"I even wanted to go to the nearby villages to see what the villagers could have, and I just kept an eye on what they could have."

What the bandit leader saw was so wonderful that they couldn't figure it out. They had been to that village countless times.

"But I feel like this time it's different. You see, they seem to be holding something in their hands."

When the bandit leader heard this, he quickly kicked away. The bandits on the sentry post looked down and saw that it was true. Then they thoughtlessly prepared to go down and take a look.

Chen Xuan looked up and saw where the villagers and bandits were, looking at their dark group holding torches.

This is too fair, but it is normal that these villagers are unarmed, and it is impossible to deal with them and they have to be obedient.

"Since everyone is so motivated to survive, let's play a game this time, catch the turtle in the urn and catch him off guard. Since he is so good at looting our things, let's go see what valuables they have. Take what's yours and don't let it be robbed by these bandits."

When Chen Xuan heard about the village chief having bandits, he thought that the government did not want them to farm, but it was impossible for them to starve to death. After all, there were so many people in the village. If a village suddenly died and the government knew about it, the emperor would The other side knows that they can't bear it either.

So the only explanation this time is that other things were swallowed up by these bandits. This time we must catch these bandits, otherwise we will let these people run away, and then the situation will be even worse.

"You all take out all the useful things in the village. Although I can kill them all, I don't want to kill anyone this time. After all, there are other things about me that attract the attention of the government."

The villagers nodded when they heard Chen Xuan's words. In fact, they were not holding a bonfire party this time, but to attract the attention of the local textiles and catch them all. This was also Chengquan's purpose of holding this party.

The bandits walked down the mountain road. They saw a fire burning before they got here. As soon as Chao Ke walked down, he found that the fire here was actually extinguished. The bandit leader thought about an unnatural color.

"This time seems different from the previous times. Did they find out we were coming, so they went to bed?"

Several others also thought this was true. These villagers were unarmed and could threaten them with anything. As long as they had nothing but their underpants, they were given away.

"Okay, okay, let's just get some useful things this time. The government is squeezing us too hard now, so don't hurt people."

Chen Xuan heard these people's words while squatting on the big tree at the entrance of the village.

He also silently praised them. It seems that these people are not murderous bandits. They just want to get some money. I am afraid they were forced by the government to do local spinning.

Later, when they quietly entered the village, they discovered that it was indeed different from before. Every family in the village had turned off the oil lamps or candles.

It's just dark now and they must have been lighting oil lamps before changing.

Either I'll be doing needlework for a while, or I'm doing something else. It's absolutely impossible for me to get dark right now.

"You all split up and let me see if their families have gotten any valuable treasures recently. Didn't they all kneel on the ground and call grandpa and grandma before they hid as soon as we arrived?"

As soon as the order was given, everyone began to collect, but no matter how many items were collected, nothing useful was received in this room.

On the contrary, the fact that the family was so homeless made the bandit feel a little guilty, but when they were about to return, they were stopped by everyone.

Chen Xuan led the way and walked out.

"Where are my eldest brothers going? You just finished ransacking someone's house and you want to leave."

Chen Xuan's voice was very arrogant, and he also changed his clothes back to what he was wearing before.

The villagers looked a bit out of place standing here.

The bandits didn't react at first and didn't know what was going on, but after a while, the bandit leader seemed to see something fishy.

"Where did the inexplicable strong men come from? Do you want to fight against these people, or do you want to accuse us of doing something wrong?"

The bandit leader's words made Chen Xuan a little unhappy, although what they just said made him feel a little bit compassionate.

But now it seems that there is no need to change the angle at all.

Their behavior also indirectly caused these villagers to starve to death and die of poverty.

"If you can take back what you received, then let you take it back, and this village is up to you. If you can't take it back, then you have to take out all the things you searched for before, and I have the final say."

The bandits had seen many such chivalrous and righteous people, but in the end they were beaten away by them, so they simply called a few bandits on them without saying a word.

"Why are you still standing there? Show this ignorant guy who is really powerful and who is in charge here. Isn't it already clear?"

As soon as the bandits came up, Chen Xuan only moved two fingers, and several of them were left on the ground, crying for their fathers and mothers, in great pain.

The bandit leader didn't believe this evil, so he called a few more brothers, but when they came forward, they were still the same as the previous ones. Chen Xuan stood there without moving.

"How about you come up and try it yourself? I don't think your brothers have any abilities. On the contrary, I think they are too weak."

Chen Xuan's playful voice really made the bandit leader feel murderous for a moment.

He didn't want to kill people in the first place. These villagers were already poor enough. If it weren't for the fact that they suffered the same fate, he wouldn't have taken the path of a bandit. But now this man had to force him to do it.

He picked up his knife that could shine the light on a person's face and pounced on him.

"Since it's you who wants to die, don't blame me for being rude."

The villagers didn't say anything and kept watching. However, when they saw the bandit holding a big knife, they still broke into a cold sweat for Chen Xuan.

"Forget it, strong man. We really don't have anything good at home. Otherwise, we can just let them take it. Everyone will almost starve to death anyway."

The big cow who followed Chen Xuan into the city first, now has an angry look on his face. His wife is already dying. If Chen Xuan hadn't saved their lives with the things Chen Xuan took, they might not be alive now. They are not even breathing. It's all the same thing.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the knife had already rushed forward. Chen Xuan just gave way slightly, and the bandit jumped away. Chen Xuan raised his foot and kicked hard, and the bandit fell on Lin.

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