Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1944 The identities of the two people

"Why are you still standing there? Go check it out right here!" Seeing his men standing there motionless, he almost threw the teapot out of anger.

"We know, we'll go right away."

The two people who were ordered walked to the side in a hurry and quickened their pace.

How could they not want to find out about this? Of course there is nothing we can do now.

After all, Qin Yu's death was not caused by them, and they were even a little happy in their hearts.

As for this devil, except for protecting him, they may hate Qin Yu very much. Now that Qin Yu is dead, they may be very happy in their hearts, but who knows that this old man is actually so sad now.

I have never thought about whether the boy did something dirty during his lifetime and was recorded by someone. He only deserved what happened today, let alone others, who were doing harm to the people.

But obviously they couldn't say these words in front of the old man. They still went out to help according to the rules, and made a clear investigation. But as soon as they went out, they went directly to the nearby tavern.

Who will investigate this case? It can only be that person. They seem to admire the hero who killed Rao even though he deserved his death.

"I know you are thinking the same thing as me now. That kid 5 is doing random things, and this old man is protecting him. If he doesn't have some power, do you think we will take him seriously?"

The people who came out were shouting like this. It was impossible for them to help investigate this case. If they were to blame, it would be his own bad luck.

"Who isn't? This guy, let alone that hero. Even we want him to be cut into pieces, so that's all he can do. He deserves to die."

The two of them ate meat and drank wine, completely ignoring what happened before.

But then one of them suddenly put down his wine glass and said with some confusion.

"Then we are eating wine and meat here. What will the old man do when he investigates us?"

The other one waved his hand.

"Anyway, what we know is that this ancestor is causing trouble. If this old man really investigates, he will definitely know the truth of this matter. If we are really blamed, then his fate is obviously bad. I can't investigate anyway. , but that hero simply eliminates harm for the people.”

The two of them stopped thinking about this matter and accelerated their pace of eating wine and meat. However, they did not check the surface. Although they did not take Qin Yu's body with them when they returned, they also knew that they had to go to the scene to see it. one look.

Chen Xuan was sitting next to them, listening to the two of them, and couldn't help but pull up his clothes.

This may be the busiest street, but I didn't expect that all the people here would find it, but just listen to them.

This kid is very unpopular, so that’s fine, don’t worry about it.

Just when Chen Xuan was feeling frustrated, several men in official uniforms walked out from the side.

"Have you seen this person?"

Chen Xuan quickly pulled his clothes away, and then glanced slightly to the left. Isn't that him? How come these people have their own portraits and they are so clear.

"What's wrong? Brother, we don't know this person, but we seem to have seen him somewhere."

Everyone eating here seemed like this, which made Chen Xuan feel nervous for a moment.

"This is a criminal wanted by the government. I heard that two or three people were killed. I have been looking for him everywhere recently. I wonder if you have any impressions? If you have any impressions, report them and you will get a certain reward."

Wan Fengjun and Ling Chi looked at each other, then looked at Chen Xuan.

"Brother, where are you? Who have you offended again? Why have you made trouble with the government now? Let's take you to hide for now. This situation is a bit dangerous."

The three of them quietly left the inn, but they were all wondering about their portraits. Except for these two people, no one else knew whether they were hiding something from themselves.

Nothing, now I choose to give it a try. After all, the situation is special. If I don't test it out, I won't know if I will be caught.

"I'm afraid you two are deliberately trying to get this news out. No one else knows about my portrait except you. Even that, the family who came home today is probably so frightened that they can't describe it."

Ling Chi turned around when he heard this and looked at him with a puzzled expression, but he was somewhat interested.

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart. I've seen it all, but so what, what can you do to us? Even if you have outstanding abilities, you can't kill us, so you can only cooperate with us."

Chen Xuan was even more curious about why they wanted to cooperate with him, and why they had helped them with nice words at first, but now they were repaying the favor with the enemy.

The two looked at each other, but no one expected that Chen Xuan would think of their thoughts so quickly.

"I think you must be guessing how I know. Judging from the looks those people looked at you just now, it's obvious that other tables have asked, so why didn't our table ask? They just wanted to give me a reminder. "

Chen Xuan's analysis was very reasonable, which made the two of them a little embarrassed when they laughed. How could they forget this?

If I had known earlier, I would have asked that person to act more realistically, and then he would be able to pretend, but it is useless to think about it now, after all, it has been seen.

"I see that you are very worried, but since you helped me before, I won't pursue it anymore. But I'm a little curious about why you do this. You can't beat me in terms of martial arts, so why should you help them? ? This guy doesn’t look like a good person at first glance.”

Wan Fengjun just smiled faintly when he heard what he said, and then said coldly.

"There are so many things you don't know. You think it's as simple as yours."

Ling Chi quickly stopped him.

"Forget it, now that you've discovered it, say goodbye and hope we don't meet again, otherwise we will take your life if we meet again."

After that, the two of them walked away using Qinggong, leaving Chen Xuan alone in a daze. What was going on?

He was particularly curious about what the two Ran Di were doing. Even if they exposed it themselves, there was no need to do this. Or maybe they knew from the beginning that they would print the old man and get something later?

Qin Yu was just the person who came in later, but of course there is no use thinking about it now.

Chen Xuan doesn't know where to go now if he continues. If he walked forward, he might even attract enemies, but just when he was frustrated, suddenly an old woman fell down next to him.

He quickly walked over and helped the person up.

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