The owner of the pawn shop was a little worried when he saw the unswerving expression on Chen Xuan's face, wondering whether he should lend out the money.

"Don't worry, as long as you lend me this money, I will never fail to pay it back. But if you don't lend me this money, I think I have illegal means to get this money, and it depends on your attitude between you."

The pawn shop owner thought that Chen Xuan was a person who could talk nicely, but when he heard what he said next, he was scared again.

"Brother, you have to use money. I don't have that much money here, so you shouldn't go to other places or you are a fugitive who wants to use things to frame us here. This is not the business."

Chen Xuan didn't want to hear what the boss was talking about, so he immediately took out something and threw it at the upright bead next to him. It suddenly shattered, and the boss showed a look of horror.

"Okay, okay, everyone, how much do you want to borrow? I don't have much here, and there are still some that others want to come and get, so I don't have much to give."

"I don't want too much. Give me 30 taels of gold. I will definitely pay it back to you within a month. But if I don't pay it back, you can keep my jade pendant and treat it as a roll of 30 taels of gold, which is the minimum amount of two gold coins."

The boss didn't expect such a beautiful job, but thinking about it, Chen Xuan didn't seem like the kind of person who lies. He nodded quickly and put the jade pendant away and put it in the bottom grid. If the jade pendant was lost, he would probably Taoism cannot reap the good fruits.

After Chen Xuan got the money, he went to other places in the nearby Bupi Village to buy small items. In fact, the 30 taels of silver were lighter than a feather to him, but it was different for the village.

You can't be too generous and let others think that you are a great Bodhisattva, and you may be sucked dry by them.

After buying these things, he also found two guys to carry them all across the village, because before he came, he had already gotten to know all the residents in the village. From old people to children, everyone had a role, and one person changed his clothes. I bought new clothes and bought a lot of food, and then I divided the odd money among the families.

It was considered that we could do some due diligence for the time being. Everyone knelt down to Chen Xuan like a living Bodhisattva.

"You are really our benefactor. It's just a pity. It's not a big deal for you to help us like this. It's impossible for us to eat like this. We also wanted to dismantle it or have a farmer do it, but the crops were all seized by the government. And the emperor doesn’t know about this at all, so you’re here, and I want to ask you to help us get justice.”

When Chen Xuan heard this and thought about it, it seemed that there was no way out, but he had nothing else to do now and could only nod in agreement.

"Look at what you want me to do or what I can do. If I can, I will try my best to help, but if not, you can't force it."

"Strong man, please rest assured. You only need to inquire about what has happened here in the past few years. I believe you will know clearly. If you are willing to help us, you must be a kind person, but there are so many of us who have no time, let alone Contend with the government."

The person who said this was the village chief who walked out with a cane and was a bit old. The clothes on his body were all patched and there was basically no good spot. The wrinkles on his face had almost covered his facial features.

"I think you know some special skills, warrior. We actually have a safe place in the village, but it's useless for all of us to take those things, and there are family members and children who can't even take the things out to show off."

After hearing the village chief's words, Chen Xuan knew that the village chief wanted to make a deal for him, but whether the deal was legal or not was another matter.

"As long as you are willing to help us uphold justice and get back the fertile land we deserve, we will definitely be grateful to you after we can farm it. Moreover, there are great treasures there, but we don't have the ability, and I heard there is a thousand-year-old dragon in it. "

The village chief gave them a piece of dragon pond two miles away from the village. There were often pitiful screams there, and they did not dare to go near it. There were also many herbs around it.

People in the village don't dare to go to the doctor even if they are sick. After all, they don't have money to hire a doctor. Sometimes they can only try to pick some herbs by themselves to cope with the problem.

"Village Chief, you are laughing. In fact, I don't need your baby at all now. It's just that I'm afraid that my ability won't be able to help you."

"But I think you must be capable. As long as you are willing to help us, you can get the things in that place with just a move of your fingers. Moreover, the dragon is seriously injured. As long as you find a way to help us when the time comes, we will Hand it over, I’ll tell you how to open the shackles of the evil dragon.”

Chen Xuan nodded and it seemed that this was a sure-profit business, although he didn't know what their motives were.

But Chen Xuan could see from their eyes that they really hoped to find something to do and didn't want to be as poor as they are now.

"Then I can only give it a try. Whether it works or not depends on your luck and my ability."

After that, they didn't think about the matter again. Chen Xuan originally wanted to ask people from the two villages to help him.

But looking at their simple origins and their skin, they look too much like locals.

If when the time comes to go out, people from the government will find out and be dragged down, so it is better to do it yourself.

"Sir, if you need anything, just ask. We will help you first if we can. But if nothing happens, you should rest early. I guess there will be bandits coming down the mountain in the next two days."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but mourn for them for a few seconds. How unlucky they were. They couldn't help but be searched by the government and suppressed by bandits. They were lucky to be alive.

"Let me first tell you that I will help you bind this matter. Isn't it a problem of fertile land? But these bandits have to hang out for a while, lest the fertile land will be taken care of by them when the time comes. Go, what’s the use of taking these things back?”

Everyone nodded. There was a bonfire party that night, which was probably the busiest night. They had a lot of chats before.

But who among us has the strength to go out? They just want to wait at home like this, and they may starve to death somewhere.

And now. The fire they burned outside attracted the attention of the local spinners on the mountain.

"Boss, look quickly. I don't want brothers to go down and take a look."

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