him.

There wasn't even a living thing, and he couldn't hear any sound except the cold water lapping against the rocks.

He still doesn't believe in this evil. If he can't catch the kid now, he won't be named Lin. He only got this benefit after spending half the effort. He can't let it go.

"Chen Xuan, just wait for me. Don't wait for me to find you, otherwise I will cut you into pieces."

After it was finished, it flew out of the water and went to the dry place next to it.

As luck would have it, there was a farmer's family nearby. When he came to the hunter's side, he dragged a long figure in despair.

Seeing the hunter's wife, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed her collar and asked, "Have you ever seen a 20-year-old man passing here with serious injuries?"

Orion's wife had never seen such symptoms before. She was originally a member of the family, but she would have been frightened by this.

The hunter just came back from the mountain and saw his wife being knocked in the hand. He was naturally very angry and quickly dropped the thing in his hand and ran over.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Then Lin Yun regained some sense, put down the hunter's wife from his hands, and coughed.

"Sorry, I'm a little impulsive. I'm just a little anxious. The guy is seriously injured. If you are willing to tell me where he went, I will give you some money as a reward."

The hunter and his wife looked at each other, wasn't he Chen Xuan?

He didn't look like a good person, and the two of them couldn't tell the truth about him no matter what. Moreover, the old man didn't look like a good person, and they couldn't tell the truth.

"We don't know that my husband and I live here all year round and haven't seen anyone suspicious. However, this morning I saw a gray piece of clothing falling on the beach on the left. It should have gone from the right."

They didn't know where Chen Xuan went last, so they could only point in the direction at will.

But they also prayed in their hearts that Chen Xuan would not have an accident, because his injuries could not allow him to deal with such a strong man.

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