The county magistrate's face instantly turned blue and purple, which was really uncomfortable. The villagers heard that the originally bustling crowd had now returned to silence.

They said that the eunuch had always been a righteous man.

Even if he risked his life, he would not make conditions for them. Some people couldn't hold back their tears and actually shed tears of emotion.

The county magistrate thought that he would only mention something like protecting his family or not hurting these villagers, but he didn't expect Chen Xuan to ask for such a big mouth.

This was something the county magistrate didn't expect, but he was also thinking about whether Chen Xuan had the ability to go there and not die.

"It's not impossible for me to agree to these conditions, but can you ensure that when you go there, you won't be like the previous people and never come back?"

Chen Xuan didn't know where the county magistrate got the courage to say this to him. If he really went to the capital to talk to the emperor in a fake way, not only would he lose his treasure, but he might even lose his official hat.

"What do you think, County Magistrate? If you think that I am not in your impression, then you can just treat me as if I have never done anything, but don't think that I have nothing to do. Go to the capital to talk to the emperor. Maybe someone else will take your position." The County Magistrate stomped his feet after hearing this. "You are threatening me!" The county magistrate next to him pointed a knife at Chen Xuan when he heard this. The villagers kept it behind them. The benefactor was for them and they could not let the benefactor show it this time. Chen Xuan pushed the villagers away. "I am not threatening you. I am just talking about the facts. If you think I am threatening you, then I am threatening you. After all, what you have done over the years is not just bad for me. Everyone has seen it, right?" The County Magistrate didn't know what to say when he heard this. It is true that what he has done over the years is not very good, but the emperor is far away, who would care about him, a county magistrate in a poor mountainous area. "I'll give you a cup of tea to think about it. If you think it's not possible, then forget it. I will naturally use my means to seek justice for these villagers, but whether you can sit in this position as safely as you do now is not certain. I always pay attention to repaying kindness with enmity." The county magistrate was a little flustered when he heard this. Isn't this obviously threatening him? "I promise you, but how can you guarantee me that you can definitely bring back treasures and not get hurt when you come back from there!" In fact, this county magistrate is similar to a bandit, but he is just an official. None of the villagers have the power, so they can only let him control them. He is much more hateful than those bandits. "I can't guarantee this for you, but as long as I go, I will definitely come back. You don't plan to agree to the first condition for now, but you must give them their fields and open warehouses to donate food." The county magistrate nodded and agreed and immediately asked someone to do it. After all, they didn't know what kind of treasures there were in the back mountain, so the sooner they saw it, the better. "Mr. Chen, you are so kind. Thank you so much for doing so much for us. I will take two brothers with you!"

Da Niu and Wang San were almost moved to tears. Chen Xuan's behavior really made the villagers feel relieved and moved.

"The sky has eyes. After we have suffered for so many years, there is a man who is willing to save us from the water and fire. If there is a next life, I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay the benefactor."

When everyone said these words, there was some strange light in their eyes. Looking at Chen Xuan, they wanted to offer him in their hands.

Chen Xuan also asked everyone to be quiet. This time, doing this was actually a simple farewell to them. But then the county magistrate will have to write a letter of guarantee.

"County magistrate, since you have agreed, why don't you go back first, and come to me when you are ready tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

The county magistrate nodded, not expecting that he would be played by others

But now it is true, they have to go back and prepare some things.

They didn't know how dangerous the things over there were. They couldn't guarantee that they would be able to come back alive if Chen Xuan was alone.

"Then you should rest well in the next two days. Save your energy. We won't need you when the time comes. You are so weak. We don't have so much dry food for you."

After saying this, the county magistrate took a few people and left the village.

When he left, the villagers sighed, but their eyes were full of emotion.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Chen!"

The squad leader expressed his gratitude on behalf of everyone.

"Everyone, don't be like this. Since I have decided to help you, I will definitely help you to the end. If I limit him to do something this time, I can only ask him to write a letter of guarantee. In the end, you must send this letter of guarantee to the capital."

Chen Xuan was still worried that the county magistrate would be cunning and not keep his promise.

"My benefactor, please don't be so mean. As long as he is willing to return the fertile land to us, we will be satisfied and will not have any other excessive demands."

The villagers in this village are all simple-minded and will not think about anything else except those cunning thoughts.

Chen Xuan saw it clearly, but in the eyes of the villagers, the county magistrate is the same as them except that he is a little bit bad.

"Big brother, can you take me away? I really want to learn martial arts with you. My parents left me in this village to escape. Now I can only follow them, but I don't want to see the county magistrate's face again. I want to follow you to travel around!"

When Chen Xuan was preparing for the next thing, a young man suddenly walked out of the darkness. He was about fourteen or fifteen years old, but his eyes were very firm, and he conveyed the word "Sifang" with firmness and strength.

Seeing this, the village chief nodded quickly and pulled the young man over.

"Yes, my dear, Aaron grew up eating the food of hundreds of families. The village was originally poor, but everyone regarded him as their own child. He was also pitiful. He never knew who his parents were. It was us who drank water and drank water. If you don't mind, take him with you. This child is very smart, but we don't have money to hire a teacher. He still can't read."

Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed when he heard the village chief's words. He should be alone when he went out. If he had to take care of such a child, it would become a drag on him. Although he had ideas, he seemed ambitious.

"If you are willing to accept me as your disciple, I will definitely obey your orders in the future and will never go against your wishes. I will repay the village chief when I have the skills in a few years."

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