"Old man, are you okay?"

But no matter how he called the old man, he would not open his eyes and his breathing was very rapid.

Chen Xuan was a little anxious and quickly squatted down to take a look at the old man's injuries. But after a closer look, he found that the old man was in poor health and there was no one around him. How could there be an old man passing by in this desolate place.

Chen Xuan didn't care about anything else, and directly gave the elderly people the labor movement method, hoping to remove a little bit of the toxins from the elderly people's bodies, so that the elderly people could get better.

"Young man, please stop exerting yourself. I've been ill for many years. Just send me home. I'll take care of my sons and bury me properly. I won't waste any more money on a doctor. "

The old man suddenly woke up, which startled Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed and quickly helped the old man sit next to him.

"How could you say this to this old man? Life is not easy. It is his vision that should be cherished. And isn't it right for your children to spend money to treat you?"

When the old man heard this, it was nothing on the surface, but Chen Xuan saw something he shouldn't have seen. It seemed that the old man didn't want to mention his children. Did he do something he shouldn't have done?

Then the old man turned his head and looked at the four weeks, but there was still no one. He couldn't help showing a very painful expression and said lightly.

"Forget it, just leave me alone. It's no coincidence that I'm here. They brought me here just because they wanted me to die in the wild. This way they don't even have to leave the first-level straw mat. It saves so much effort." You go back first, thank you young man.”

How could Chen Xuan ignore this matter? He immediately took the old man and walked in another direction. Then Chen Xuan discovered the person following him.

"Since you have been following me for so long, how long will it take to come out?"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore. The old man's words sounded desolate. How could his children do such a thing?

Moreover, it is not easy for the elderly to raise their children, so they should fulfill their filial piety at this age.

Then he found someone following behind him, but if he looked carefully he couldn't see anyone, only the sound of footsteps not far or near. Chen Xuan was very sensitive, so he heard it.

"What are you waiting for if you haven't come out after such a long time?"

He originally thought it was some lawless people or robbers who followed him to seek wealth and death, but several people came out of the darkness.

Only then did he realize that the clothes of these people were somewhat similar to those of the old people. Even their faces and facial features had a bit of the old man's shadow.

"You must be the children of this old man. I don't know how you can be so cruel. The old man asked you to raise him, but you still want to leave him here. He is not in good health. Aren't you afraid of suffering if you do this? To condemn?"

When several people heard Chen Xuande's words, they couldn't help but leave. They came over to support the old man in their hands and looked at Chen Xuan warily.

"What do you know? You don't understand at all. We are doing this for the sake of our mother. Our family is already poor, and there are not many families like us in the village? What we do is considered good, and it is not like other people's I starve to death. Our family has a large population and it is not easy to find a wife. Now there is no good work for us to do. The whole family needs food and clothing. "

Another one who seemed to be this man's wife came out, with a look of hatred on his face.

"We never had a good meal or good clothes from our home to theirs. Every time the old woman got sick, we had to take care of her, and we spent a lot of money to hire a doctor so many times that we gave up. But we couldn't bear it. In the end, the family couldn't get rid of the problem, so we came up with this plan. You can't blame us. "

The woman's expression was very painful, and it didn't look fake. However, looking at the surrounding people, they looked like the other people before. They didn't come from a poor family. How could there be so many poor people here?

"I'm from out of town, so I don't know the situation here, but it's impossible for you to do this because I never had parents. I think you will definitely regret your behavior in the future. Being poor is like being poor. But I can’t afford to be poor and wronged Qiong’s wife. As a man, he should go out and fight hard. What’s the point of doing this?”

Chen Xuan planned to go to their side to see what was going on and avoid the limelight. The whole city must have known about the order given there, but there was a big difference between these rich areas and the poor areas.

"Take me back and have a look. What's going on there? In fact, I'm also curious about why you are poor."

Chen Xuanzhu saw the hesitant expressions on the three people's faces. It seemed that they were willing to take him on this journey. Chen Xuan still didn't know what he would see over there.

"You will know how poor we are by then. Now you can only see it on the surface. My mother and I have not eaten for 34 years. We eat bark and leaves and even go to the city to beg for food, people will drive us away, so We can't live at all."

The three of them took Chen Xuan to their village as they walked. Before entering the village, they saw some rotten wood. Unexpectedly, there were actually some people living there. There were men and women, old and young, who looked unhappy on their faces.

"Then why don't you grow your own crops and buy some food? Then you won't go hungry. Why are you like this?"

"Who doesn't want to buy some food to grow crops? But the good land around us has been taken away by the government. Where can we grow crops? The little land at the door is not enough for food. There are not only old people but also children at home. We can't let the children starve." The old lady couldn't help crying when she heard this. She didn't want to, but as the oldest person in the family, she should make some contributions and not let her grandson go hungry. "I understand all your things. I hope to help you, but I won't cause any trouble. I hope to use your village to avoid the limelight, but I can promise that I will get rid of poverty when I leave." Chen Xuan did it, but it depends on whether these people believe in him. "Son, I think this warrior is good. After all, I fainted on the road just now, and I was obviously dressed like a beggar. She was willing to help me up. His words don't seem to be false. Besides, we have nothing to deceive." The old lady said, and her son and daughter-in-law were considering it, but they also believed Chen Xuan.

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